Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia receives 77 million Euros support from Germany


Germany has given Zambia 77 million Euros for technical cooperation for the year 2023 to 2024 period.

The agreement was signed on November 25, 2022 by Secretary to the Treasury Felix Nkulukusa on behalf of Zambia.

The funding comprises 41 million Euros for financial cooperation projects and 36 million Euros for technical cooperation projects.

Speaking after the signing ceremony, Mr Nkulukusa assured the Germany Federal Government that the financial resources committed to Zambia will be put to good use.

He listed some of the sectors that are expected to benefit from the funding include water, agriculture, good financial governance, nutrition and the energy sector.

And Germany’s Head of Division Southern Africa at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Alois Schneider assured that his government will remain a reliable partner for Zambia.

Mr Schneider was happy with the negotiations which he said were held in a very constructive and trustworthy atmosphere.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by Zambia’s First Secretary for Press in Berlin, Germany Lubinda Kashewe.


  1. Colonisation.
    The west wants to reap our assets as well as force their degenerate lack of morals down our throat using these fake donations.
    We really need to be careful. We cannot sale our soul for a loaf of bread.
    Homos*xuality and transgender philosophy is a pervasion of nature. An abomination!

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