Saturday, July 27, 2024

CPD warns Zambians to be weary of self serving politicians


The Centre for Policy Dialogue has warned Zambia to be weary of some politicians seeking public office for selfish reasons.

In a statement, CPD Executive Director Caroline Katotobwe says politics should put Zambia before political ambitions.

“It is important in any political dispensation and democracy to have alternative views but emphasis should be that these divergent views must be to the benefit of the Zambian people,” Ms. Katotobwe said.

“It becomes detrimental to the country’s progress when politicians put their own interests before those of the people,” she said.

“Unfortunately, 31 years into Zambia’s democracy, the nation’s political environment is still characterized by politicians sowing strife and division among citizens to gain political mileage.”

She added, “There is very little constructive criticism as most political players are in hot pursuit of being seen relevant and are therefore willing to do anything to attain this recognition.”

“As a nation, we need to be weary of such politicians and thus critically analyse the genesis and motives of some of the utterances and claims made by political leaders, especially those that are seeking public office.”

Ms. Katotobwe said it is cardinal to bear in mind that, not everyone who is in politics has intentions of serving the people.

She said the fact still remains evident, that many politicians are self-serving and are simply after quenching their unquenchable thirst for absolute power.

“Most politicians would care- less what becomes of Zambians provided they are ushered into the driver’s seat. It is no wonder why they would go to great lengths to achieve this by employing unscrupulous methods if deemed necessary.”

She added, “Such politicians should not be entertained by Zambians if their ultimate goal is to simply get into State House as the same are enemies of progress.”

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