Tuesday, January 21, 2025

President Hichilema mourns peacekeeping officer


President Hakainde Hichilema has expressed sadness at the death of chief inspector, Evans Same, a Zambia police officer deployed to the SADC mission in Mozambique.

The head of state has described the death of chief inspector Siame as a tragic loss to the nation.

The President has since conveyed heartfelt condolences on behalf of government and the people of Zambia to the family of the deceased.

Chief Inspector Siame died in a road traffic accident on July 8, 2023 in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique.

He was among four other police officers deployed to SAMIM to support the transition from the Rapid Deployment Force to the Multidimensional Force.

This is according to a statement released to ZANIS by State House Chief Communications Specialist, Clayson Hamasaka.


  1. When will he mourn the killings, persecuting and discrimination of LGBTs? A man or woman who chooses to fight in war, expects that they will be killed.

    • Wagner is obviously sick in the head. I don’t understand why LT has not blocked him yet. Or the Police looking for him. But then currently under HH, everybody is casting a blind eye to this decadence. This never happened under Lungu. Not that I want him to come back. HH is compromised. Wish we had Museveni for President to put these Alphabet people behind bars.

  2. This so called W.A.G.N
    E.R, is the same useless L.T. Troll, Mu2h0+@, N32, K4yiz@r. Hopeless mangwam, employed L.T attention seeker. Atlases!!

    • Timbwi am not asking for your attention. I have a boyfriend who gives me the attention I need. I am just doing right by my people by calling for equal rights and justice for LGBTs. Nothing personal

  3. Th1s s0 c@ll3d W.A.G.N
    E.R, izi the s@me us3less L.T. Troll, Mu2h0+@, N32, K4yiz@r. Hopeless mangwam, empl0yed L.T attention, at4se!!

  4. It is a sad day but reality is peace is quite expensive in Africa. We salute the life of another gallant soldier and continue to pray for peace on the continent in places like Sudan, Central African Republic, the DRC, and Cabo Delgado, Mozambique.

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