Saturday, July 27, 2024

Home Affairs Minister implores police to retain their credibility and citizens’ trust


Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister, Jack Mwiimbu has implored the Zambia Police Service to be more professional and desist from engaging in corruption in the course of the dispensation of their duties.

Mr. Mwiimbu says it’s high time the Police retained their credibility and citizens’ trust across the country unlike situations where corruption is rampant.

He said this when he addressed Police Officers in Manyinga district during his continued tour of North-western Province.

Mr Mwimbu says his Ministry is aware of the many challenges facing police officers in the district and across the country, which includes; lack of transport and under staffing.

He adds that government has already put in measures to procure vehicles and to deploy more officers and once that is done Manyinga district will be one of the priority districts for consideration.

“Am aware of the urgent need of transport and deployment of more officers here,” Mr Mwimbu said

Mr Mwimbu said government attaches great importance to issues of security and peace in the nation, hence the need for the Zambia Police Service to rebrand and remain professional as they discharge their work.

He added that there is need to motivate officers and enhance their operation by localizing the Police Command reporting system in the district which is currently handled by Zambezi district.

And Manyinga District Commissioner said there need for government to open-up a border post at Ndungu as it connects Manyinga to Angola and that there is alot of business activities being transacted near that area which urgently needs security.

”This boarder area is an economic potential therefore, there is need for the presence of police and immigration officers” Ms. Mukwakwa said.

Ms Mukwakwa also paid tribute to government for showing commitment in changing the face of the police service, especially in Manyinga where the construction of a modern police station is progressing well.


  1. They cant be advised to retain credibility. They have to be ordered. The orders have to come from an Inspector General they will respect-not fellow corrupt IGs who get orders from politicians who are corrupt. Its a tough task ba Minister

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