Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Government waiver of Visa fees elates tourism stakeholders


Stakeholders in the tourism sector have praised Government for waiving Visa fees required for ttourists coming into the country for some countries describing the move as a game – changer in enhancing economic development.

Livingstone Tourism Association Chairman, Hilary Kashempa observes that both the waiver and easing of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions will record a huge increase in tourist arrivals.

Mr Kashempa said this in an interview in Livingstone that the tourism industry is expecting more jobs to be created for the people and growth in the Gross Domestic Product.

“Following Government’s waiver in Visas for Tourists from United Kingdom, United States of America among other countries, the tourism sector is expected to see a rise in economic activities in the Tourist Capital Livingstone and the Country at large,” he said

And Mukuni Park Curio Market Association Secretary, Titus Siachibuye also observed that easing of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions has resulted in the boom in business activities.

Meanwhile, a tourist from the United States of America, Terri Coon has praised Government for the removal of Visa fees on tourists coming in the country, adding that the move will boost an increase in arrivals.

“The removal of Visas is indeed a game -changer for the tourism sector in the country and no doubt Zambia stands to benefit from the economic turn around,” she said.

Coon said Zambia is endowed with tourism potential which need to be sampled by visitors from across the globe saying a waiver will maximise the tourism industry for the betterment of the Zambian people.


  1. This is just on paper and not being implemented. Immigration are still charging visa fees on arrival to tourists arriving from those countries at the airports.

  2. This is a very farkinf stupid decision. You telling me that low visa fee will incentivize tourists paying thousands of dollars for their holidays

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