Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema Accused of Abusing Police Powers by Sean Tembo in Response to Treatment of Hon. Kambwili


President of the Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) Sean Tembo has expressed his disappointment in President Hakainde Hichilema over the recent abuse of police powers in the country.

In a post on his Facebook page, Sean Tembo expressed his disappointment in President Hakainde Hichilema, claiming that the abuse of police powers under his leadership is becoming more prevalent compared to the previous regime.

“For someone with-whom we suffered together under the hands of the previous PF regime, President Hakainde Hichilema is a huge disappointment when it comes to abuse of Police powers,” stated Tembo. “In fact, the abuse of prosecutorial powers that we saw under the PF regime is slowly beginning to pale in comparison to what we are seeing today.”

According to Tembo, there is a distinct difference between law enforcement and harassment of citizens, and the arrest of Hon. Chishimba Kambwili is far from ordinary law enforcement. “It is an act of State-sponsored terrorism against a bonafide citizen that is engineered by a President that has nothing tangible to offer to the masses of this nation other than to flex his presidential powers,” Tembo claimed.

Tembo pointed out that Kambwili was charged with unlawful assembly, which is a misdemeanor under the penal code, and has the option of paying an admission of guilty fine of K54. He expressed his frustration over the excessive force used by the police in executing the arrest, questioning why an entire contingent of armed police officers was sent to break into Kambwili’s house for a minor offense. “Such force is only necessary if the suspect is accused of committing a serious felony such as murder, aggravated robbery, treason, etcetera,” stated Tembo.

The PeP President also raised concerns over the president’s use of police powers, reminding him of the argument he made during his time in opposition that police should have sent him a call-out when he was accused of treason. “Mr. President sir, it is high time that you surround yourself with competent advisors who will not make you appear like a tinpot dictator in the eyes of the international community,” Tembo warned. “You may wish to be reminded that even this relationship that you appear to be enjoying with the Americans and other western nations may soon be compromised if you continue to abuse the authority of your office.”

In conclusion, Tembo appealed to the president to treat opposition leaders fairly whenever they are accused of breaking the law, to avoid creating an environment that could lead to future persecution. “We are not saying that opposition leaders should be above the law, no. All that we are saying is for you to treat opposition leaders fairly whenever they are accused of breaking the law, so that you too may be treated fairly when your time comes. Otherwise, the way you have been treating opposition leaders of late is total nonsense, Mr. President sir,” Tembo stated.


  1. We’re truly a lawless nation. Just as obnoxious as the POA may be, it’s still on our statute books and should be enforced – or repealed/replaced.

    We should be a nation of laws, not emotions!

  2. When we told the disciples that the so called repeal was just a gimmick to show Joe Biden that the Lord was actually full filling his promises they didn’t believe. The Lord will use other means to get at his perceived enemies. Just wait.


  4. Lusaka Times why do you always feature Politicians in your news stories every single day….can’t you find better news elsewhere….don’t you get tired of writing about the same stories….same characters….Sean Tembo..Kambwili…HH…Mundubile…Kalaba..
    Lungu etc

  5. Tembo is right. We have cheap politicians in Zambia. They long to do the wrongthings that are done to them. They dont want to correct anything. From Chiluba to HH we have had vengeful politicians. God save us from these avengers.

  6. Tembo is right. We have cheap politicians in Zambia. They long to do the wrong things that are done to them. They dont want to correct anything. From Chiluba to HH we have had vengeful politicians. God save us from these avengers.

  7. Even Tembo himself. Hé is as corrupt and useless asa hyena. Give him power and you will see how he would introduce professional corrupt law

  8. Hey hypocrite Sean Tembo did you condemn Lungu’s arrest/abuse of police powers to lock HH at Mukobeko prison ? Okay you didn’t , i rest my case.

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