Saturday, July 27, 2024

Should married couples still communicate with old college friends of the opposite sex?


Dear Editor,

I have been married for 16 years now. My husband is an UNZA graduate and I understand he obviously has old friends from Campus.But I am not comfortable with his female friends.

We had an argument last night and I moved out the room just to get some breathing space,I then found a message on his phone that he sent to a lady friend from school saying “Sweet Dreams” . Am I over reacting or is it okay for him to do that? Is it necessary to still communicate with old female friends?

Thank you.


  1. You are not overreacting and your gut instinct never fails you. Listen to your intuition.Its definitely not okey in my books!!! but are you aware that his still in contact with a lady friend from school? Do you know her? If not then definite red flags

  2. If your husband saying sweet dreams to an old friend is the biggest problem you have now, then you have a very nice life!

  3. This woman is a upnd cadre. You can tell by the insecurity she has. It is unattractive to be this jealous as it shows your lack of confidence in yourself as a woman .

    My wlfe Regina is okay with me meeting my female friends and business partners for dinner. She knows that she is the best woman in my eyes. She is not worried.
    Lusaka times you are turning this website into a relationship problem solving page.

    • It’s to help you KZ. LT is only helping, kwasila.
      On another note. The author needs to publish the rest of the text thread. Did the husband delete the previous messages??? You can retrieve deleted messages. Better to build a good case before judgement. Don’t be like New Dawn ACC/DEC…..kikiki

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