Saturday, July 27, 2024

Come up with Workable Solutions in Garbage Collection


The government has called for a public mindset change in the manner garbage is being disposed off in major towns across the country .

Republican Vice President W.K. Mutale Nalumango notes that some cities in other parts of the country had bigger populations than Lusaka but were looking cleaner and kept than the country’s Capital City.

Speaking this morning during the official launch of the Lusaka Cleaning and Drainage Clearing Campaign in the Central Business District of Lusaka, Mrs Nalumango said the country needs is a mindset change in dealing with garbage disposal as she demanded for more stakeholder involvement in the campaign.

She has since challenged the Lusaka City Council to provide workable and sustainable solutions to the garbage situation in the Central Business District of the city.

She said not having enough waste disposal trucks can no longer be an excuse as the local authority has enough income and can further engage stakeholders such as industries in addressing the challenge.

The Vice-President further expressed concern at the reported cholera outbreak in Vubwi district of the eastern province which has claimed a life hence her call to step up efforts in garbage collection.

And Lusaka Province Minister Sheal Mulyata assured the vice president that the provincial office will work in close collaboration with the office of the District Commissioner and the local authority to keep the district clean.

Mrs Nalumango was accompanied by Minister of Local Government Gary Nkombo, Minister of Tourism Rodney Sikumba, Minister of Water Development and Sanitation Mike Mposha, Lusaka District Commissioner Rosa Zulu, Lusaka City deputy mayor Ketty Nanyangwe and other senior party and Government officials.


  1. The only solution upnd government has is that fat azz vlogging clown simon mwewa who goes around harrasinng unsuspecting people and recording them without their consent. Atleat under my adada we had proper cleaning initiatives. Hh can’t even cut his hair so how can we expect clean country. I am very drunk in chilangam call me

    • Please ignore this UK based Impostor it is nowhere within the bordieries of Zambia …it is a thousand miles away. It feeds off anything that the real KZ posts..ignore this psychopath..European cold weather can be damaging to some African chaps!!

    • Now we can all see UPND has no plans. They have a cabinet but its loafing and getting our taxes for free. They cant come up with a plan to dispose of the capital city’s garbage. Yaba!

    • In a functioning government the Veepee should have summoned the Minister of Local Government and the Mayor and given them an ultimatum for a plan. The Minister should then be seeking for workable solutions from citizens

  2. Garbage collection and clean streets is a reflection of good leadership and governance within the City council up the hierarchy towards the ministry…in other countries the Ministry and central govt has a carrot and stick approach for councils reward those that performing and penalise those that are not. How many times have we seen leaders sweeping the streets for photo opps in Lusaka…utterly useless Lazy Lungu used to do it as a distraction every 6 months.
    Madame take all Mayors, City council Directors and councillors in country for a tour in Rwanda and see how its done!!

  3. The illusion of the clean zambia shall remain nothing but a fleeting illusion……..

    To be attempted, but never attained , until……..

    The children are taught an environmental awareness subject in primary school………

    Where lessons in garbage disposal, forest and natural resourse preservation, patriotic lessons to honour mother zambia are taught

    Untill that day,…………

    there will be rubbish Pilling up on our streets , trees cut down with impunity , and………

    Not a care about our environment, while citizens look on unpatriotically ………

  4. I think a workable solution is called a job description and the people in charge are responsible for making sure the right people are hired to do the job on behalf of the tax payers. If you can’t do the job then please give it to someone who can.

  5. Firstly Mrs Veepee leadership must stop dreaming. That’s when it can solve such problems.
    “….Nalumango notes that some cities in other parts of the country had bigger populations than Lusaka but were looking cleaner…”
    Which cities are these which are bigger than Lusaka? Grade 5 pupils answer our president please.
    You see its only when you have proper statistics that you can make a plan to solve a problem. Right now in Lusaka you’ll try to adopt the plans for Chipata because you think it’s bigger than Lusaka.

  6. Firstly Mrs Veepee leadership must stop dreaming. That’s when it can solve such problems.
    “….Nalumango notes that some cities in other parts of the country had bigger populations than Lusaka but were looking cleaner…”
    Which cities are these which are bigger than Lusaka?
    Grade 5 pupils answer our president please.

  7. Garbage collection and clean streets is a reflection of good leadership and governance within the City council up the hierarchy towards the ministry…in other countries the Ministry and central govt has a carrot and stick approach for councils reward those that performing and penalise those that are not.

  8. comment is awaiting moderation X2. LT what maintaince were you carrying out? Its still the same thing nothing has changed still outdated comments plateform.

  9. That’s the problem with Politicians…doing everything just for the cameras….we need proper sanitation in all towns…the money wasted on unnecessary international trips is enough to fund proper sanitation in the country……not just doing things with Camera crew in tow just to fool Zambians like you’re doing something….I have noticed that UPND administration it’s all about scripted photo ops….Christina Kaseba went to pose for pictures at a certain company in France….it’s now a trend because they’re just doing what HH is doing….”nikopeko so”…..”take this angle and make sure the background is visible”….”kopa inangu nioneke monga nili busy”

  10. Learn something from urban studies books on what makes an urban settlement viable and clean. Zambians spend too much time in churches, at funerals, weddings , memorials and bars to think seriously about solutions to their challenges.

  11. People don’t go into jobs to ask questions. When you go to school and qualify at the end of it surely that in itself is preparation for ideas in your chosen field. In Zambia we tend to do things backwards, why do you ask for solutions in a job when the reason you are in that job in the first place is to offer your ideas and solutions? Please stop cheating the people by appearing to be working when in truth, you are just buying time to fulfil your own greedy agendas. The government should implement systems and those systems should be managed by capable people who offer creative solutions to problems.

  12. Even the pictures show the “workers” are ill-equipped for the task at hand. Spades and wheel barrows wont clear the massive mountains of garbage in Lusaka!

    • Start paying people to collect waste for recycling and see how clean your city will become. Same thing happened with scrap metal. There is an idea.

  13. Zambia is now dirtier than it was under PF. I thought HH and his UPND would understand that cleaning up the country and keeping it clean benefits the country economically. A clean country attracts visitors (tourists) who bring in the much needed forex revenue. A clean country also helps with the health of the citizenry, and reduces healthcare cost. HH and UPND, where is your pride in your country? Clean up the country, bamambala imwe. Ask Kagame what to do, if you don’t know.

  14. But what happened to previously announced grandiose plans? A few years ago it was said:
    LUSAKA deputy mayor Chilando Chitangala says all mobile phone owners in Lusaka will be required to pay a fee towards garbage collection exercises through monthly deductions to improve health and sanitation.
    Ms Chitangala said the monthly deduction fee will be conducted through partnership with Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA).

  15. HH and his UPND need to understand that a clean country attracts tourists that bring in the much needed forex revenue, growing the economy. On the contrary, tourists stay away from dirty countries. They may visit once, but will not come back. Also a clean country reduces the cost of healthcare in the country. HH, pay attention to cleaning up the country. Create an effective sanitation system in the whole country. Do you want Zambia to be known for it’s dirtiness? Come on guys, you can do better.

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