Saturday, July 27, 2024

No scheme by anyone will prevent me from standing as PF President, I qualify 100%


By Miles B. Sampa, MP

I am still out of the country on Africa Union election monitoring duties but audio has been brought to my attention where a Mr Chilufya Tayali President of EPP has mentioned my name several times claiming that I do not qualify for the PF Presidency because I have not been a member for the last 5 years. He also mentioned the name of one of the 9 applicants that he is supporting.

President Tayali seems to have a lot of PF inner circle privileged information and now has alerted us to what has been schemes behind closed doors. To those he may have misled or those that may have misled Mr Tayali, I was a member of PF from its formation by its founding father Michael Chilufya Sata in 2001.

Upon his death in 2014, succession conflicts arose after the two parallel General conferences held in Kabwe. The High Court and now Constitutional court Judge Mulenga Mungeni and Supreme court led by then Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda ruled against the general conference that had elected me as PF President.

I retreated but later got pushed or frustrated out and proceeded to form a party we named Democratic Patriotic Front (DPF). It was how we got deregistered by then Home Affairs Minister. I stayed partless until late 2016 when I wrote to the PF SG office advising that I had decided to rejoin the club (PF) which was home to me.

In 2017 the then SG Davies Mwila summoned me to the PF secretariat for a welcoming public ceremony. In 2018 the PF adopted me to stand as its Lusaka mayoral candidate. In 2021 the PF adopted me to stand as its Matero constituency MP candidate.

As PF has no membership cards and joining or disjoining is voluntary by public acclamation, I returned to PF in 2016 and we are in 2022 whereas the general conference will be in 2023.
2016 – 2022 = 6 years
2016 -2023 = 7 years

So whichever maths President Chilufya Tayali wants to use, it will show that l have been back in PF atleast for last 5 years. I therefore more than qualify to stand as PF President and I am standing. “ No piece of paper” or scheme by anyone or groups of people will stop me.
I am also against anyone of the candidates being prevented from standing by any technicality.

Let bonafide PF officials or grassroot in the structure have the pleasure to freely choose who they want as their leader. Imposing anyone on them will not do and I am very certain that themselves will not condone it.

In latin it is said “ Vox Populi; Vox Dei” (the voice of the people; is the voice of God).

Let the people exercise their right to voice out who they want. Boardroom tactics won’t work atleast not this time around.

Let those who still wish to apply to stand also go ahead between now and the congress. The more the better for our party officials so they have a wider choice.

Muyopa chani. Finshi muletina. What are you fearing to scheme to target and disqualify me and selected others. Tamwaipule. Your scheme will fail and I will stand come March 2023.

Again I think President Tayali for revealing what those scared of free and fair intra party elections have been scheming. Baicheme while they can before we start exposing and deal with them one by one. We are 5 steps ahead of them and they won’t catch up. Mwatwangasha pafula.

To our supporters in all the 10 provinces in the party structures, please spread the word above that Miles Sampa is definitely standing and no human being or ‘any piece of paper’ will stop him. I get your numerous inquiries on when I will visit you and be assured that it will very soon. I look forward to reunite in person with each one of you.

Together We Can

Miles Bwalya Sampa
Matero MP & PF Presidential candidate
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, West Africa
Tuesday 22nd November, 2022


    • The first cut is the deepest, has hyena Chilufya Tayali’s “PF corruption infection” reached a critical stage.
      Watch on YouTube;
      – GBM’s Recorded Conversation with Zambian Voice Chilufya Tayali
      – Mr Chilufya Tayali is being threatened by Pf

  1. Pls stop giving credence to *****s like Chilufya Tayali by addressing him as ‘ President Tayali’… that fool doesn’t deserve any recognition not even fr his own dog!

  2. If a man runs naked and the bab00ns scream, is he mad? If you can decipher that proverb you will get my point.

    It is good to be back after a long break dealing with a number of contentious court cases.

  3. If a man runs naked and the bab00ns scream, is he mad? If you can decipher that proverb you will get my point.

    It is good to be back after a long break dealing with a number of contentious court cases. X

  4. Miles is a coward and untrustworthy …these chaps have no principles..he couldnt stand up for the people of Lusaka when he was Mayor as it would ruin his chances to be adopted what more President. Let the man continue womanising and breeding kids like rabbits.

