Saturday, July 27, 2024

Give Chipenzi a Chance, MPs Urged


Governance Activist Isaac Mwanza has urged Members of Parliament to give McDonald Chipenzi and Mwangala Zaloumis a chance to preside over the affairs of the Electoral Commission of Zambia and prove themselves.

Mr Mwanza said he will write to Parliament and appear before a Parliamentary Committee to support the ratification of Mr Chipenzi and Mrs Zaloumis in spite of the divided social media opinion over their appointment.

“Mr Chipenzi has immensely contributed to the growth of our democratic culture by offering dissenting opinions which, at times, has mistakenly been construed as partisan but such opinions and the tolerance the previous regime exercised towards his statements are what has kept our nascent democracy to keep growing,” he said.

He said the fact that Mr Chipenzi had been consistent in his criticism against the injustices perpetrated by Commission in the past, the appointment makes him a good candidate to remedy the injustices the Commission has been committing and continues to commit.

“In the last regime, we have had examples of persons such as lawyer Kelvin Fube Bwalya who had previously been inclined to the Patriotic Front and were appointed to various Commissions but they still went ahead to perform their duties diligently and remained critical against those who appointed them,” he said

Mr Mwanza has since encouraged President Hichilema to demonstrate that his appointments are meritorious and part of the process of promoting national unity and healing by widening his appointments to Zambians from all regions who are committed to providing a service to this country without looking at political affiliations or inclinations.


  1. Chipenzi’s criticism of the commission was based on his desire to see them rule a certain way.
    His recent take on the by-elections whic by elections had several constitutional violations show his political leanings, he has also stated that he will now no longer be partisan.
    I remain unconvinced that Chipenzi will act with intergrity and honour. He will most likely extend his views with government backing.

  2. That’s why I don’t like you Mwanza. I would choose Nthewewe over you because he is more radical. Chipanzee doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near ECZ

  3. No chance please our members of parliament help us bring sanity to our country this not what majority Zambians who voted expected from HH

  4. chimpanzee is very bad hearted…we all know that he has been a upnd cadre for a very long time…what happened in kwacha and kabushi by elections! Who is the main actor! Chimpanzee is wicked

  5. This call is misplaced, just like that by Nervers Mumba. If Chipenzi is given chance it’ll be an assault on the principal of Parliamentary rectification. MPs must not ratify Chipenzi to send a strong message to the appointing authority that he must control his desire for useless appointments. It must also remind those that desire to serve in public institutions that they must meet certain standards to qualify. Some appointments are embarrassing

  6. Giving a carder a chance kkkkkkkk crazy, so now that he has been given a position by the appointing master what will happen to GEARS? ati we shall not give jobs to carders

  7. mmmmm kkkkk look what is happening in parliament,we are destroying our country slowly and something must be done before it is too late.Abash dictetor tencies.

  8. mmmmm kkkkk look what is happening in parliament,we are destroying our country slowly and something must be done before it is too late.Abash dictetor tendacies.

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