Saturday, July 27, 2024

We need to expand school facilities-Siakalima


Government says there is a dire need to expand education facilities in the country in order to accommodate more learners in schools.

Minister of Education Douglas Siakalima said the free education policy has increased the demand for infrastructure in learning institutions.

Mr Siakalima was speaking in Lusaka today when received a science laboratory built by the Japanese Government at Lilanda combined school.

He said Zambia values the support which the government of Japan has continued to render through numerous sectors, among them education.

Mr Siakalima has since appreciated the support from the Japanese government to Lilanda combined school through constructing the science laboratory that will help the institution in teaching science practical skills to the pupils.

He has therefore urged the school management at Lilanda combined school to guard the infrastructure against vandalism and put it to good use.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Japan in Zambia, Ominato Satoshi said the Ministry of Education has prioritised the expansion of laboratory infrastructure in schools.

Mr Sitochi said in view of the Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP), the education sector still remains one of the pillars of Japan’s cooperation with Zambia.

He said the school will now be able to offer science related subjects in accordance with the ministry’s school curriculum.

He said Japan will continue to assist Zambia in the development of human resources in the field of science and engineering in order to revitalise the country’s economy.


  1. We want to know about gassing. Our Children were gassed while at school. It was such terrible experience, Your party promised to investigate w when it gets in power. Nothing is happening, Tayali mentioned Mr Hakainde and Chief Mukuni as knowing something about gassing. Has Tayali bn questioned? Has chief Mukuni bn questioned? What was the evidence of Goeffrey Bwalya Mwamba when he was summoned by the police?
    Please for the sake our Children in schools we need to know who gassed our children. What if it happens again?

  2. The efforts that Govt is making to facilitate education has unfortunately not matched the passion for education. Young learners are now not ashamed to score low marks. Just check how many are sitting for GCE? By the way, when did repeating grade 9 exams become GCE? There are multitudes of learners with less than average results and parents are proud to share such on social media. We have lost it as a country.

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