Thursday, September 12, 2024

Community Development Minister Reaffirms Government’s Commitment to Reducing Poverty Among the Elderly


COMMUNITY Development and Social Services Minister, Hon Doreen Mwamba, says the Government is committed to reducing poverty among the old people in society in a coordinated and comprehensive manner. The Hon Minister is in New York to attend the 61st Session of the Commission for Social Development.

Speaking during the High-Level Panel discussion on the Fourth Review and Appraisal of the Madrid Plan of Action on Ageing at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, Hon. Mwamba said the Zambian Government was promoting “active ageing” through the provision of comprehensive social protection to facilitate access to essential services, safeguard livelihoods and income security of older persons as well as reduce old age poverty.

Hon Mwamba also re-affirmed the Zambian Government commitment to the promotion of intergenerational solidarity and a society for all ages. The Hon Minister informed the Commission that the Zambia Government recognises the need for inclusive strategies and has made efforts to ensure that the aspirations of older people were addressed through the implementation of various social protection guidelines.

“These include Social Cash Transfer programme and Social Insurance Schemes, aimed at preparing citizens to the unavoidable phenomena of ageing to ensure that all persons age with dignity and integrity,” the Minister said.

And Hon Mwamba said most of the older persons’ population was based in rural areas of the country which was characteristically poorer than urban regions.

To mitigate challenges faced by the ageing population, Hon Mwamba said Government developed the National Ageing Policy in 2015, which signaled its commitment to protecting and promoting the rights of older persons as well as improving their welfare.

The National Ageing Policy was aligned with the Madrid Plan of Action of 2002 and the African Union Policy framework and Plan of Action on Ageing.

This is according to press statement issued by Namatama Njekwa, First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations.


  1. Beautiful woman but in an ugly party.

    This is type of woman you let sit on your face, because if a fat cat walks backwards, the birds fly forwards. In the same vein you should let gravity do what it is there for, so that the cow can feed the community


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