Saturday, July 27, 2024

I’m not being investigated secretly by the Anti-Corruption Commission over corruption allegations


Minister of Finance and National Planning Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane has refuted allegations made by the African Parliamentary Network Against Corruption (APNAC) suggesting that he is being investigated secretly by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) over corruption allegations.

Speaking during a media briefing in Lusaka on Tuesday, APNAC Secretary General Munir Zulu said Dr. Musokotwane and Minister of Infrastructure Charles Milupi are reportedly being investigated for allegedly receiving $250,000 each from a named contractor as kickbacks.

Mr. Zulu, the Lumezi Member of Parliament, said he had information from impeccable sources that the two Ministers had been secretly appearing before the ACC, and that State House was aware of the investigations.

But in a written media statement circulated by the Ministry of Finance Public Relations Unit on Wednesday morning, Dr. Musokotwane said he did not receive any payment either through bank accounts connected to him directly in cash or in any other illegitimate manner.

The Minister of Finance said he has not been summoned, interviewed as a suspect or questioned by the Anti-Corruption-Commission or any law enforcement agency in any corruption case.

Dr. Musokotwane has since threatened to seek appropriate statutory remedies for the injury caused to his character by Mr. Zulu.

“Allegations leveled against me by Mr. Munir Zulu in a video widely circulated on various communication and information platforms, have been brought to my attention. Mr. Munir Zulu, a Member of Parliament for Lumezi Constituency has stated in the circulating video that he was speaking as a member of the African Parliamentary Network Against Corruption (APNAC). Mr. Munir Zulu alleges that I and my counterpart from infrastructure have secretly been appearing before the Anti-Corruption-Commission, from whom he has demanded an update on the matter. He also asserts that I have received pecuniary benefit through a bank transfer from a source he has not named. I take great exception to this but assure the nation again that I have not received any such payment either through bank accounts connected to me, directly in cash or in any other illegitimate manner. I also assure the nation that I have NOT been summoned, NOT been interviewed as a suspect, and NOT been questioned by the Anti-Corruption-Commission or any law enforcement agency in any corruption case. I will seek appropriate statutory remedies for the injury caused to my character by Mr. Munir Zulu,” Dr. Musokotwane stated.

“As Minister of Finance and National Planning, I am a public official running a public office. In the course of my duties, my office remains accessible to various stakeholders both within the public sector and outside. It is important to note that law enforcement agencies, in the course of their duties, are free to invite any public official or otherwise to assist with information in an ongoing or planned investigation. They should not be deterred from doing that if it helps in establishing facts in a matter that they are pursuing. I take this opportunity to assure the public and stakeholders that in the course of implementing our economic transformation programme and helping to better the lives of Zambians, the Government will remain committed to transparency, accountability and the rule of law, now and in future,” he continued.

Dr. Musokotwane said he was on high alert and would not be derailed by such allegations.

“We have noted with concern, some schemes aimed at deterring us from focusing on sustaining the progress made in repairing the economy, bettering the lives of our citizens, and improving the country’s standing in the international community and strengthening cooperation with all stakeholders, local and foreign. We are on high alert and we will not be derailed,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kitwe’s Nkana Member of Parliament Binwell Mpundu has challenged State House and ACC to inform the public what they know about the corruption allegations leveled against the two cabinet ministers.

Mr. Mpundu said President Hakainde Hichilema must show that he means business in the fight against corruption by putting the two ministers on leave to pave way for investigations if the information revealed by APNAC was true.

“Earlier I informed you of the allegations made by Hon Bowman Lusambo in relation to corruption surrounding the Lusaka Ndola Dual carriageway. Well this afternoon Lumezi Member of Parliament Hon Munir Zulu has held a press briefing at Parliament and has alleged that Hon Musokotwane and Hon Milupi received bribes of $250,000 each over the Road. Honourable Zulu further alleges that the two have been appearing before ACC secretly and that state house is aware. He has further challenged ACC to deny this information. These allegations are huge and all that the Statehouse and ACC should do now is to inform the public what they know because silence will denote consent. For me all I can Say is that his Excellency the President must show that he means business in the fight against corruption by putting the two ministers on leave to pave way for investigations if this information is true,” Mr. Mpundu stated.


