Saturday, July 27, 2024

Having low water levels at Kariba Dam is not something new, ZESCO should just find solutions to curb loadshedding – Mainda Simataa


Kamwala Ward Councillor Mainda Simataa has urged ZESCO to come up with solutions that will address the issue of load shedding because having low water levels at Kariba Dam is something that has been going on for a long time now.

Mr Simataa mentioned that the issue of loadshedding has taken the nation by storm, adding that just after entering into a new year which has begun with serious challenges because of the ZESCO 12 hours loadshedding.

He added that there’s nothing new or strange about this load shedding as it has been there for many years, but there’s load shedding which is normal and load shedding which is abnormal, and the 12 hours of loadshedding announced by the power utility company is the type that will cause a lot of problems to the majority of the Zambian people.

“That’s why I want to urge ZESCO to find mitigation measures, because it’s not enough to just announce that the water levels at the Kariba Dam are low, how long has ZESCO known that those water levels get low because loadshedding has stages for instance in South Africa, load shedding is continuous throughout the year where they even have levels of loadshedding such as level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, where each level is detrmined by the number of hours and right now South Africa is on level 5 of loadshedding but they are only loadshedded for about 4 hours but here is ZESCO which only a few months ago was boasting about exporting electricity, I think ZESCO has to sort itself out by getting thier priorities right,” he mentioned
He further mentioned that there’s no way people are going to accept that small business should suffer as majority of the people in this country are in informal employment where there production is dependent on electricity which is one of the major drivers of production .

Mr Simataa said that the power utility should start thinking about the social and economic impact of which is being caused by loadshedding.
“And how do they just start at 12 hours of loadshedding out of the blues, it’s not normal and these people (ZESCO) did not plan for this loadshedding because when you look at the 12 hours it happens during the productive hours from morning till evening, before you even wake up at 05 hours you find power has already gone, and it’s only restored upto 18 hours, which is not normal,” he said

“This loadshedding is killing small businesses such as barbershops, salons, small manufacturing enterprises, car washes and these are the people that we are empowering and giving, these are business that keep the youths who are not in formal employment going, and if they are going to be loadshedded during their most productive hours, then what you are creating is poverty,” he added

He stated that ZESCO must be more competent by not just talking about loadshedding for 12 hours, instead they should be giving people solutions and not just talking about the low water at Kariba Dam because people are nolonger interested in this talk about low water levels as they need solutions to this problem as they need the energy and power to work annd run their businesses.

Mr Simataa cited that ZESCO has advised ZESCO to consider stopping exporting electricity, adding that it is irresponsible and unpatriotic for ZESCO to continue exporting electricity when the Zambian people who are the owners of the Kariba Dam and power are going without power for 12 hours.

“South Africa who import power only have 4 hours of load shedding and us the owners of the Kariba Dam and power are experiencing 12 hours of loadshedding and ZESCO is still exporting, what are the priorities of ZESCO? Is ZESCO now a complete profit making company? or is it a Zambian owned company that is meant to satisfy local demand before they can export,” Mr Simaata questioned


  1. Very f00lish hh lying to Zambians just to get votes. We warned you about these ambitious business men thieves who want to steal more by becoming president

  2. iwe kaiza matuvi, STOP politiking, this is a very serious matter and you you are telling us of campaigns and promises. Will campaign and promises give more power that we need now? or its Zesco responsible for this power? Be sober iwe chakolwa wa mbanje iwe!

  3. Solar energy is the solution………..

    Its not too late to start a local solar manufacturing industry to…………

    divert 80% of domestic use to solar…………

  4. Why did pf replace the efficient British generators with the high-consuming water-volume Chinese generators? The moment they did that is the time Zambia started having load shedding.
    Instead of making noise ati HH saying this or that, private companies must come up with new investments in renewable energy.
    There is serious climate change on the planet. You will ignore these changes unless you just want to politic. And what are you going to gain from that? Kariba dam water levels have reached catastrophic levels.

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