Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Energy Minister says current power outages due to ZESCO’s dilapidated infrastructure


Energy Minister Peter Kapala says the current power outages being experienced in some parts of Lusaka is because of ZESCO dilapidated infrastructure and not load shedding.

Mr. Kapala explained that the low water levels at the Kariba Dam have had no impact on power generation and it is therefore wrong to suggest that the current power outages being experienced is load shedding.

He added that ZESCO infrastructure is currently strained but has assured that once the new ZESCO charges are approved, infrastructure will improve and power outages will be curbed.

“This will allow ZESCO to buy new equipment to improve on service delivery because the power utility will have liquidity,” Mr. Kapala said

Meanwhile, the government has refuted that they have approved the revised ZESCO connection fees.

Mr. Kapala has clarified that contrary to speculations that the Energy Regulation Board –ERB-has approved the revised connection fees that ZESCO had applied for, the proposed adjustments are yet to be approved.

Mr. Kapala said that the Energy Regulation Board has however added its input to the proposed fees made by ZESCO and recommendations have since been submitted to his ministry.

“Cabinet is yet to look at these recommendations made by the ERB and expects the revised fees to come into effect by 1st January 2023,” he said

The Minister disclosed that revising the connection fees is necessary in order to catch up with the current cost of materials and labour especially that these fees were last revised in 2015 and are therefore not cost effective.


  1. Why are all the stories about ZESCO negative? So you mean, Zambia has had governments for 58 years and yet nothing ever gets invested in? Beans.

  2. This government is looking for every excuse in the book to increase everything. They are there to meet IMF conditions. Contrary to their campagn promises, mealie meal is now at k175 per 25kg bag, fuel at k24 per litre, fertilizer at k1200 per 50kg bag and farming input are still on the mid november.

  3. The problem with Zesco is Zesco. I hope Kapala won’t end up being Minister of Zesco, there’s more to energy than Zesco. It’s only Robinsion Mwansa who tried to run Zesco efficiently, Cyprian Chitundu tried but that buffoon hounded him out. The rate at which we’re going, the Up & Down party might just create an excuse to sell it to their friends

  4. Iwe Kapala , just confirm…….Ni load shedding. And we shall be with it for the next one year at least.
    If you want to increase the rates to please your masters, IMF just do so. Nipano tuli.

  5. Ati out dated equipment. In the meantime , Zesco provided a private home in new Kasama with state of the art equipment to avert load shedding.

  6. Awe, we are not buying this! how many times have we heard that money has been invested to increase and improve power generation? You even blamed not having enough water at one point. What happened to the nuclear power project? Did we not invest in new hydro power stations or are you saying the contractors installed old equipment? People should be sent to prison for taking the Zambian people for a ride.

    • ZESCO commences importation of 148 megawatts from Mozambique
      September 10, 2015
      ZESCO has officially started the importation of 148 megawatts from Mozambique which is set to cushion the current power deficit currently being experienced.
      This followed an announcement on Monday by acting Chief Government spokesperson Vincent Mwale that the power utility firm would begin getting power from Aggreko Power Plants based on the Port of Beira.

      Mr Mwale told journalists on Monday after the 18th Cabinet meeting at State House that the importation of power is one of several government interventions aimed at mitigating the power outages.

      The country currently has a power deficit of 560 megawatts which has arisen due to unprecedented reduced water levels at Kariba Dam.
      ……end of quote

  7. Wena mambala Kapala, why does your mouth look like a ZESCO dilapidated infrastructure! dId you by any chance kiss Prof. Lunyokaulile on her rotten genitalia whence red-red pa kamulomo like that!

  8. During PF it was negligence, this time in UPND it is dilapidated infrastructure.When was it dilapidated? kkkkkk stop joking and do what is suppose to be done.Too much talking in UPND but no action why? Time to deliver is now, time is ticking stop politicking and just be serious and do your asignment period.

  9. That’s political crookedness over power starts: deliberate power outages to hide power diversion sold to other countries!
    Reality check has downed on them that they need all means of income to sustain ambitious expenditure.
    Hope the ambitious budget is not for political expediency!

  10. The problem with lying is that you have to tell another lie in order to cover up the first one.
    You told the nation that low water levels in the dams will not result in load shedding. Meanwhile, you are heavily exporting power and zesco simply can’t manage.
    So now you have to invent another story about dilapidated infrastructure.
    Why not just tell the truth?

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