Saturday, July 27, 2024

Learners are govt’s trophy that has to be protected


ChChasefu District Education Board Secretary (DEBS ) Benny Ngoma has advised teachers in the area to self-disciplined and dedicated to duty. Dr Ngoma says teachers, especially newly recruited ones should show high levels of discipline and avoid sexual relationships with learners or else risk losing the their job.

The DEBS was speaking during a four-day teachers’ orientation meeting held at Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP) in Chasefu adding that learners are government’s trophy to protect.

“Learners are government trophy. And anyone who is playing with government trophy then you are on fire. Once you are found wanting it’s instant dismissal because a leaner has got two different stakeholders—a parent and the government,” Dr Ngoma said.

During the meeting attended by teachers from seven teaching zones of the district, the DEBS further challenged newly employed teachers in Chasefu to adhere to the code of ethics in accordance to the education system in Zambia.

Stressing that they must always be cautious about time management, avoid absenteeism, and dress decently, Dr. Ngoma maintained that teachers should be appropriately dressed to be good models to pupils.

“Dress code among teachers is so pathetic. A book on principles of education written by J.S. Tarrant says, and I quote, a teacher is a mirror of society If that claim is true, I expect teachers to dress appropriately, especially the male folk,” Dr Ngoma said.

He advised teachers not to put on jeans during working days and emphasised on male teachers wearing a necktie during working hours.

“If you are allergic to a necktie and you cannot put on it, submit your resignation letter because I will not allow finding a male teacher without a necktie,” he said.

And Education Human Resource Officer Darlington Phiri revealed that out of 473 teachers employed in Chasefu, 440 have received their salaries while 33 are not yet on payroll due to wrong personal data submitted, which he said will soon be rectified.

Meanwhile, Basic Education Teachers Union of Zambia (BETUZ) District Chairperson Getrude Mkhalipi urged teachers to join Unions of their choice, adding that the role of the union is to advocate for better conditions of service and bargaining on salary increments and other allowances.

Mrs. Mkhalipi however warned that no union will support teachers that will contravene the code of ethics.


  1. That is true. Any teacher trying to beat my child. I am not going to be happy with that. No abusing of children. Back in the days these teachers used to weep us and you had no say. Shame

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