Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chitimukulu calls for use of local products


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people has encouraged farmers to use locally produced commodities as a way of boosting the country’s economy.

The traditional leader said promoting locally produced commodities will not only support the local economy help to create jobs for the youth.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said compound D fertilizer that the United Capital fertilizer supplied to farmers in the region under the Farmer input support program (FISP) has produced good maize cobs.

“From what you have seen in my field, I think you can tell that the fertilizer is effective, my field has set an example of how good the fertilizer is,” he explained.

He said this when a delegation from United Capital Fertilizer paid a courtesy call on him at his place in Mungwi District.

And Northern Province Agriculture Coordinator, Sylvester Nyendwa reiterated the importance of locally produced products.

Mr Nyendwa explained that local commodities help to trace production and ascertain the quality of fertilizer that is produced.

He said United Capital fertilizer was contracted to supply 14,747.25 metric tonnes to Northern Province which was delivered in full by the end of December.

The PACO also commended management of United Capital Fertilizer for being consultative with the provincial office in the distribution of fertilizer to the people.

Meanwhile, United Capital fertilizer Regional Manager for Northern and Muchinga Provinces, Chewe Mulenga said he is impressed with what is obtaining on the ground.

Captain Chewe who was in the province to check on the performance

of the fertilizer indicated the company’s readiness to supply the commodity in the next farming season.


  1. There was once a time when Zambians had confidence in local products. This was eroded during the MMD reign through a smear campaign. The effects are still showing as quite a good number of consumers prefer foreign products. Just check chain stores and you’ll understand what I mean. Many local producers struggle to sell their products because of the attitude of Zambians. Therefore, the call by Mwine Lubemba must be supported

  2. The chief has now qualified from being a PF cader , to………..

    Talking sense like a senior chief should…….

    GRZ can help here by slaping high custom duty on imported Products, but…….

    The greed of Africans spoil things, you find without competition, the local manufacturer hikes prices overnight hoping to get rich in 1week………..

    Generally everywhere you go , you find black peoples Products are the most expensive while the Asian next door is selling at a 1/4 less……..

  3. The United capital fertilizer that has boosted your field is not made in zambia. The fertilizer is just imported in bulk and bagged here for distribution so you are not actually buying a local product.

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