Saturday, July 27, 2024

Leader of the opposition in Parliament accuse President Hakainde Hichilema of being Corrupt


Leader of the opposition in Parliament Hon Brian Mundubile has accused President Hakainde Hichilema of corruption in the awarding of contracts to companies that belong to his friends.

Speaking at a media briefing yesterday, Mr Mundubile said that if President Hakainde Hichilema called former president Edgar Lungu corrupt on allegations that he was giving contracts to his friends, he should say the same about himself now.

Hon Mundubile alleged that companies owned by friends of the Republican President are the ones getting government contracts through single sourcing.

“By the mere fact that the Auditor General did not sign those contracts when the President was in opposition, he campaigned vigorously that President Lungu was giving contracts to his friends. This was corruption. He called it corruption then, he should also call it corruption now,” he said.

“I want to call it corruption using his definition. Because if he is going to allow companies that are owed by his friends or indeed companies where he has interests, to be single sourced, everywhere. Talk of Mopani, KCM, Military Units, the same companies are doing work. What should we call it?”

Hon Mundubile said it is strange for the government whose leader claims to be fighting corruption to be single sourcing.

“And these particular contracts are not given out to public tender. So this is very strange for a man that has said he will fight corruption. We can’t turn Zambia into a private business. We want to call upon the President to resist the temptation of believing that Zambia is private business. Let the President understand that the way we run a business and the way a country is run are totally different,” he said.

“What we are seeing now is your friends and your companies being given business everyday through single sourcing. This is unacceptable. And we are going to call it out for what it is, this is corruption. And I hope that from here, the President and his handlers will sit down and reflect to ensure that if they are going to build confidence in the Zambian people, in the fight against corruption, we must see that political will.”

The Lawmaker added that “when any minister under the government of the saints is reported to have committed corruption, all the President does is pick up the phone and call that particular minister. And when the Minister refutes the allegation, it ends there because it is the government of saints.

“We have tried with my fellow lawyers and colleagues to try and find the law in the fight against corruption that provides for a mare phone call from the President asking the suspect and once he says no that’s the end. To this end we haven’t found it.”


  1. This single sourcing disease which reached pandemic proportions during PF rule, must come to an end. No matter how you want to justify it, it is still a source of suspicion & breeds unwarranted hatred. Just advertise everything. They will still be picked if they are the best in their business.

  2. This is one blind spot for corrupt and shrewd people. They only see corruption else where and leave theirs out. The same way the bible talks about seeing a speck in you friend’s eye when you have a log in yours. This is a typical example of why HH over rated himself he is just as corrupt if not worse than his fellow corrupt politicians. Surely anything that was corruption during the previous Govt. must be corruption even now. One biggest problem with HH is the high level of arrogance.

  3. It’ll be a very painful exit from power and it’ll be nasty because they shall use every trick and power to resist but when Zambians resolve to deal with somebody they do it resolutely.

  4. Corruption is just what it is:corruption.But the problem is your own fear or secrecy.Why dont you mention the companies single-souced that belong to HH’s friends so that we interogate further?…As for the pkone call..Just because you see a photo of minister Kakubo standing with some mongoloids holding a paperbag is not reason enough to institute investigations.The photo I saw was a still photogragh shot from afar and from one angle.You cannot start screaming “corruption” to high heaven over such a sill photogragh without sound and no visual of the contents,surely

    • Grant Thornton… one of them brother.

      HH cut his so called “business teeth” while working for this company. It was his association with Grant Thornton that made him money (or a millionaire that he is today) during the privatization program forced on us by the IMF/World Bank in the “DAWN” of the Chiluba Govt. And don’t think for a minute that he does not still have friends or special affinity towards his old pals at Grant Thornton. So please, interrogate that scenario further. The ball is in your court!

    • And if you want to understand why the FISP (the program meant to provide support to farmers) is in shambles right now, just interrogate the awarding of the contract to supply fertilizer and other farm inputs was done/sourced. It was singled sourced to one of Hakahinde political cronies who is now failing to fulfill his contractual obligations. Be worried for next year’s food security in Zambia. But that’s the kind of damage corruption can cause. Zambia has, for quite a prolonged period now, been good secure, but this now in doubt with this Govt. And the Agric Minister has been made into a fall-guy instead of laying the blame where it squarely belongs, Hakahinde’s corrupt tendencies!

  5. Unsubstantiated allegations by Mr Mundubile.
    Why not name these friends of HH or businesses?
    The PF strategy is to create a fake impression to the public that even the UPND is involved in corruption .
    THE UPND or HH are not corrupt.

    • One of he companies single-sourced is Grant Thornton where HH was Senior Managing Partner before he joined politics. One of his juniors at Grant Thornton, Dingani Banda, is now ZRA Commissioner General. Mwamvela bambo?

    • Oh pleas………

      Just because one one worked for a company , does not mean that company can’t be offered contracts……..

  6. This is a case of the PF financiers being starved of funds………..

    Pure and simple………..

    PF should wean them selves off public GRZ contracts and reliy on membership fees…….

  7. The UNPD GRZ is financially crippling PF , who…………..

    Relied of GRZ contracts and bribes………..

    Being in opposition and thriving is only for the Hardy………..

  8. The strong business people in PF with genuine business have to step up and bankroll their party…………….

    Not the likes of CK who boasts about how many cars he has, I mean real business men who can survive without GRZ contracts…………..

