Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia to waive visa requirement for Israel to boost trade-President Hichilema


President Hakainde Hichilema has announced a visa waiver for IsraeliĀ nationals entering Zambia.

President Hichilema says the long process of acquiring a visa in itself is an impediment to development between the nations.

The Head of State explained that the removal of visa requirements for Israeli nationals is aimed at facilitating easier businessĀ interactions which promote trade and investment.

“Let me take this opportunity to announce something I should have announced when I held talksĀ with President Isaac Herzog, that as Zambia, we are removing the visa requirement for Israeli nationals intending to visit Zambia”. President Hichilema said.

President Hichilema explainedĀ that the removal of visa requirementsĀ for Israeli nationals is enveloped in the strong diplomatic relationshipĀ that continues to exist between Zambia and Israel.

“In view of this announcement, I am now directing for an immediate action plan especially from the Zambian side on how this should be actualisedĀ in the soonest ā€œsaid President Hichilema.

President Hichilema made this announcement during the Israel/Zambia Business Forum in Israel which was being held under the theme “Agro-Business Opportunities, to Guarantee Food Security.

Meanwhile, President Hichilema hasĀ reiteratedĀ his call for more Israeli investment in Zambia especiallyĀ in the area of agro processing.

Mr Hichilema said the Agro processing sub-sector is key for job creation and value addition.

He said his administration is keen on finding solutions to the high youth unemploymentĀ and the general wellbeing of the Zambian citizens hence calling for opportunitiesĀ that help to enhance the country’s economic performance.

Meanwhile, Israeli Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs Division Yael Ravia ZadokĀ said Israel is inspired by the visionary leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema in fostering economic development.

Ms. Zadok said Israel is keen to partner with Zambia in addressing issues of food security and climate change.

Ms. Zadok has since pledged her country’s support to Zambia in creating economic prosperity.

“Mr. President, your economic cooperation inspires us all and I want to state here that Israel will continue to partner with Zambia in many spheres especially in issues of Agriculture, Technology and Climate Change.

Both Israel-Africa Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer Dr. Ayala Vitner and Zambia Development Agency ZDA Director General Albert Halwampa gaveĀ presentationsĀ of their respective countries’ investment opportunities.

10 companies mainly from Israel attended the forum

President Hakainde Hichilema was in Israel for a three day state visit at the invitation of Israeli President Isaac Herzog.


  1. All this yet you failing to legalise lgbtqa rights. The Jews won’t want to visit and invest in country that discrimination against gays and lesbians.

    • Many whites are shunning countries like zambia which don’t have gay rights. They see such countries as uncivilised and unsafe. I urge tourists to boycott zambia until we get gay rights.

    • Why not ? what have we got of any real value to attract a visa charge ?
      Depleted wildlife in KNP ? Lake Kariba ?? Livingstone ? most go on the Zim Side

    • #Tikki if HH had insisted on the visa you are going to support it. You have no balls on your.
      It’s better to stay poor than prostitute the country for thirty pieces of silver.

    • Zambia to waive visa requirement for Israel to boost trade-
      And Israel?
      Israel to waive visa requirement for Zambia! Hip Hip Hooray!

  2. What’s the volume of trade between Zambia and Israel? I don’t think it’s that significant. Zambia’s largest trade partner is China, and it’s its single sovereign creditor.

    • I think this man has lost his marbles. Waiving of visa requirements should be mutual! Why should Zambians be subjected to so much nonsense just to visit these countries whilst their nationals just waltz into our country?

    • He likes sucking up to those who were our slavemasters, colonisers, and imperialists. I think Muzungu Wanga has really benefited him

  3. This man is sick in the head…did he ask Israel to waive visas for Zambians…he is opening doors for Criminal Israelis to come and steal our natural resources…in Haiti after the earthquake Israelis rushed to Haiti and they were stealing body parts….Israelis are the worst when it comes to theft and corruption and i told you that HH is in Israel for his own personal business…..Africans quick to open borders for Bazungu but denying fellow black Africans

  4. In Israel blacks and Muslims have their own queue at the airport when you arrive and they search you like a criminal and treat you like a criminal…Does HH have enough power to just abolish visa requirements,,,isn’t this supposed to be discussed in Parliament with the guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs…HH HAS SOME DICTATOR TENDENCIES…How do you just change the law like that overnight…Zambia has now become a banana republic

    • I just told you fo0ls that the Jews will welcome me as a gay before they allow you black heterosexuals into their country. They love gays before blacks

  5. Such thing should go both way. Thats agree with Israel to waive the visa for Zambians as well. But this action, I dont have word for it

  6. Waiver Visas for Zambians ? why dont you research the world opinion on Zambian’s credibilty ??
    the answer lies there.
    If you well travelled the answer is plain as day
    This GRZ is trying to restore that

  7. How can HH waive VISA requirement for them, without asking them to return the favor for Zambians? This guy HH seems to have a colonized mind mentality. VISA waiver should be mutual and reciprocal. What’s good for them should be good for Zambians too. No wonder this guy is currently an effective American puppet. He seems to be a Mzungu worshipper. What a shame.

  8. I now understand why the late Michael Sata. Called him under5, you can’t give people who have never been in government to run the affairs of the nation.. Mealie meal is now K 305.00, fuel K 25, cost of living for a family of five is at K 9600.00, fertilizer is at K 1200.00 during privatization they never thought of Zambians. And some people think that this government cares for the poor…You are a joker. The truth be told upnd has not heart for the people of Zambia.

  9. Praise singers have some serious mental issues…..gullible and empty with a mixture of inferiority complex….when they see HH taking pictures with Bazungu then they start dancing…i remember back in Secondary school we read a book titled “The Old Man and the Medal” by Ferdinand Oyoyo…
    HH is just doing business for his own personal gain nothing to do with Zambia come 2026 it will still be promises after promises

  10. Visa waiving is not a silver bullet. It is simply making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Americans and Europeans can enter Zambia gratis – but try to enter their countries! They will first milk you dry with the Visa fees and later even deny you a Visa – nonrefundable. Cry my beloved country.

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