Saturday, July 27, 2024

Politics should be about ideas on how to govern not malice – Chitalu Chilufya


Former Health Minister Dr. Chilufya says Zambian politics needs to be detoxified as this will ensure that politics becomes a competition with ideas on how to govern, and not a platform for acrimony.

He added that the alleged Honey Bee scandal was a product of intra-party and intragovernmental malice meant to malign him, adding that it was mainly because of attempts meant to end the legacy of the scaleup performance in the health sector.
“Science can never be default and I have always said that politicians should not sacrifice science at the altar of politics, just to gain political mileage, evidence on the floor of the house, evidence based on the scientific arena does not point to any inch of truth Zambia ever procuring bad drugs or defect condoms,” he said

Dr. Chilufya has since assured the public that Zambia has a very alert pharmacovigilance system with very well trained supply chain managers, he explained that pharmacovigilance is a process or science that looks at the adverse reactions of medicines or drugs that people consume, adding that pharmacovigilance is an alert process that is able to detect products that are of sub-standard, expired, or products with poor quality, so, the system is alert enough to determine that this drug is expired, or defective.

“So, what I am saying is that the Zambia pharmacovigilance system is very well developed, hence, we cannot procure expired drugs or linking condoms, and if anybody has such a claim, they should lay the evidence on the table, because we have laboratories that are able to conduct standard tests to assure that or to validate the quality of drugs that are being consumed, and pharmacovigilance is practising at various levels even at the level of consumption we are able to detective adverse reactions, report and it is not uncommon to recall a product based on the pharmacovigilance event, and every year billions worth of drugs globally are recalled for various reasons, this done to ensure that the quality of medicines is optimal,” Dr. Chilufya disclosed

Dr. Chilufya has since emphasized that there has never been a procurement of expired drugs or linking condoms in this country, as Zambians deserve closure.

“It is important that we embrace science, and for posterity reasons, we need to ensure that we do not practice dirty politics where we malign each other by coming up with malicious statements to plant a wrong narrative in the collective conscious of the public,” Dr. Chilufya said

Meanwhile, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya said that Zambia’s current health sector is in turmoil which posses a risk to Zambians especially in terms of having premature deaths.

Dr. Chilufya explained that the poor health sector poses a risk and premature deaths in under five children, expectant mothers and adults.

He said Zambia is faced with atripple crisis because of the compromised health services delivery, energy deficit and looming hunger being caused by the mismanagement of the Farmer Input Support Program – FISP.

Speaking when he featured on Millenium Radio yesterday, Dr. Chilufya stated that the critical shortage of essential medicines have forced medical personnel in public health facilities to be issuing prescriptions to patients to buy medicines.

Dr. Chilufya who is Patriotic Front Presidential Aspirant said that Zambia is faced with a triple crisis in the health, agriculture, and energy sectors.

“It’s very important to state here that procurement is a specialised process which is like a science on its own where you first study then do the practical, and over the previous years, we were able to state how many people suffered from a particular illness, how much drugs they have consumed, and we were able to use that data to quantify the focus and needs for the following year and we therefore had the basis of placing timeless procurement, so, procurement of medicine should be based on direct focusting, quantification, should be done timelessly, and there should be adequate funding for the process,” he explained

He said that there are suppliers who are local and some are international, thus, they have to ensure that these procurement processes are managed by supply chain managers who are trained for this, adding that as human capital is managed, ensure that the Ministry particularly specialised departments, ensure that there is continuity as they undertake human capital changes.


  1. Thief is without integrity, Zambian money was lost/stolen with Chitalu Chilufya tag on. Apologise to the nation, as it is not fit for public office.

  2. Very well said, please educate Bowman who is maliciously attacking some current ministers that they are not working well, when they are really pushing hard. Because in the initial stages even PF had teething problems

  3. Chitalu Chilufya is eloquent and can convince many except those of us that have been around for some time. When Angela Chifire was dropped as Minister of Health, it was said it was at the instigation of somebody close to the President. She was said to have refused to accept a bad supply. Shortly after she was replaced defective Depo Provera was supplied and many women fell pregnant while using the contraceptive. Later another very educated Minister was said to have procured expired malaria drugs. So these things happen despite what has been said here


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