Sunday, February 16, 2025

Increase in sexual abuse cases worry Child Activist


Child Activist Buumba Malambo is concerned with the alleged increased numbers of rape, sodomy and child defilement cases.

Ms Malambo, who is also Kafue Mayor said she is deeply saddened by the new cases that are being recorded every day.

The Child Activist attributed pornography as one of the leading causes of sexual abuse cases adding that watching such materials arouses rapists to sexually abuse young girls, boys and older women.

In a telephone interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today, she stated that some traditional and cultural beliefs also contribute to the vice as victims in the family are told to keep quiet and settle sexual abuse within the family in order to protect the offender from facing the law and supposedly protect the family image.

Ms Malambo has since called on the Zambia Police (ZP) and the Victim Support Unit (VSU) to handle cases to do with any form of sexual abuse professionally and with the urgency they deserve.

She said the police should desist from engaging in corrupt practices when dealing with cases related to abuse.

“The behaviour of the police and victim support unit really discourages victims and people to report because at the end of the day they will release the perpetrators and get bribes” Ms Malambo said.

She called on families to be actively involved in their children’s welfare by not ignoring any worrying signs their children may show and reporting sexual abuse immediately.

Ms Malambo further called on the church to be actively involved in the fight against all forms of sexual abuse as well as other forms of abuse.

Meanwhile, Liberty Christian Center Bishop, Eddie Mulenga described the increased cases of sexual abuse as barbaric.

“As a church we are deeply concerned with the level of moral decay in the country which goes against the preamble in our National Constitution that Zambia is a Christian Nation,” Bishop Mulenga said.

Bishop Mulenga called the clergy to preach against such evil practices.

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