    But they all know, this is risky and like throwing good money away because HH is very good at economics and financial prudence………

  9. Ba Mundubile is now talking to get attention, we know he is vying for PF President, so what makes you think he means what he is talking about? This is talk for nothing, revenge talk. For one, he is contradicting himself and also confirming that what Lungu was alleged to be doing was corruption. So he is now acknowledging that PF was corrupt.
    Dull politicians……so he is copying HH blueprint, thinking he can win PF back to power? Clearly,HH is 2 steps ahead, these PF Presidential Candidates are no match to HH. They can’t think of their own strategy but copying HH, and proudly touting it.
    He can’t even name those HH friends, because he knows its just blowing IFISUSHI.

    • They can not even present debates concisely…you need to change the rules regarding single sourcing which they relied on themselves instead of just barking as ACC can not do anything especially if emergence single sourcing is applied.

  10. The problem with PF is their front people are in no position to talk about corruption they are all stained I mean even this Brian Mundubile was at one time business partners with Faith Musonda who found with cash in bags at her house. PF need a new fresh President right now not these chaps in the photo..get people like former Kitwe Mayor not these political dinasaurs and chancers like BUFFOON CK, Emmanuel Mwamba and Miles Sampa

    • We can’t turn Zambia into a private business. We can’t turn Zambia into a private business. We can’t turn Zambia into a private business. Too late HH has already turned it into a private business. That is why he doesnt even stay in State House. He keeps all private documents in his house. How are you going to retrieve them when he leaves office?

  11. When our president was in Egypt for Cop27, it was said he is our Chief Marketing Officer. At some point last year, he was referred to as Zambia’s Chief Executive Officer.
    When you have a business mogul for republican president, it is easy to think you are a CEO and the cabinet is your workers. The general citizens are garden boys and nuns. You wield so much power. All, including tenders, revolve around you

  12. Someone said that HH is a rich man so he cannot etc etc etc….who is richer Glencore or Hakainde? Glencore are busy wheel dealing and bribing countries and individuals.

  13. All Zambian politicians are thieves and corrupt. The all have very poor backgrounds. They go around with accusations to win support from port Zambians. Once the come in power, they tend on to steal and to Erich their families. And my message to Edigar Lungu is should he want to stand for elections again, he should this time convince Zambians as to which villagein Zambia he comes from? Or he should go back to Malawi to again apply for Zambian new registration card and Zambian citizenship. Over HH, his conning and these is in his blood. Inwisselen he could re-invest the stollen money to the Copperbelt that he impoverished.

  14. Mr Yambayamba (4.1)(4.2) Granted that Grant Thornton is one of the auditors.Explain to me were you see the corruptin,brother.And dont mention conflict of interest,,,,As for FISP shambles? please take care of yourself to witness those shambles next harvests

  15. General Kanene.Retrevie the posts by Deja Vu.He started this.He usually posts incoherent things but very good at insults.He must upgrade his posts if he wants to engage some serious bloggers

  16. [email protected] Do you know how those people who roam the streets in tatters perceive normal people? They think we are mad because we waste too much town bathing and dressing in well pressed clothes.
    I don’t write incoherent posts. I am not ashamed to pile praise on myself as a coherent contributor to LT.
    Your HH was arrested for interfering with the presidential motorcade and you still insist there was nothing wrong with that(interfering). I challenge you
    to drive by Mr Hikaindes motorcade to prove that this not a crime……before you call this incoherent, I am giving this as an example of your imbecility. Keep your wishes to yourself because I don’t intracract with people who don’t have the capacity to discuss issues without using bad language. Call me when you stop wearing…

    • Deja Vu – Please lets not give flawed examples that an honest High court Judge can easily throw out of his/her court….I mean if I am already on a narrow road in a convoy of 50 vehicles with hundred supporters heading to point B from A and Presidential motorcade comes along which has gone against advice of its OP secruity comes from behind on the same dusty bumpy road from behind my motorcade …who is interfering and putting lives of hundreds of citzens’ lives at risk? How is that a treasonable offence and why arrest me I am not the driver? At minmum its my Driver who should be charged with a traffic offence? This is why you were involved in a hit and run..and did a runner only for the third party to sue you in court…you are the last person who should be giving traffic offence…

    • Tarino Orange@ 19.3. Simple, when you come to Zambia just come and show us in practice…..only then will I agree with you.

    • Tarino Orange have you noticed that I don’t respond to your postings. If I visit a friend but he doesn’t make an effort to visit me , I simply stop visiting him. Why don’t you do the same. Stay off my property.

    • David Kaunda – The problem we have with opposition even when PF was ruling party is how the tackle issues instead of blocking off that loop hole that leads to products or services being single sourced…PF are well aware of it especially in Pharmastical sector I mean even pain killer tablets were single sourced.

  17. Ati because HH one worked for grant Thornton………….

    It must be corruption if they are awarded a contract…………….

    That’s like saying because one went to UNZA , they can’t be awarded consultancy jobs ?????

  18. The problem with most politicians in Zambia, is that they do not know the historical background of our political system how it ought to be run.
    When we get into Government, nishi liapuma. Yes, lets laugh at our own hypocrisy which could very well damage the good running of our Government.
    All the political Parties since 1991 have done little for Zambia to completely change to Multi-Party System. It is a pity that we are all operating as One Party System.
    It is important to realise that the Zambian Government should be run as that of the United states of America. Failure to do that, Zambia will continue being run as a One Party System under the disguise of Multi-Party System. Our MPS will continue being used to run our Government as a OPS.
    We must swallow our pride and do what is…

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