Saturday, July 27, 2024

DEC Arrests FRA Data Entry Specialist for Theft of Over K1 Million


The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has announced the arrest of Gregory Kunda, a Data Entry Specialist at the Food Reserve Agency (FRA), for forgery, uttering false documents, theft by servant, and money laundering involving over K1 million.

According to the DEC, Kunda stole 324 metric tonnes of maize worth K1,296,000 by issuing fraudulent instructions for its release, purporting that it was being collected by a named company when it was not. He also allegedly forged and uttered false statements of accounts for the company, claiming that its account was overdrawn when it was not. In addition, Kunda is accused of engaging in money laundering by concealing the true nature of the proceeds of the crime, which totaled K1,296,000.

In a separate matter, the DEC’s Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Unit has arrested Abigail Nzima, a Loans Officer at a financial institution, for theft by servant. Nzima is accused of stealing K19,040 while in her possession by virtue of her employment.

Both Kunda and Nzima are currently on bond and are expected to appear in court in the near future. The DEC has not released further details on the cases or the identities of the financial institution where Nzima worked.

This is a developing story and more information will be provided as it becomes available.


  1. The small fish is easy and direct arrest, when it comes to former Ministers who stole billions ma paragraph kupaka just explaining how and why and where and when whatever whatever

  2. Unfortunately theft has now been normalized in Zambia…the rot starts from the head….Zambians have come to realize the there’s no difference between PF Bandits and UPND Bandits….they’re all thieves…HH and his Ministers are busy stealing whilst Lungu and his Ministers are still walking around freely still enjoying the stolen loot

    • Concerning the ECZ I fear there will be a civil war in 2026……there is no way Mwangala and Chipenzi will allow Upnd to lose the elections.

  3. Diverting attention going after petty thieves when they know they’re supposed to be going after thieving PF and UPND Ministers

  4. “In a separate matter, the DEC’s Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Unit has arrested Abigail Nzima, a Loans Officer at a financial institution, for theft by servant. Nzima is accused of stealing K19,040 while in her possession by virtue of her employment.”
    Am intrigued, this Abigail character stole this amount from her financial institution? & it took the whole DEC to arrest her? Could it be that maybe some zeros are missing from this figure or maybe the currency unit is any other than our K?

    • She probably works at bank hence why they have not named it…banks do not mess about they have to satisfy their insurance obligations

  5. Atleast DEC and ACC now seem to be working……………

    They have a mountain to climb as stealing was being normalised in zambia……….

  6. I bet you this guy has not even got out by Police bond..if a small fish like him an officer can do this what off those officers and Directors responsible for towns and provinces. I mean I recall one incident in Lusaka when I met one young chap at a bar who I thought was a businessman driving a brand new Hiliux from the Showroom I asked what he does for living he told me he was he was FRA officer based in Petuake before long he was bragging about his maize export side smuggling business to Malawi.

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