  5. Article 52 states of the PF constitution states:

    (10) A member of the Party shall not be qualified as a candidate for the office of the President of the Party unless he has been a member of the Party for five (5) years immediately preceding the nomination and he is qualified under the Constitution of Zambia for election to the office of the President of Zambia.

  6. My understanding is that when one’s nomination papers and fee are accepted then that person qualifies. If any of the candidates didn’t qualify then why wasn’t that dealt with at nomination? Such machinations are likely to divide the PF. This is what I meant when I said PF is likely to fragment into 8 or more smaller units after their convention

  7. Miles did not deliver the free internet for the Lusaka city he promised which he campaigned on before becoming mayor, however he comes from PF so his non delivery is consistent with the PF party policy, remember more money in your pockets in 90 days campaign which resulted into zero delivery for 10 years, remember more jobs which resulted into more unemployment. However, he is the best among the worst, i will give him the vote

  8. Why do Zambian politicians over rate themselves so much, do all these PF Presidential candidates think any Zambian can wake up to go and vote for them in an election, together with the other one-man parties. Let us be serious. And all the candidates for PF Presidency are from one province, what cheek? And very weak candidates both as individuals and combined. You should have heard the attacks if it was another party behaving in such a strange manner

  9. I sometimes really doubt Miles Sampa is normal. I mean, the way he carries himself, his facial gesturing and pronouncements all point to someone not mentally stable. It’s something that seems to be synonymous with these Bisas from Mpika like Sata was, they are all mentally disturbed and always want to be presidents. And if precedent is anything to go by, all parties in Zambia once they lose power die. Maybe Chimbwili, GBM and Sampa have a remedy to reverse this well-established trend. Just look how the chap is also signing off from Malabo Equitorial Guinea where he is wasting time monitoring elections whose results are already pre-determined with that heinous president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo winning by 100%. Any one who goes to Malabo to give credence to such a stinking charade is…

  10. Under an article like this one, just how the hell is Chimbwili Kashimba going to qualify! His degree too is honorary, not academically acquired as is required for all running for republican president, the guy just does not qualify, plain and simple. Just watch when he is told ZWAAA, the sugar levels in that the ‘bumbwete bwa kanyikuta” will explode to calamitous levels, awa, mutu konji ainyelele mwa siziba!

  11. Even those people from UNZA, once they join PF, ah! “ni kaya chabe mwe”. Miles Sampa, Edith Nawakwi(She used to be a very vibrant,futuristic & sober politician) but at her now? Even Jean Kapata/Emerine Kabanshi can talk more sense than Nawakwi this time around. Look at Mulenga Sata-Same as Miles Sampa ,no vision no direction-floping & wallowing all over Lusaka.No future whatsoever! GBM was a great Businessman,not untill he Joined PF to start stealing from the Ministry of Defence, Look at Canicius Banda ,great Doctor but once he joined PF,his articles changed from Medical & Constructive ones to talking about Kondolo and Mwanja being a healthy product to eat, to an extent of filming himself eating Kandolo to convice the public to stop complaining about Hunger against the PF. How foolish…

  12. The reason why political parties go in oblivion is lack of internal democracy. No leader allows aspirations from members. Lungu couldn’t allow even the holding of a convention to discuss party affairs…..the current Upnd leader is completely untouchable. If he dies it will leave the party roaming like a headless chicken

  13. I personally like miles sampa………..

    He is a political maverick who knows how to connect with the people………..

    He is the best PF have.

  14. Welcome friend Kaizar Zulu. Where you still cleaning toilets in UK as as diaspora. Pleas this time try tame your friend Bowman. Next time take with. In UK they need more toilet cleaners.

  15. My word to PF remain intact and never again divide this party because this is the only hope for zambian oppostion which can bring checks and balances.To those that are standing put mother zambia at first and not self,and i would like to advice you PF to be united.United you stand and divided you fall,dont you ever again repeat that nosence you did that time the founding father of PF died.STOP STOP STOP and bahave yourselves.And remember God has already appointed who He want to lead PF.

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