Saturday, July 27, 2024

The whole five years will finish with UPND pointing fingers at the PF


The whole five years will finish with UPND pointing fingers at the PF, Hon Greyford Monde has observed. The PF presidential hopeful castigated the UPND government for extending the blame for economic hardships on a named neighboring country.

Hon Monde lamented that it is extremely wrong to name other countries blaming them for the hardships. He said the UPND government pointed at PF, when people saw that PF delivered, now they want to blame other countries.

“I don’t know who next they are going to point the finger at for their failures. For any wrong, PF. And now you have seen last week they started pointing fingers at neighboring countries. I don’t want to mention names. I don’t want to be the one now promoting this undiplomatic trading with neighboring countries,” he said when he featured on Muvi TV’s the assignment last night.

“Because for you to start naming countries to say they are the ones who are wrong, that is very very serious. It is actually a recipe for mini-fights between nations. So you can’t start doing that. No matter how much you feel stressed, there will always be an avenue for you as a country to go and sit down and negotiate to say look, we have got the following procedure to manage this water body or boarder. Unlike bringing such media statements.”

Meanwhile, Hon Monde bemoaned the high cost of living. He slammed the UPND for having people eat one meal in a day under their watch when they promised three decent meals a day. The PF hopeful presidential candidate said the majority of Zambians are still faced with unemployment while those running a small businesses are barely surviving as the country has no buying power.

“Prices of commodities are going up but what is happening to the wages of the people? So you have people stressing over this. Rentals are going up, all the commodities are going up, salaries are still static. And you want to say no we are a prudent government and that we are not going to subsidise for our people,” he said.

“No government in this world does not subsidise for its people, especially on critical items that drive the economy. What we need to do, or what we needed to do as a country… and I am glad UPND talked about this so much and I hope they are going to do. Every country, there are three things involved. One, its people.”

He stressed the need for people to be empowered so that they create employment.

“The human resource, which Zambia has, the natural resource that Zambia has and the policies around its people and around natural resources. When you put this together, the country will thrive economically. But in this country you can say that it’s a way of political fights and the usual talking where you know that this is not holding,” he said
“The economy right now is so bad… there is no buying power. Because of the bad economy, no money in circulation, things are not happening, jobs are not there, and when I am saying jobs someone is saying what is Monde talking about? We have had employed 40,000. That is not enough. The public sector cannot employ more than the private sector.”


  1. It is the PF government that made the economy of Zambia fall down. When PF came into power Kwacha was at about five to a dollar and rose all the way to K26.00.
    Babies in politics are dangerous

  2. UPND blames PF for load shedding, fertilizer, fuel, mealie meal, exchange rate. I am sure they will point fingers at PF for HH global trotting. We pray that there is sufficient rains otherwise it will be blamed on PF. The hunger that will hit us next year for UPND not delivering farming inputs will still be blamed on PF. I seem to remember a certain someone claiming ending load shedding in 9 months.

  3. Yes, PF will be blamed just in a similar manner we blame the devil, our entire life, for our sins. How can we just ignore the fact that the PF found the country without any credit and left it highly indebted. How can we ignore that most of the borrowed funds were actually looted? How can we just ignore that the debts they created need to be paid back with interest and they, the PF failed to owner the repayments as they defaulted to pay. So, you are right, your gang will forever be blamed.

  4. Their lies have come to haunt them…..
    Fertiliser is now K1200
    Fuel is K27
    Dollar heading towards K18
    Zesco going up soon.

  5. Any thing is an improvement from PF………..

    Any president , no matter how hard they try……….

    , can’t performe worse than lungu………

  6. JThere’s something “night” about business men presidents. The young man Greyford is right. Zambia needs
    brave young men like him.He has not even done a “ Munkombwe”, like the former Minister of Southern Province has done.
    Fight on my son.

  7. When making promises, PF wasnt a factor. In implementing ni PF never did this, PF never did that. Man up and tell us that pamupando palishupa

  8. It is very possible for UPND to be doing something to correct our situation and at the same time be reminding PF that they are the ones who got us into this mess. The two are not mutually exclusive as PF would like us to think. Dealing with people who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time is a problem. So PF want to be appearing in public singing that the economy is bad and there are no jobs and yet they cry when that discussion goes further to include why we are in this mess in the first place. They think everyone is like them who just concentrated on politicking when they were in office. The real question is, are we now on the right trajectory?

  9. Even five years is too little for blaming PF. We shall need to point fingers at PF for at least 10 years before we can find someone else to blame for our woes.

  10. Its global. MMD blamed UNIP for the first five years. PF blamed MMD for the first five years. Now its UPND blaming PF. There is nothing new here

  11. Not even 5 years, that an understatement, the whole 50years we will be in power, we will ne pointing fingers directly at you. Thieves!

  12. If you are a clever opposition leader (like Michael Sata) start positioning yourself to take over in four years time. People are already fed up but right now there is no visible credible opposition


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