Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND opposed to PF’s plan to stage protests on the Copperbelt, describing the idea as ‘nonsense’


Ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) Copper Provincial Youth Chairman Warren Hinyama has opposed the Patriotic Front’s plan to stage protests on the Copperbelt, describing the idea as ‘nonsense’.

And Mr. Hinyama said the UPND leadership will engage the Copperbelt Police Command to ensure that the planned protests by the PF youths in the province are stopped

PF youth leader and Mpika Member of Parliament Robert Kapyanga last week announced that Patriotic Front (PF) youths are considering organizing protests in the Copperbelt region in support of those who are struggling to put food on their table.

Mr. Kapyanga stated that the youths are consulting with the party leadership about the matter and that the Inspector General of Police will also be informed.

During a press briefing held by PF MPs, Mr. Kapyanga said the cost of living in Zambia has significantly increased under the United Party for National Development (UPND) government, making it difficult for many people to afford basic necessities.

But Mr. Hinyama during a media briefing in Ndola on Monday told journalists that the UPND won’t allow PF to stage protests in the Copperbelt Province.

Mr Hinyama said the ruling party will not condone any activities that may breach the peace in the province and the country at large adding that the new dawn administration has achieved numerous developmental programs that the PF administration failed to during its time in government.

He said UPND was now commanding the Copperbelt Province which is no longer a PF stronghold.

“We are being dragged in the mad and now there is no option but to respond to PF. We want to address the Patriotic Front which is in opposition now; we want to remind them that Copperbelt is no longer their so-called bedroom. The purported demonstrations which they want to do on the Copperbelt, we want to remind them that Copperbelt is not a playing zone and that Copperbelt is no longer their bedroom. If we go out there I think as UPND, the party in government we are commanding Copperbelt. Out of the ten districts we have got mayors in eight districts, out of the 22 constituencies we have got 11 members of parliament, the PF have seven, meaning we are incharge of the province. Now, a certain member of parliament by the name of Kapyanga from Mpika want to bring what I could say nonsense to the Copperbelt,” Mr. Hinyama said.

He charged that PF should allow President Hichilema and his New Dawn Government to fix the mess they left after losing power in 2021.

Mr. Hinyama said PF should not claim to be better than the UPND Government because they left many problems in the country.

“We will not allow protests on the Copperbelt especially as UPND youths. We can’t allow that (protests) as the Copperbelt. PF created the mess in the mines which they are talking about. One of their so-called aspiring candidates to take over the leadership of the Patriotic Front Honourable Dr. Chishimba Kambwili had told them (PF) never to temper or take KCM into receivership and they never listened. They have messed up KCM (Konkola Copper Mines), they have messed up Mopani Copper Mines. Now the head of state His Excellency Hakainde Hichilema and his team are busy fixing the mess which PF did but they want to stand on the anthill to claim they are holier when they left the mess which the country is going through. We want to remind you of the Patriotic Front this is the problem where gassing even started. The Copperbelt had never seen peace. During the PF government the high cost of living on the Copperbelt was unprecedented,” Mr. Hinyama said.


  1. If, as Hinyama, claims CB is now a UPND stronghold, it follows that the planned PF demonstration is likely to flop. So why is he even bothered about a demonstration by a political party he believes is dead on the Copperbelt?

  2. Yes what are you afraid of? You are afraid that hundreds of thousands may turn up for the protests? Why are not supporting what you claimed to fight for such as freedom of assembly.

  3. By the way why did HH not also repeal the Public Order Act(POA). To me that is more contentious than those cosmetic ones…..1)If person kills wilfully kills another person, what right has he himself got to continue living? 2) Why would someone go out to criminally insult the president? This not so with with freedom of movement, association, assembly….it is a basic right to enjoy these.

  4. What the UPND are supposed to do in a democracy is to organize a counter demonstration in support of their party as opposed to halting the PF youths as that will be an infringement of the latter’s rights. I hope the UPND youths aren’t preparing for a bloody showdown with their PF counterparts. In the run up to the August 2021 elections, the PF had suppressed all dissent, removed all opposition posters and regalia. The UPND campaign material only came out after their candidate was declared as the winner. But when you examine the poll results the PF had lost to the UPND. The lesson here is that you don’t gain by suppressing your opponent and I hope that the UPND will desist from such political tactics

  5. Sounds dictatorial. Even your own children can express their dissatisfaction with your parenting methods. If it’s licit for children to say no to shoddiness, imagine how much more so for adult citizens. It’s a basic human right to express discontent.

  6. Ati upnd has brought a lot of development kukopala than pf iwe are u sure you are lieing in broad day light I will tell u ba upnd/yango boma something for nothing just make a serious introspection within yourselves as yango/upnd otherwise your popularity is falling at double the force of gravity even ba pf we used to tell them time though slowly but it’s surely ticking against you!

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