Saturday, July 27, 2024

NRFA management was diverting K500m for road works to administrative consumption annually, charges Mutwale


Former National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) board chairperson, Joe Mutwale, has made serious allegations against the management of the agency, claiming that they were responsible for his dismissal. Mutwale, who was removed from his position in October last year, alleges that he was targeted by the agency’s management after he exposed illegal activities, including the diversion of over K500 million meant for road works to administrative consumption, annually.

Speaking to reporters, Mutwale expressed his relief at the appointment of a highly trained young woman to succeed him. He stated that he was delighted to see the agency being led by someone who has the intelligence and capability to take it forward.

Mutwale’s dismissal followed a vote of no confidence passed against him by the NRFA board, which accused him of unprofessional conduct and abusing his position. The board cited several governance incompetences, including Mutwale’s claiming of undue allowances and bringing the name of the agency into disrepute.

In addition, Mutwale was accused of directing management to engage in illegal activities, including the diversion of funds meant for road works to administrative expenses. The board alleged that Mutwale had failed to provide proper oversight of the agency’s finances, leading to the mismanagement of funds and the diversion of resources to unauthorized uses.

However, Mutwale maintains that he was targeted by the management of the agency because he exposed their illegal activities. He stated that his removal was an attempt to silence him and prevent him from further exposing the corruption and mismanagement within the NRFA.

The NRFA is responsible for the management and disbursement of funds for road construction and maintenance in the country. The agency plays a critical role in ensuring that the country’s roads are properly maintained and developed to support economic growth and development.

The allegations made by Mutwale raise serious concerns about the management of the agency and the misuse of public funds. The diversion of funds meant for road works to administrative expenses is a serious violation of public trust and undermines the government’s efforts to improve the country’s infrastructure.

The appointment of a new board chairperson, particularly one who is described as highly trained and capable, offers hope that the agency will be able to address the challenges it faces and improve its performance. However, it remains to be seen whether the new leadership will be able to restore public trust in the agency and ensure that funds are properly managed and used for their intended purpose.

The allegations made by Mutwale also highlight the need for greater accountability and transparency in the management of public resources. The government and other oversight bodies must take the necessary steps to investigate the allegations and hold those responsible for any wrongdoing accountable.

The allegations made by former NRFA board chairperson, Joe Mutwale, raise serious concerns about the management of the agency and the misuse of public funds. His claims that he was targeted by the agency’s management after exposing illegal activities underscore the need for greater accountability and transparency in the management of public resources. The appointment of a new board chairperson offers hope that the agency will be able to address the challenges it faces and improve its performance. However, the government and other oversight bodies must take the necessary steps to investigate the allegations and ensure that those responsible for any wrongdoing are held accountable.


  1. You cannot trust this man. People who wash dirty linen in public are not stable and can say anything to protect their misdeeds. If he knew of what he alleges why didn’t he report to the ACC or better still whisper to the president himself?

  2. It seems he still misses the NRFA. When a colleague told me that there was widespread theft of funds at NRFA right from very junior staff to the big bosses, I disagreed with him. But when he pointed at his younger brother in Livingstone and how many vehicles he’s bought within a few months of being in employment, I was depressed. When it comes to theft of public funds, Zambia is now beyond redemption

    • Wht sickens me, Ayatollah, is that we have watchdog institutions that preach to us that they’re on duty 24/7 throughout the year and their senior officials therefore deserve brand new vehicles every 3 yrs at taxpayer expense. If self-rule under independence is failing to deliver, wht option do we have?

  3. ACC and Transparency international should raise alarm bells on acts carried out by govt depts that though not explicitly illegal are borderline unethical, acts such as awarding of huge amounts on “administrative costs” which include Luxury SUVs. These luxury SUVs are a curse to many a govt department all they do is drain govt funds at the sake of boosting egos of higher office holders. Let us do away with this vice which costs not only the Zambian tax payer but equally the donors funds which could be better spent on more sustainable areas.

    • @2020vision. I totally agree with you 100%!!! Go to all these famous malls and drinking places right now and through out the afternoon and evening you will find these luxury SUVs parked there. Makes you wonder what time these chaps do any work, but the draw free fuel and the vehicles are maintained by govt.

  4. Hahaha. Mutwale knows his successor will do a better job, he knows he messed up. Now he blames the board. Its his replacement who exposed other illegal activities under his watch. Mutwaleni ku Chimbokaila prison…..kikiki

  5. Tell us something new it is not a secret that funds were always being misused or diverted including the toll fees.

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