Saturday, July 27, 2024

Churches Advised To Be Neutral When Giving Comments – Bishop Masupa


Independent Churches of Zambia President Bishop David Masupa has advised the church not to comment on political arrest before getting more information and establishing the main reasons that led to the arrest.

Bishop Masupa explained that there are oversight institutions that go by the statutes of the country and have been given a mandate through Parliament to act arbitrary independent, thus the church cannot make comments on most of these cases because the background for example of how those arrests were being conducted needs to be established, adding that the church commenting on certain arrests and issues without first gathering more information, will mean that they are commenting ignorantly.

He questioned as to why trials do not commence if indeed these arrests are really genuine and are not politically inclined, adding that if it is perceived by the members of the public that these arrests are politically motivated, then they should be able to come forward and produce evidence and bring forth witnesses to back up their claims.
“The Police are to blame for not doing their homework, and the Anti-Corruption Commission should probably before these arrests are instituted they should be ready to secure a conviction,” he said

“The church can’t just comment each time a person is arrested because institutions that conduct these arrests have constitutional mandates to arrest people where they suspect a crime to have been committed,” he added

Speaking in a interview on Millennium TV, Bishop Masupa mentioned that the role of the clergy is to promote good democratic governance by preaching about fairness in the dealing of these cases, and ensure that the government is urged that when a crime has been committed, then the law should be blind at that particular time, as it doesn’t matter in which period that crime has been committed.

“It would be very hypocritical if there is an invisible hand that is behind these arrests, but the church will always stand neutral and we will always be able to condemn that kind of a move, as the church would not be in the right position if they continue acting based on rumours,” he noted

He added that any person who feels that they have been wrongly arrested, they have the right to sue the government thus, being compensated.

Bishop Masupa stated that the things that should be talked about are, why trials are not taking place to its fullest, where in most cases Judges and Magistrates state that they will dismiss cases if one is not ready to commence with them, adding that the church in this situation the church blames the oversight institutions such as ACC, and the DEC or not preparing themselves for these trials and this should stop them from conducting premature arrests.

He noted that the church has played a significant role in ensuring that there is political, social, and economic order in Zambia, as it is a christian spiritual institution that has had a say in the public affairs of the zambians and their voice to date is still active.

“It is perceived in this nation that if the church don’t criticise the government and agigate for civil strife or influence a social disorder especially when the government is ill performing at a particular time, then the church has gone to sleep and not playing its cardinal role,” he said

Bishop Masupa explained that the monumental role of the church is to ensure that it gives prophetic and spiritual guidance pressing on the good moral values of the Bible, as the preamble of the constitution which is the fundamental law of the country has stipulated that Zambia is a christain nation, and this is the more reason why the church should come in at every given time to provide checks and balances as to whether the governance system at that particular time is in line with Article 8 which talks about national principles and values of the country.


  1. Since the advent of the UPND government, ZP, ACC and especially the DEC have behaved in a very queer manner that there’s no doubt that most of the recent arrests are politically motivated. They’ve also developed an increased urge for publicity. For example, we were told that Bowman Chilosha Lusambo illegally possessed 49 houses but so far only one has been seized without a court order and that’s the house in which he used to reside. So we can’t be blamed if we think that Lusambo is being punished for being vocal especially against the Great Leader

  2. This so called Bishop must re examine himself. What is there to find out when someone is jailed for simply saying that the Republican president is not a Christian….does one need to go to university to see that this abuse of power?

  3. I concur. If I said HH isn’t a moslem it would not be considered defamation by Kajoba. So what makes “HH is not a Christian” defamatory?
    And our lawyers have decided to leave such a big legal blunder in our precedents?
    Doesn’t Zambia have probono lawyers for just such issues?
    LAZ has taken a nap while an innocent man is in jail? Gay fighting diplomats can’t say a word for freedom of speech? MISA, PAZA are docilely sitting on the fence? The loud Socialist party with a pseudo member who owns The Mast is dozing?And this is called a democracy?

  4. Look whose talking. The one who was busy praising MMD when he used to enjoy with them. Now upnd doesn’t recognize them so they are saying churches should be neutral.

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