Saturday, July 27, 2024

MAN’S BEST FRIEND TURNS PREDATOR: Dangerous Breeds of Dogs Must Be Banned


By Nevers Mumba

A Fierce debate has ensued on Social Media with some quarters calling for the banning of certain Breeds of Dogs considered potentially dangerous to both owners and other people.

1. A lady in Chalala was bitten to death by her own dogs while various motorists and onlookers watched.
2. A former Zambia National Soccer Team player was killed and mauled by his own dogs before the eyes of onlookers who could do nothing.
3. A 71 year old lady, while visiting her son in Lusaka’s Ibex Hill area was killed by her own sons dogs.
4. A 43 year old man in Serenje had his privates bitten off by boerboels to the point of death.

These are just a few cases that have caught my attention in recent times, there are many others.

Of course, this argument isn’t without opposition. Some ardent and expert dog breeders and handlers have argued that these breeds, if handled correctly, are not beyond control. One young man argues that just like married people fight and kill each other doesn’t mean Society must advocate for the banning of marriages, for example. Neither does the mere fact that people commit suicide due to the pressures of debt and financial obligations, and yet nobody has advocated for the scrapping of all financial institutions. These are valid arguments, of course in cases where there dogs live in Fenced Yards that have properly constructed Dog Kernels, and the owners and other members of the family are well trained handlers.

Nonetheless, whatever the case, what we can see is that there has been a serious rise in cases of people keeping dangerous breeds of dogs in Zambia, some keep them under strict adherence to rules, while some keep them as though they were the common mongrel types that we are used to in Zambia.

With the rising cases of deaths from Dogs, it is time Local Authorise urgently addressed themselves to this matter. Many countries have already realised that these breeds are not to be kept as pets as they can suddenly lose memory and become dangerous to both the owners, their children or any other third parties.


  1. The offence of the dog killing someone outside the fence must be regarded as murder committed by the owner and he must face consequences

  2. Unfortunately, many of us Zambians keep different types of dogs but we ‘re totally ignorant about their characteristics. Before you decide to keep a dog, first of all consult people and find out its characteristics, memory, safety, life span etc. Read about it. You don’t just see a white man playing with a leopard on TV and you also want to term one. We copy too many things from the west mainly for prestige which end up destroying us. Otherwise, we’ll keep losing lives due to ignorance.

    • Not all citizens have expertise about everything. Thats why they have a government. It does the research for them and makes laws to protect them. If the laws arent enough the citizen speaks to his MP and asks him to change them

  3. Arguments from the dustbin shouldnt be entertained. They only divert focus: ”
    One young man argues that just like married people fight and kill each other doesn’t mean Society must advocate for the banning of marriages, for example.”
    Marriage is an institution going further back than our relations with dogs or any domestic animals. Pastor Mumba when Adam and Eve dwelt in Eden there were no dogs. The two relations shouldnt be compared. The break up of the marriage isnt guaranteed to affect your unrelated neighbors. When your dog goes wild it may kill innocent passersby as has often occurred. These innocent victims need protection from government. Government needs to ban the dogs.

  4. There is no such thing as dangerous breeds its just that some breeds require skilled owners especially for first time owners!!

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