Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rwandese murder their colleague in Zambia


Police in Mazabuka have detained two Rwandese nationals and a Zambian taxi driver of Kafue on suspicion that they murdered  Dusabimana Furujotse Joni, Rwandan national.

Mazabuka Police Officer Commanding James Muluwa says the three suspects namely, Angela Letitsia aged 24, Emmanuel Nizeyimana aged 20 both Rwandese Nationals based in Kafue and Price Himoonze 51, of Zambian nationality were interrogated by Police in connection with being in possession of offensive weapons and blood-stained clothes found in a basin containing suspected fresh human blood.

Mr. Muluwa said Ms. Letitsia and Mr. Nizeyimana are siblings who upon being interrogated disclosed that on 5th December 2022 around 23 hours were involved in a fight with Mr. Joni who was Ms. Letitsia’s husband, and the fight led to his death.

In a statement availed to ZANIS, Mr. Muluwa said Mr Joni’s body was then kept in the house and the next day around 23 hours, Ms. Letitsia and her brother approached Price Himoonze, a taxi driver to help with the disposal of the body.

“After seeing the body of the deceased, Himoonze advised the two to cut the legs off, for it to fit in his vehicle. The two legs of the deceased were then cut in the presence of the taxi driver then wrapped in some clothes and put in a basin which was later loaded in the taxi, a Honda HRV registration number BAC 6256,” Mr Muluwa said.

He further stated that the vehicle was driven from Kafue to Mazabuka’s Magoye area where the deceased’s body was dumped.

“Police officers were led to the area where after a search, the deceased’s body was discovered in the bush in a decomposed state with a swollen head, neck and the two legs were separate from the body,” he said.

Mr Muluwa said the body had since been deposited in Mazabuka General Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.

“The three have been detained in police custody after the scene visit and a docket of murder for the three accused persons will be handed over to Kafue police for arrest as it is the area of jurisdiction,” he said.


  1. By their ages these Rwandese were born after the genocide. This is definitely strange to Zambia and the more reason those Rwandese seeking citizenship or integration into the Zambian society must be rigorously screened. There are a lot of crimes and injustices within the Rwandese community in Zambia that go unreported. My call to the Minister is not to succumb to calls to relax the procedure for the integration of the Rwandese.

  2. These Rwandese who have taken over ALL small groceries in Zambia will stop at nothing to achieve what they desire. In part, that’s their DNA -daring-t propels them to do what they do. This is not the first death nor the last among them. Remember when their BOSS calls for a meeting or instructs them to close ALL their businesses Zambia(ns) are humiliated as a dog with its tail between its legs. Zambians can not buy bread, sugar, tomatoes, milk or phone top up because ALL small corner shops are closed – that’s how VULNERABLE Zambia has become. Remember the adage a ‘camel and its master’. Zambians ‘Ku Wire’.

    • Poor kids, they were scared… and worried about funeral.
      Main culprit is Taxi driver, he should have just reported the kids to police.

    • Totally Brainwashed blackman. The white man told you the enemy is your fellow African not him. You then blinded yourself to those Europeans who took over ALL your businesses from mining to shops and farms to come and rant at fellow blacks! Ati these Rwandese who have taken over ALL small groceries in Zambia will stop at nothing to achieve what they desire.

    • Totally Brainwashed blackman. The white man told you the enemy is your fellow African not him. You then blinded yourself to those Europeans who took over ALL your businesses from mining to shops and farms to come and rant at fellow blacks! Ati these Rwandese who have taken over ALL small groceries in Zambia will stop at nothing to achieve what they desire.

  3. These criminals we have embraced in our society will one day kill us like cockroaches. Surely do we need Ruandees to run our groceries? Lets chase them please imwe ba upnd. Pf failed to rid of them don’t fail us also.

  4. @ Muna Dekhane. What is stopping your from starting your own business ? you are the type of people that bred hate for no reason other than your own laziness. How many foreigners run businesses in Zambia and why single out your own African brothers (if at all you are an African) ? Have self introspection. Become a self entrepreneur. Problem with yourself is that you find dealing groceries and talk time demeaning to your ego which is now spewing with envy and jealous of people that have to make ends meet.

  5. Manje ma fella awa why kill one another in a foreign land. Bena Zed do not do this (unless there is some case we have missed). Ka calo na keve kaja since ndeo yao ija ni kaya mwe. We can only wish them strength. Even DRC is complaining about their uje ka?

  6. There are some really numpty people in this world! The taxi driver seems not to have had second thoughts about advising the two killers to just cut off the deceased’s legs!! How can any sensible human being hope to get away from this nasty act, with just a fare charge for transporting the body? Some people do grow up empty headed!

  7. And the boldness of the Rwandan’s in hiring a taxi to dump the body, is breathtaking; as if it’s just a ‘run-of-the-mill’ business! What’s with these people’s cruelty & their haste to kill each other?? It’s truly frightening. And – more pressing – why are they still in Zambia when there is no war in Rwanda? Unless they committed crimes back in Rwanda, why would they still be in Zambia? Zambians are generally benign peaceful people; it’s not right that they should be mingling with people demonstrating the level of violence this duo meted out on their fellow Rwandan. They should be heading home, shouldn’t they?

  8. Have you confirmed Rwandese Have murdered each other? Only a court can determine who murdered who.
    And they aren’t colleagues. They are compatriots


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