Saturday, July 27, 2024

Agriculture minister says FISP stays, will only be revised


Government has dispelled rumors that it will phase out the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP).

Minister of Agriculture Mtolo Phiri says what government wants to do is to improve the system and not do away with it.

Mr Phiri said this year about 1,024,434 farmers will benefit under the FISP program.

The minister said when he officiated at the Farmers Day Luncheon at the 95th Agriculture and Commercial luncheon held at the show grounds in Lusaka.

Mr Mtolo noted that government wants to improve FISP and make it more flexible and accessible to the farmers.

He said previously inputs such as fertilizer and seeds have been given to wrong people adding that these are some of the things that the ministry wants to correct.

“I want to dispel the rumors going that we have and will no longer be running the FISP program. This is not true. What we are doing is that we want to improve the system and mechanism of the system.” Mr Phiri noted.

And speaking at the same event, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries Makozo Chikote said there is a need to increase cattle production in the country.

Mr Chikote said the cattle production in the country currently stands at 4.8 million adding that cattle farmers should double this number to 8 million.

He said cattle farmers can double the cattle stock if they work with different stakeholders and get knowledge and support from them.

Mr Chikote said farmers are critical and should now start initiating projects and programs that will help double their production.

Meanwhile, The Farmers Day Organizing Chairperson Francisco Miti urged farmers to explore all opportunities available and ensure that their production levels increase.

Mr Miti said farmers should also inculcate knowledge of planning for early farming and avoid late planting adding that this has a huge impact on how crops fair.

“Please farmers, I am urging you to practice what you have learnt. There are a lot of innovations here so take advantage. If you are able to inculcate this knowledge I am telling you, your production levels will grow” said Mr Miti.

And speaking on behalf of the sponsors, a representative from Afriseed Natasha Mwansa said stakeholders will continue working with government to help improve the welfare of farmers and citizens at large.


  1. Is he not contradicting the president? He’s quoting a million plus farmers to benefit but he’s not telling us that the quantities have been reduced. Where one was getting six bags, this time one is lucky to get three bags of fertilizer. Not that I am worried for myself…I am thinking of the peasant who will not be able to afford the expensive fertilizer from the shops.

  2. What exactly does the ministry of fisheries and livestock do? Shouldn’t this be a department under agriculture?

  3. Chipante pante Government…they don’t know whether they’re going or coming…like seriously is this what Zambians expected….shame on HH shame on UPND

  4. This Minister is elder brother to my friend Lawrence Mtolo former Chizongwe boys….but I think he is not fit for the Job…Mtolo…Masebo…Mutati..Chushi Kasanda…Kabuswe… Tourism Minister…Foreign Affairs Minister Kakubo…and HH himself must resign immediately….ok let me put it this way…the entire UPND must resign right now

  5. @ Uncle Spider
    Alot of Ministries should be merged…1.Defense, Home Affairs and Foreign affairs should be one Ministry….
    2. Green Economy and environment, Fisheries and Livestock should be merged with Ministry of Agriculture
    3. Ministry of Commerce should be merged with Ministry of Transportation…4, Ministry of Health should be merged with Ministry of Education the list goes on and on…i can a proper working Cabinet for Zambia but HH is not listening

    • I think some ministries do need to be scrapped or made into departs.
      I don’t think health and education should be merged, no defence, foreign affairs and home Affairs.
      We do need to scrap off technology ministry and ministry of small and medium scale Enterprise. Every ministry utilizes technology, no need for such a ministry at all. Medium and small scale Enterprise is a replica of commerce.
      Also remove this irrelevant ministry of fisheries and livestock.

  6. Rename Nkumbala airport as Mosi o tunya international airport,,,,what has the name nkumbula got to do with the town,no relationship with vic falls in livingstone

  7. What a useless government…Pf was better despite their short comings, not the puppet government of America.

  8. FISP is being phased out just like what happened to fuel subsidy. Millie meal is already @ K300 do you think the subsidy is still there? FISP is sparsely distributed that’s the plan until it’s nologer there. Improving the system my foot just creating more poverty. The money belongs to us the Zambians if we want subsidy on Maize production out staple food it’s ours tax payers money. I have never seen a govt lasting long that tempers on food Srilanka is a good example or Zimbabwe our neighbor

    • The minister thinks we’re fulls. It is there in black and white… the packs have been reduced and next year you get a bank loan, the bank then arranges for you to collect the in put. Obviously no single bank will give you a loan without collateral….need we say more?

  9. This minister just officially announced on the floor of parliament that FISP has been scrapped off and now he issues another statement at the show contradicting himself. AM VERY CONFUSED NOW!!!!!

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