Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police Arrest woman for assaulting her seven-year-old daughter using a metal bar


Police on the Copperbelt have arrested a 35-year-old woman from Kitwe’s Kamakonde area for assaulting her seven-year-old biological daughter using a metal bar.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba confirms the suspect Neddy Chisanga, also a businesswoman injured her daughter for visiting her maternal grandmother whom she is not on good terms with.

Mr. Mweemba said the juvenile sustained a bruised forehead, cut on the upper lip, a loose tooth, swollen hands and legs and general body pains.

“Evans Mumba aged 31 of House Number 114 Kamakonde reported on behalf of his niece female juvenile Angela Neddy Chisanga, aged 7 that she was assaulted by her biological mother Neddy Chisanga, aged 35 of house number 2714 Kamakonde, also a businesswoman, who caused her to sustain a bruised forehead, cut on the upper lip, a loose tooth, swollen hands and legs, and general body pains. A metal bar is alleged to have been used to inflict the injuries,” Mweemba said.

He said the child has since been admitted to Kalulushi General Hospital while the mother was apprehended by the police and detained.

“Brief facts of the case are that on 22nd January, 2023, Angela Neddy Chisanga went to visit her maternal grandmother Bertha Kyatabankana. The mother of the victim is not in good books with her mother and became upset and waited for her to get home and sleep. When the victim went back home, her mother said nothing to her but waited until she was asleep. At around 04:00hours the victim was awakened by beating her hard with a metal bar. She continued beating her with the metal bar till she sustained the above injuries. After this the mother locked her up in the house and went for her daily business. It was only until her aunty F/Maureen Mumba, a sister to her mother, went to visit her sister and found her in that state. The aunty took her to her brother’s place who later reported the case to the police. Police verified the report. A docket of case was opened, and the child was taken to Kalulushi General Hospital, where she was admitted. Later the mother was apprehended by the police. Arrest made and more to follow,” Mr. Mweemba stated.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mweemba has confirmed that a man of Ndola believed to be in his 50s who went missing for days has been found dead at Kantolomba Cemetery in Ndola.

He said the man was found hanging on a tree at the cemetery in a suspected suicide case.

Mr. Mweemba said Police visited the scene and found the body hanging on a tree in the cemetery in a decomposed state.

“Mwango Davis of house no 7203 Lubuto west Ndola, a community chairman for Kantolomba ward reported to have found an unknown male person aged about 50 hanging to a tree in Kantolomba cemetery using a rope. Brief facts are that the said chairman received information that there was an unknown male person who hanged himself using a rope within Kantolomba Cemetery. Upon receipt of the information, the reporter rushed to the scene where he confirmed the incident. He then reported the matter to the Lubuto police post. Police visited the scene and found the body hanging on a tree in the cemetery in a decomposed state. A write up to Ndola city council Public health department has been made for possible fumigation and burial at the site as the deceased body is in a decomposed state, unfit to be kept in the mortuary and the public health dept for the city council has arranged for burial tomorrow morning. Inquiry file opened and more to follow,” Mr. Mweemba said.

In Chingola, Police have launched investigations into a vandalism case in which unknown people cut and stole a Zesco Limited cable valued at K12, 950.

“Vandalism occurred on 24/01/2023 around 02:30hours at Substation number 263 pole mounted transformer (PMT) of Chingola Central Old Senior Police camp (Mutelo) Chingola District, in which Ristone Kaniini aged 43 of house number 58 Mulamba road Nchanga South, a Zesco security manager reported on behalf of Zesco that unknown criminals (vandals) did cut and stole a 120mm x 4 core x14 metres cable valued at k12, 950 property of Zesco. Brief facts are that the criminals dug the said cable, which was coming from the transformer to the medium voltage cable line which supplies power to the Office of the President Offices and part of the Old police camp.The police and Zesco personnel visited the scene, docket opened, and investigations instituted,” Mr. Mweemba stated.


  1. This is terrible, this was her own child. This woman has a problem for sure and she did this after the child went to visit her own mother,the child’s grandmother. What is happening in this world? The woman needs serious counseling up to the level of Chainama Mental hospital and possibly also prayers. No one one should attack a child no matter the circumstances like this let alone your own child.

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