Saturday, July 27, 2024

Eureka Property For Which The Kampyongos Were Arrested And Charged Belongs To Jon Van Blerk – ACC


THE Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) acting Senior Investigations Officers testified in court on Tuesday that the house located in Eureka whose reinstatement value is K8.6 million kwacha for which former Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and Wanziya Chirwa were arrested is not owned by the accused persons.

In a continued trial before Lusaka magistrate Slyvia Munyinya on charges of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime, ACC officer Zangiwe Mulenga produced a contract in which Mr Jon Van Blerk offered Mr Kampyongo and his wife the property at the price of US$330,176.

“The ACC also received information from the Financial Intelligence Centre-FIC-alleging that Honorable Kampyongo and Wanziya Chirwa had built a house in Eureka way above their earnings,” she told the Court.

Ms Mulenga said after being allocated a case by Miyoba Sikazwe she went to Eureka were she met Mr. Jon Van Blerk and interviewed him and he confirmed that indeed he had sold a property to Hon Kampyongo and madam Chirwa.

“He told me that they made a part payment of US1,400 and the total amount of the property was US$330,176 and he gave me a contract of Sale to that effect,” she said.

Asked to confirm whose has ownership of the House in question, Ms Mulenga said the property is owned by Jon Van Blerk but she decided to charge the accused persons because they had made a part payment of US1,400.

Mr Mulenga said the other properties owned by Mr Kampyong includes undeveloped land valued at K1.6 million, a dwelling house in Multi Economic Zone valued at K860,000

Earlier, another ACC witness Payroll management and Establishment Control Department was at pains admitted that both Hon Kampyongo and wife Wanziya Chirwa legitimately earned additional allowances during time they served in government and that the same allowances have not been computed and presented before court.

PERMIC Assistant Director Personnel Administration Humphrey Silupya told the Court that Hon Kampyongo’s gross payment from September 2012 when he was first placed on the payroll to May 2021 when he was removed from the payroll amounted to K6, 211,971.16 while his net payment is K3, 607,100.92

He also told the Court that Mrs Wanziya Chirwa Kampyongo who worked as a Planner, she received gross payment is 1,180,823.86, the Net payment is K1,314,973.33 from April 2010 to December 2022.

He also told the Court that the amounts do not include payments made to Mrs Wanziya Chirwa Kampyongo from 2005 when she joined government to May, 2010 nor the allowances she was paid for 1 year when she went to work from the Netherlands.


  1. Indeed,it is similar to that other senior PF civil servant who attempted to buy a commercial farm via a supplier to the Government..who paid a down payment for him…..they cant hide their evil acts any more these chaps….Zambians are too smart for you now.

  2. The investigation is very poor. Are these the only witnesses the prosecution has? If so forget about a conviction. Ati she decided to charge the accused persons because they had made a part payment of US1,400. Really? And the ACC boss agreed?

    • At this rate ACC will never recover a single ngwee because if you put down payment on a property it does not belong to you unutil you finish payment…no wonder ACC can not arrest crooks on complex cases like the 42 Firetrucks.

  3. Incompetence everywhere, from ZESCO chairperson to ACC investigators to GRZ Ministers and some Opposition Leaders.
    I think you are in deep sh!t than you can imagine.

  4. Many of these cases sit in limbo waiting for a change in GRZ…………

    The prosecution can not prove stealing and the accused can not account for their dubiously accured wealth not registered in their names……….

    • Spaka when your intentions are to revenge instead of normal investigation you are going to lose even straight forward cases…is very arrogant and people want to put him in his place and in the end you confuse everything.

    • The onus is on ACC to prove that there is wrong doing..stop typing like you are drunk….these cases cost alot of money she already knew this case was going nowhere but proceeded. Who in their right mind would even take $1700 UDS down payment on property worth US$330,176 its not even 10%. There are so many ways to nab silly Kampyongo but ACC is wasting time to appease the President…ACC is too ill-equipped and incompetent to follpw up these cases.

    • This govt needs to ask technical assistance to train up DEC and ACC from US, UK and Europe… Rwanda did this there is no shame in asking if HH is serious about fighting corruption

  5. When corruption meets corruption….this is end results….when the corrupt are fighting corruption….when thieves are arresting thieves….no one get punished…no one goes to Jail….the way UPND dribbled Zambians on Faith Musonda saga…..46 houses etc….ALL POLITICIANS ARE CRIMINALS AND LIARS…BEHIND THE SCENES THEY’RE BUSY EATING TOGETHER AND PLANNING HOW THEY WILL ROB STARVING ZAMBIANS

  6. Just disband the thingy called ACC. How do you even turn up to court knowing you have nothing on the suspect? How is he a suspect in the first place. Stop following Chilufya Tayali’ leads/intel/rumours. The people we called ba kaponya/illiterate are two steps ahead, something is wrong here or maybe its the new normal???….kikiki.

  7. But naturally, these magistrates were brought to Lusaka to imprison. They will find some loopholes. You didn’t hear the Chief Justice warn these guys that eventually a will is coming?

    • I read from another medi that he also owns bare land valued at K1.6 million which he was allocated by the Ministry. Why not arrest the person who allocated the K1.6 million land? But anyway ma lawyer bazibana che.

  8. I feel for ACC officers. Sometimes they ve no option but do what their boss want knowing they will have control of the final judgment

  9. At all cost, they want Kampyongo to test jail. These courts were specifically set up to achieve one purpose: jail them! Jail them! Jail them! Supreme Court will confirm like they did in Katele. Watch the space

  10. LT journalistic ethics is pathetic. Its not about Eureka property belonging to Jon Van Blerk . Its about the ability to own a plethora of properties worth K Millions when their income combined both Kampyongo and his wife is no where near to even one house. So, report objectively for your readership to be well informed. Half biased truths is pathetic to any news outlet.


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