Friday, October 25, 2024

Government to train health care providers in maternal care, over 800,000 women become pregnant yearly-Kasonka


The government is set to ensure health care providers, who are working in maternal care departments are adequately trained to provide quality services.

Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary in charge of Technical Services Professor Lackson Kasonka has revealed that, every year over 800,000 women become pregnant and more than 700 women succumb to maternal mortality.

Prof. Kasonka was speaking during the launch of the National Antenatal Care Package and the handover of anatomic models and diagnostic ultrasound machines to the Ministry of Health by USAID Zambia/Family Health and Nutrition (FHN) and World Health Organisation (WHO) Zambia in Lusaka.

The Permanent Secretary said that over the last two decades, Zambia recorded a stable reduction of maternal and under 5 mortality ratio from 252 to 100/100,000 live births.

“Through the partnership of USAID Zambia and WHO, the focus has been set to deliver high quality services at all levels of health care services.” Prof. Kasonka said.

Prof. Kasonka said the ministry is committed to ensuring policies are in place and that no woman dies while giving life.

He further thanked USAID Zambia and the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the continued support towards reducing maternal and under 5 mortality rate.

WHO Country representative Nathan Bakyaita commended the commitment of government in their efforts to improve the well-being of mothers and the newborn.

Dr Bakyaita Says WHO envisions a World where every pregnant woman and adolescent receives quality care throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period.

“Maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality can be prevented by provision of quality healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth,” he said.

JHPIEGO representative, David Burrow says the goal of the FHN project is to contribute to the reduction of maternal and under-five mortality in Eastern, Luapula, Muchinga and Southern Provinces.

Mr Burrow highlighted that of the 604 models donated, Eastern received 130, Luapula 156, Muchinga 152 and Southern 156.

He thanked the Ministry of health for creating an enabling environment to work with.

USAID representative Masuka Musumali said,improving the health outcomes for mothers and children in Zambia is one of their objectives.

“Our Family health programmes focus on helping women, children, and youth access essential, often lifesaving, health services.” said Dr Musumali.

Dr Musumali said the United States government, through USAID, is committed to saving the lives of mothers and children.


  1. Ba Ministry of Health how difficult is it for govt to set up a parental paternity test lab. This will help curb unwanted pregnancies becuase the biological father will be known. Cheating mums will refrain from the vice.

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