  1. He can deny because there’s no one with the balls at the ACC who can come out and say it as it’s. The ACC have to get instructions for them to act. Only time will tell who’s telling the truth.

    • The Minister of Finance has said that he will take legal action. I hope you will be one of Munir Zulu’s witnesses because u seem to know that the ACC has been questioning the two ministers. What a great day that will be in court.

  2. Boss just fix the exchange rate, is that too much to ask badaala ba Situmbeko? K21 to 1 USD….and rising each day… The economy will collapse and become another Zimbabwe, yet we aren’t under sanctions rather we are darlings of the IMF and West. China help us please the west have no interest in helping this nation, they want the exchange rate to reach K30 to 1 USD by that time us pensioners who have saved funds will have money which is completely worthless.

    • Those who love us from the West do so for what they can get from us. HH is being used as entry to our idling wealth. The fall of the Kwacha ensures they can get this wealth cheaply

  3. Gunner in Zambia… that’s why courts are there. People shouldn’t be scared by a mere mention of courts. Muir will either defend himself effectively or not. It’s not up to you to scare people.

    • Gunner in Zambia..Kuchibolya taku bula umukaya. Definitely these two didn’t just wake up and created a story to entertain us. Besides the challenge has been thrown at the ACC not at the minister so why can’t he wait for the ACC to respond…. preemptive?

    • I know that it’s bad news that makes your day. Watch this space because the ACC has in fact summoned Munir Zulu to furnish it with details of what he said ystdy so that they can investigate the two ministers. I hope he won’t crying persecution. Look, I know HH’s “sin” to you and your ilk. He’s turned your worldview upside down because u were so convinced after overnight prayers with men of gold that “alebwelelapo”.

  4. #Gunner in Zambia. For your information I don’t care who’s the president of Zambia, but Zambia is my country and I will talk when I see wrong. What is my benefit if my tribesman becomes president? Zero benefits. Last time you accused the people of Luapula being tribal because they belong to PF… you forget that we have mayors and councillors from Upnd in Luapula while this not so in Southern Province. Man you are from another planet.

    • I hv not accused Luapulans of tribalism but I hv spoken out against Nkandu Luo’s openly tribal campaigns. Videos of Nkandu Luo telling Luapulans not to replace a Bemba-speaking MP with HH in a parliamentary by-election in Luapula are available. HH was not even a candidate in that by-election but he was an issue to Nkandu Luo.

    • Gunner in Zambia even you have become a spin king. It’s only a few days ago that you responded to my post where you called us tribalists because according to you we are all PF. I have lived long enough to know your feelings towards bemba aligned tribes.

    • Why do you associate me with Southern province? And even if I came from there, I would have no right to speak for the province. And you have no right to speak for the people of Luapula province or wherever
      you come from. Right-thinking people know that political popularity or unpopularity are not permanent features.

    • Gunner in Zambia… don’t be a crybaby. You are the one who started this nonsense. I have every right to protect my home province integrity when bigots like you unfairly attack us. Just accept it Zambia is for all of us and a president can come from any tribe.

  5. These UPND ministers will be worse than PF when it comes to plunder of national resources. The whole Lusaka-Ndola dual carriage way deal stinks to the high heavens. Those kickbacks are from that fake organization masquerading as a consortium called Macro Ocean. PPP my foot!

  6. Alot of secret deals and corruption happening behind…
    Musokotwane used to do the same thing under MMD….I told you that this man is a big crook…He wanted to grab my Grandmother’s Land in Mikango Barracks

  7. That is a very emphatic repudiation by Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane.
    I dare Munir Zulu to name the contractor he is purporting to have given the bribe

    • What dare? He’s promised to name the contractor so what is your problem? Next Musokotwane will say I WAS AT THE ACC TO CHECK ON THEIR ACCOUNTS etc

  8. After 3 days ACC will release a statement that they were just making enquires over the dual carriageway tender and that no one in particular was being investigated.

    • Not too long ago Godfridah Sumaili accused the government of investigating how the UCZ built its new headquarters building through the ACC from a totally false social media posting. Has Godfridah Sumaili apologised? Of course not because she lacks common decency. Has Dejavu put her on the spot for that? Of course not because all negative news about the UPND government is good news.

  9. Gunner in Zambia sorry I didn’t see this story by Rev Sumaili so how can I comment on something that I have not seen?


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