Saturday, July 27, 2024

IMF releases diagnostic report on governance and corruption in Zambia, HH reaffirms commitment to fight against corruption


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released a diagnostic report on governance and corruption in Zambia, which was handed over to President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA on Wednesday. The report was prepared at the request of President Hichilema and focuses on identifying governance weaknesses and corruption vulnerabilities in key areas such as anti-corruption, fiscal governance, and financial sector oversight.

During a virtual handover event, President Hichilema emphasized the importance of the fight against corruption in his administration’s economic transformation program and highlighted ongoing legal reforms aimed at strengthening anti-corruption efforts. These reforms include the Securities and Exchange Act, which addresses money laundering and funding of terrorism, and the Public Debt Management Act, which aims to increase transparency in debt management and enhance parliamentary oversight.

The President also mentioned the new Bank of Zambia Act, which will enhance the operational autonomy of the central bank, and the review and amendment of laws such as the Penal Code to remove outdated provisions.

In addition to these measures, President Hichilema emphasized the importance of maintaining the independence of governance and law enforcement agencies, as well as the separation of powers, in the fight against corruption. He also stressed the need to enhance access to information as a vital tool in the fight against corruption.

Finance and National Planning Minister Dr. SITUMBEKO MUSOKOTWANE joined the President in reaffirming the government’s commitment to combating corruption and thanked the IMF for producing the report. The IMF Resident Representative, Ms. PREYA SHARMA, delivered the report on behalf of the IMF Mission Chief, Ms. TINA BURJALIANI.

The Governance Diagnostic Report is intended to support continued reform and progress in establishing effective governance arrangements and the rule of law in Zambia. The assessment focused on five critical priority areas, including anti-corruption and anti-money laundering, fiscal governance, enforcement of contracts and protection of property rights, central bank governance and operations, and financial sector oversight.

The release of the report coincides with President Hichilema’s continued efforts to combat corruption and improve governance in the country. In November 2021, he requested the IMF to prepare the report as part of his administration’s efforts to strengthen the rule of law and improve transparency.

Overall, the report is a valuable resource for the government and other stakeholders as they work to address governance weaknesses and corruption vulnerabilities in Zambia. It is hoped that the report will serve as a catalyst for continued reform and progress in the fight against corruption in the country.


  1. “The report was prepared at the request of President Hichilema and focuses on identifying governance weaknesses and corruption vulnerabilities in key areas such as anti-corruption, fiscal governance, and financial sector oversight.”-LT

    Five years with the UPND administration it’s going to be a bumpy ride. New dawn administration has turned hypothesis into correlation.

    “Finance and National Planning Minister Dr. SITUMBEKO MUSOKOTWANE joined the President in reaffirming the government’s commitment to combating corruption and thanked the IMF for producing the report.”

    GRZ is missing in this conversation we need true GRZist to advocate for our republic, political parties comes and goes after their benefits from the republic.

    • ECL was just as much a puppet to China as HH is to IMF, WORLD BANK AND AMERICA. The only difference is that China, at least, leaves bigger crumbs for the puppet and his country, than the West does. ECL was a puppet on Chinese strings. HH is a puppet on IMF, WORLD BANK, AMERICA strings. Of the two puppet masters, the West is far more cruel than the East.

  2. Gosh !! HH asked IMF for an oversight report how corrupt Zambia is. Does Zambia need to be reminded by IMF how corrupt it is ? This is embarrassing – we are outsourcing every small entity to foreign organizations. Is HH telling us or IMF – that the Anti-Corruption Commission which he heads and runs from State House has become a total failure? He awarded his friend a $50m Fertilizer corrupt deal which has put farmers in misery. The lack of Medicine scandal which he claims money for medicine is in the bank. Does HH need IMF to remind him corruption in Zambia is actually instigated by HH ?

  3. Africans…you cried and fought hard for independence and 60 years later you are running to the same colonizers begging for handouts…we should be ashamed of ourselves….. HH is such a big disappointment

  4. This one is showing his ignorance in public. These institutions will be his downfall. The man is so naive it’s unbelievable. I don’t think this man knows what he is dealing with.

  5. There is nothing wrong with the president asking the IMF or the world bank of their opinion and advice on corruption and its fight in zambia…………

    What is is wrong with getting snow oversight from out side sources ???

    You ask these same sources for loans, why can’t they advice you about the dangers that await that money in corruption ??

    Zambias law enforcement are willfully inadequate in fighting white collar corruption, ………….many cases that involve 3rd froigne parties are beyond them

    • // SPAKA @ 9….. Grow a spine for once and stop blogging from your A$$. If HH said defecating in the streets is fine – you will agree with. ………

      // INDEPENDENT OBSERVER @ 6…. Like always, you are spot on. This president would rather please the outside world while sacrificing Zambians. He kisses A$$ to the West. Zambians now have seen that he is narcissistic liar and a bandit…. Why is he still afraid to live in Nkwazi House at State House which is a very nice house with a lot of privacy and botanic gardens……..

  6. What is the executive summary recommendations so we know what is contained in the report?
    We need to move from the rhetoric to action and implementation. I doubt it is that difficult to know what is wrong with Zambia… its should start with the president getting rid of all those powers concentrated in one person. Focus on cultural awareness and changes so that people go into politics to “serve” and not to enrich themselves; strength fiscal monitoring and enforcement; etc.

  7. Is HH a complete puppet of IMF, WORLD BANK AND AMERICA now? It’s hard not to see it that way, given the fact that he, and his buddy Tchisekedi, just handed over the countries’ mineral resources (Cobalt) to the Americans on a silver platter–for virtually free. IMF and the World bank have a history of sabotaging poor countries, making them even poorer. They’ve indeed found a perfect puppet in HH. What a tragedy.

  8. Hey Kaizar Zulu. I am surprised that houdbare live and kicking. I thought that you were tortured in cells and admitted to the hospital. Are guys from PF faking tortures. A tortured person should be recovering from injuries and from effects of torture. It is not necessary to keep on lying.

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