Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hakainde Hichilema arrives in Rwanda


President Hakainde Hichilema has arrived in Kigali, Rwanda, for a two-day state visit at the invitation of his Rwandan counterpart, President Paul Kagame. The visit aims to strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries and foster a partnership for development and cooperation.

President Hichilema’s visit is a reciprocal gesture following President Kagame’s state visit to Zambia in April of the previous year. It underscores the commitment of both leaders to enhance cooperation and explore avenues for mutually beneficial collaboration.

President Hichilema’s plane touched down at Kigali International Airport at 16:30 hours Zambian time, where he was warmly received by President Kagame and other dignitaries. The two presidents then proceeded to hold private talks, discussing various areas of common interest and opportunities for deepening bilateral ties.

Later in the evening, a grand State Banquet will be held at Serena Hotel in honor of President Hichilema.


  1. Chadyamo ma travelling allowance. This man is trying to recoup what he lost financially losing all those elections. He is deep in debt this one. Don’t be f00led by that millionare talk

    • I have seen the allowances Mrs Lungu was getting whenever she travelled from Zambia Observer. So these dudes can live a very comfortable life just from allowances! No wonder HH -Chiluba too-could afford not getting their salaries. When I grow up I want to be a politician.

  2. Only rich people went on the submarine, to view titanic, which is now missing. Why didn’t HH also go since he likes travelling. I wish he went

    • Jah man I don’t understand what you are talking about or upset about. Isn’t going on such a trip a thing rich people do? Unless you tell me hh is lying about his riches. Let him go on the submersive if he is truly rich.

  3. How on earth can you go for tour another country when you just came back 48 hours ago away from State House when you were in Eastern Europe for almost 7 days on a pointless peace mission.

    • It just goes to show he is in it just for the fun. NOT for the duty. One needs to sit down and imbibe whatever event he attended. Think about it and write a good report aimed for a political speech or political plan. But narcissists who know noone will demand such a report from them will just hop from one fun trip to another.

  4. Finally he has come to realise Kagame is the man he needs most than the colonial masters.humble yourself this is the man with the solutions to our problems in our country

    • Its probably the opposite, Kagame is one leader who will disagree openly with the muzungus remember the salaula 2nd clothes war with US where it threatened tarrifs if some African countries like Rwanda and East African countries did not lift the ban on salaula from the US. Kagame stood his ground stating they was destroying his country’s textile industry when the other cowards backed down. HH is an errand boy for Washington he has to be told where to visit…why is it he has never visited China or seen Xi his masters would not approve as it would be against US interests.

  5. Why didn’t he fly direct to Kigali? Did he have to waste our time by coming back just to greet Generals at the airport, have a shower and then fly out again? OMCs have scaled down operations because of the shock of losing K3 per litre following the abrupt monthly adjustment of prices. We’re now queuing for fuel, how many man-hours are we losing everyday? Aba bena kuwayawayafye. Let’s brace for harder times ahead

    • He had to come back to report back to Washington that is all that matters…when he is gone we dont even know who is incharge Veep. He could have also stayed backed in Russia and fly directly to Beijing he needs approval from his masters first.

  6. The problem we have in Zambia is we have no credible opposition PF has no leader and they can not criticise because they were worse than this, Fred Membe just uses the Socialist platform for his own interests.

  7. Zambia is rated among the poorest nations in the world. Doesn’t it makes one feel bad to be the richest in a such poorest nation? where did those called 10 richest men in Zambia get worth from? And you expect the world to help us, never at all. This is a joke, yenda ukagone iwee

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