Friday, October 25, 2024

President Hichilema Explores Agricultural Collaboration with IFAD and Sustainable Farming Practices in Italy


President Hakainde Hichilema of the Republic of Zambia expressed his satisfaction after meeting with Dr. Alvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in Rome today. The discussions centered around various agricultural matters in Zambia, with a particular focus on collaboration to strengthen food security in the country.

IFAD, with a longstanding presence in Zambia since 1981, has played a pivotal role in supporting projects benefiting approximately 5 million people in rural communities. President Hichilema acknowledged IFAD’s significant assistance to vulnerable smallholders in remote areas and engaged in talks about the organization’s country program, particularly its role in connecting small-scale farmers with rural financial services.

Expressing appreciation for IFAD’s commitment to agricultural development, President Hichilema emphasized the importance of collaboration to enhance food security in Zambia. The President highlighted the potential of Zambia, with its strategic land-linked position and proximity to key transportation corridors, to supply farm products not only to the region but also beyond.

Following the meeting, President Hichilema and his delegation visited the Maccarese Farm in North Rome, Italy. The farm, an intensive mechanized mixed operation encompassing livestock and crops, left a lasting impression on the Zambian delegation. Notably, the facility utilizes biogas to generate 1.5 megawatts of power from cow dung.

The dairy section of Maccarese Farm efficiently milks 300 cows within 10 minutes and provides feed for beef production. Encouraged by the success of the farm’s sustainable practices, President Hichilema expressed a keen interest in replicating this model in Zambia through a partnership with local farmers. The President commended the farm’s innovative approach to generating electricity through animal manure, emphasizing its potential for value addition in the agricultural sector.

President Hichilema underscored his belief that farming is a viable investment for both the present and the future. The visit to Maccarese Farm served as an inspiration for exploring and implementing sustainable farming practices in Zambia, aligning with the government’s vision for a resilient and prosperous agricultural sector.

President Hichilema meets Dr. Alvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome
Maccarese Farm in North Rome, Italy
President Hichilema at Maccarese Farm in North Rome, Italy


  1. If you had any doubt about Hichilema’s slave mentality, here’s the proof. Peter Ng’andu Magande had positively identified FISP as a tool for enhanced agro production and food security. Francis Grogan and Carl Irwin have demonstrated that we can do better in food processing and their Zambeaf brand is a perfect example. His 2yrs in charge has left the agro sector in a quandary and food security threatened, then he travels abroad at great cost to look for solutions when we’ve them here! We’ve a wrong person in charge. Let’s kick him out in 2026 so that he becomes an example to those that will come after him that as Zambians we’ll no longer take nonsense from anybody

    • Come on be real. FISP in the form Magande left it was never going to get us to the levels of agro production and processing that is required to revolutionalise our agric sector. Not even close. What the government is grappling with, beyond food security, is how to secure financing that will allow a few other Carl Irwin’s. Go and ask ZNFU if they think his international engagements are useless. Give us evidence based analysis that the food security situation in the nation has deteriorated significantly during HH’s 2 years in office and that this can directly attributed to new policy interventions.

    • @Makunku, FAO has been in Zambia for a long time. In 1981 KK even produced a 50ngwee coin to celebrate FAO but we still kicked him out because of mealie meal. When we said there was no maize this year you accused us of being bitter PF cadres. In fact Mtolo Phiri announced a bumper harvest. FRA has just managed to buy less than 350 thousand metric tons of maize, the lowest in a long time and millers don’t have stock. We’ll now begin to import GMO maize when HH found FRA with over 2M tons. So whose formula is working, his or Magande’s?

    • KK tried to do what HH is but failed because those weren’t home grown solutions. KK got tractors, harvesters, etc from Romania and those were the loans that ended up with Donegal vultures. We’ve been around mwaiche, there’s no where that HH is taking us. Signs of failure are evident

    • These things are stubborn so much that they opt to ignore what they learned in university because it doesn’t agree with what their god is doing. All these IFAD etc have been in Zambia before so what is new? Bottom line is a sensible person should improve on the systems they find and in this case FISP…. but the world bank has told them to scrap it and start bringing in GMO maize…. where is ZNS getting maize from?

  2. @Kaizar, where are you? I am waiting for you to admit that you got pounded by John Mwangwi in Kenya at Spice Night Club.

  3. A woman in Lusaka has been arrested for selling her child to another woman because of tough economic situation prevailing in the country. Never in history of zambia have we seen things get this bad. Ironically a person who claims to be an educated economist is running our country. Evidence that we have educates f00Is and liars in society

    • See where you get it wrong, so who will you blame when the young women you sleep with take morning after pills instead of having babies? You are known for being sexually fluid with both men and women so I understand if you do not get this.

    • Your own PF lied “more money in your pocket in 90 days” only to make it 10yrs of increasing poverty, debts and Euro bond default.

  4. Why do we have to look outside even for farming. We have a Muzungu loving failure at the helm of this country. We have land, water and can make our own fertilizer. Why do we have to go begging even for farming? HH has managed to brainstorm his followers that we can not mine and grow food on our own. Now farming? It is understandable now why the dollar is at at K24. What kind of an economist is HH if he knows nothing about local production? What morons keep supporting this man?

  5. Even farming you want a muzungu to come and grow maize for you. This is a higher level of dullnes & inferiority complex mixo mixo.

    Hunger Hinde

  6. This guy in charge of the nation is a let down there is nothing in his head, .
    we don’t where he is taking us all is confusion and time wasting .

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