Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fourth mobile network operator launched


Zambia’s fourth mobile network operator Beeline Telecoms which will be trading as Zedmobile has been launched.

This is an indigenous telecom services provider joining the current network provider local market.

The telecoms company comes with a $400 million worth of investment and a promise of 450 direct jobs.

Speaking during the launch in Lusaka today, Technology and Science Minister Felix Mutati has tasked the new mobile network operator, which is fully owned by Zambians, to help bridge the digital divide and provide affordable and reliable services.

Mr Mutati has urged Zedmobile must to foster robust and effective mobile data and voice services and help drive a network that will ensure digital financial solutions for financial inclusion.

Mr Mutati advised the upcoming new mobile operator to creatively utilise a new entrant of a highly competitive digital market with cautious and thriving commercial dynamism founded on endurance and favourable service delivery to survive the digital market share.

He said Government is supporting investment in the ICT sector.

Earlier, Zedmobile Chairman Kelvin Hambwezya said the firm will ensure that the business objectives are aligned to the government strategy of driving and promoting innovation and digitization in contributing to sustainable development through mobile network operations.

Mr. Hambwezya says in order to increase the social economic standards which require reliable digital infrastructure, about $130 million has so far been invested with another $20,000 earmarked to be invested towards the company’s marketing and human resource component.

He recalls that a three year conceived concept to establish an indigenous mobile network has been actualised and founded on a vision to sustain a quality and paramount digital Zambian telecom with a service delivery of inclusiveness in all aspects of society.

Mr Hambwezya said the Zed mobile network firm will be operationalised next year (2023) in July onto its new market entry and provide on its platform commencing a 5G network stretching to far flung areas of Zambia.


  1. Honestly the fourth mobile company was not necessary. The existing three are enough for now as Zambia does not have such a big population to warrant a fourth one

    • The addressable market cannot accommodate another provider, stifling already existing entities, such aggression must be in agriculture as the world market is yearning and yawning, with the local market facing high food prices

    • You don’t know what you are talking about. In fact we need more than 10. The benefits to the subscribers are more when you have more networks than a few. Competition for quality abounds. and this network is by Zambians. Airtel and MTN are not indigenous companies. Lets not just criticize. This is good for Zambians!

  2. ????$20,000 for marketing and Human Resources development? Is this a joke? Who are the major investors? Is this not money laundering? I have so many questions. Whose infrastructure are they using? Surely they are not going to be erecting pillars all over Lusaka! Bakabolala!!!

    • You think 20,000 is a lot of money for marketing? MTN and Airtel spend 50,000 each per month on marketing.
      To illustrate further, Coca-Cola spends 4 billion dollars on advertising yearly. They spend at least half a million dollars in Zambia per year.
      20, 000 on marketing is a joke. This company needs much more, far much more especially that they are just starting out.

  3. As usual vital info has been omitted. As Zambians we’re worried about the dominance of foreign owned companies in this sector and we don’t think the licensing authority shares our concerns. The shareholding structure hasn’t been revealed, so how do we know that Beeline is Zambian wholly owned? We know that its origins are in Russia and has a presence in several countries but how has the Beeline brand been localized? Why are other players thriving when our own Zamtel is just a shadow despite being the pioneer in telecoms? I’m certain that if other players are allowed in the electricity sector Zesco will suffer the same fate as Zamtel

    • The company doesn’t even have a website, how do you launch without a website? Zambian owned with a lot of missing information.

  4. “social economic standards which require reliable digital infrastructure, about $130 million has so far been invested with another $20,000 earmarked to be invested towards the company’s marketing and human resource component.”
    These numbers don’t add up to me…you need more funds than this and $20k towards marketing is interesting I would love to see their marketing campaign. Tell us more about the company not just state indigenous company give more information about investors.

    • Exactly. Who is in the company? A new company and it doesn’t have its services highlighted, no introduction to its team players other than the one person? No advertising of its consumer services, no catchy slogan?
      If I as a consumer attended, what would make me switch to their services?

  5. Another company I have shares in. Thank you God for these blessings. I amnow richer than I was whilst in government

    We now learned that hh spends his time reading and responding to comments on social media and even Lusaka times. Hh I know you are reading this ka chicarla!

  6. This is good , but it will be expensive at the moment for most of the people due to that people are having phones locked to 4G

  7. The $400 million would have easily been invested in ZAMTEL which has an existing subscriber base.
    However, the PF messed up ZAMTEL resulting in a permanent $300 million debt to LAPGREEN on their balance sheet.

  8. I can not wait, let it come. We need this fourth network owned by zambians than only having foreign things every time. But please don’t require more qualifications for someone who is looking for a job. We are zambians let’s help one another.

  9. Totally Outstanding..
    Already the competition is just between foreign Companies.
    A fourth ‘Zambian owned mobile network operator’ will bring about competition which will lead to progress.
    more employment opportunities.
    looking forward to what 098 has for zambia..

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