Saturday, July 27, 2024

We are in a Leadership Crisis


By Abraham Alinaswe Simpamba

Zambia is not personal to the holder, it is a sovereign state hence there is no monopoly of wisdom and knowledge it calls for concerted efforts to govern in order to develop this great nation and not a one-man show or a business entity aiming to make profits.

It’s been a year, and some months now Mr President and you have confirmed that one year is enough to make progress and threaten those in the system to have them replaced, citing that they are frustrating the process.

One thing you must understand is that, the moment you took the oath of office you told the country that you have inherited an empty coffer. Hence, the big question begs an answer. How many international trips have you undertaken so far and at what cost? With a view that you are marketing Zambia as if Zambia is a new country which is not known, yet the country has been in existence for 58 years now.

While the country is still grappling with so many challenges, for one year now without progress to uplift the social welfare and living standards at the list in one year we would have seen some improvements in some of the areas below;

  1. In the health sector, where there is no Medicine and the situation is getting worse every day.
  2. The high cost of living.
  3. Agriculture sector farmers are not getting enough farming inputs starting from last year’s farming season.
  4. Energy sector where we have been slapped on our faces with high fuel prices and electricity tariffs, and pending load-shading which was claimed to have finished in one year.
  5. The highly pronounced 25.7 million CDF has no effect on the ground.

Looking at, the above hardships, your excellence how do you expect the system to respond because those people in the system are not immune to the hardships above? Or maybe those in the system are the ones influencing the monthly fuel pump price hike and the high price of farming inputs and other commodities on the market?

The introduction of free education and making desks in schools also the employment of civil servants it’s a good thing but does not mean you have given the Zambians all that it takes for us to survive. Moreover, when you talk about free education I could roughly say 80% of the people in urban setups are taking their children to private schools meaning they are not beneficiaries hence the high cost of living is affecting everyone.

What we need is to revamp the private sector which is the major employer because it plays a major role to build the economy unlike what you have done to give tax holidays to mining firms because whatever little we used to realize it was important to the growth of our country’s economy.

Hence blaming and holding those in the system accountable that the system is not responding simply shows that you are lacking what it takes to take this country to higher, highest. And the question is, why can’t Zambians hold you accountable as well? Because you are the CEO of this great nation mother Zambia to me it’s like you are the one who’s failing the system with your excellence.


  1. We have said it before and will say it again, only state farms swallowing the huge army of unemployed youths sorts out Zambia’s economic challenges. Anything else like recruitment of a paltry 30,000 teachers, 11,000 health workers, and some army personnel does not sort out Zambia’s economic problems, this is not even a drop in the ocean this is just vapour. Industrialization won’t happen overnight to sort out the biggest problem Zambia has ever had called unemployment. State farms in all provinces guarantees food security, brings in foreign exchange as there is world grain shortage due the war in Ukraine. If 100,000 youths are taken in these state farms as accountants, marketers, agriculturalists, carpenters, purchasing and supply staff, you instantly have 1 million people employed,…

  2. A Leader who will come and crack the humongous unemployment issue in Zambia will be the most successful one. Don’t mislead people that they can be self-employed in the absence of a conducive environment. Who told you cooperatives will take this country out of its doldrums, stop dreaming

    • When politicians say that they are trying to escape the responsibility of job creation. They forget that even after you teach the population to employ itself you still carry the responsibility of creating an environment suitable for self employment

  3. A good army commander does not blame his troops for failure. If they lose the war, he does not shoot all his soldiers. Its him who resigns.

  4. Already a lot funds in CDF are not counted for and once flamboyant minister of local gov and housing has gone mute.

  5. It looks like the PF and all the opposition are still bitter…too bad wait for 2026 maybe you will be there to rule kaya

  6. Ati 80% of the people in urdan setup go to private schools, what nosense is this from PF surrogate suffering from post trumatic disorder.

    Where were these analysts when the country had no President for 5 of the 7 years? Where were they when every monkey in the field did what was right in his on=wn eyes? Where were they when it was cadre eat cadre?

  8. Really those with opposing views need to end with solution offers that propagating un proven theories without any tangible results anywhere. To begin with there is no appreciation of where we are coming from, damage caused in monetary terms, recoveries efforts made and forward strategy is missing in all the narratives propagated. Create a scenario where UPND under HH was absent and status quo under PF continued, where would Zambia be today. That too need to be put in the public domain. On balance, the Zambian people took action to salvage the nation since the pundits themselves are mean with truth but good at propagating unworkable theories on governance. Realistically, it makes sense to oppose with solutions in sight.

  9. Very shallow article. “80% of urban population take their kids to private school”..what nonsense is this? Who forces you to not benefit from free education? Unemployment problem cannot be solved within two years after destruction of the manufacturing base through privatisation. The government should be action oriented in increasing production through agriculture and opening up the mining sector, with KCM and Mopani.

  10. It is indeed these facts that point to the fact that Hakainde was overrated by the gullible. Of course he lied big time and some people bought into his lies. In fact the situation is worse than lies, we have a shrewd and sophisticated conman in town. He is busy doing the unholy things behind the scenes, unleashing govt machinery on his perceived political opponents in the name of fighting corruption. He had decided the country into PF and UPND. Those of have different views are labelled PF those who support him are labelled UPND. All the good things done by PF Hakainde claims them as his and the bad ones are emphatically loaded on to PF or international forces. This is a terrible trajectory, Hakainde is not a leader worthy anything for our great nation. Even the illiterate cannot be lied…

  11. Cheap criticism for criticism’s sake! A damaged economy takes time to turn around. We saw it in Mwanawasa’s time. When things are done to ensure a formidable posterity, it can’t be seen overnight. There is a lot of oversimplification of issues by people who have no idea what needs to be done to fix what is currently broken. If anything, I praise New Dawn team for halting the degradation of our status.

  12. It is indeed these facts that point to the fact that Hakainde was overrated by the gullible. Of course he lied big time and some people bought into his lies. In fact the situation is worse than lies, We have a shrewd and sophisticated conman in town. He is busy doing the unholy things behind the scenes, unleashing govt machinery on his perceived political opponents in the name of fighting corruption, making tribal appointments that only the blind can’t see. He has decided decide the country into PF and UPND. Those who have different views from of how he is incompetently tuning our great nation are labelled PF and those who support him are labelled UPND. All the good things done by PF Hakainde claims them as his and the bad ones are emphatically loaded on to PF or international forces…

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