Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Hichilema to Visit Seseli Mine


President Hakainde Hichilema is scheduled to visit Seseli Mine in Chingola on the Copperbelt, where a number of illegal miners find themselves trapped in a flooded open-pit mine. The announcement was made by Copper Minister Elisha Matambo during a press briefing in Chingola, reflecting the government’s commitment to addressing the critical situation.

Minister Matambo expressed confidence in the measures and interventions implemented by the government, ensuring that the ongoing rescue mission will reach the trapped miners. The President’s visit underscores the gravity of the situation and the government’s hands-on approach in coordinating the rescue efforts.

Mines Minister Paul Kabuswe provided further assurance, stating that safety precautions are rigorously being followed to maximize the chances of a successful rescue operation. He emphasized that the government has engaged with families affected by the incident, with twenty-seven families having come forward to claim missing relatives.

“So far, the government has met the affected family members, providing support and information on the ongoing rescue efforts,” noted Minister Kabuswe.

To enhance the manpower involved in the rescue operation, the government has enlisted the support of approximately 400 casual workers. Copperbelt Deputy Permanent Secretary Daniel Kamenga confirmed this development during a donation event where the Chinese Community, led by New Future Investment, contributed food supplies to the rescue team.

“Government is doing everything possible to ensure that the rescue operation is concluded as soon as possible,” assured Mr. Kamenga. The additional workforce reflects the collective efforts to intensify the ongoing rescue mission.

Sandy Shi, Director of New Future Investment, conveyed the concern of the Chinese Community in Chingola, emphasizing their commitment to supporting the government in alleviating the burden posed by the tragic incident. The collaborative efforts between the government and various stakeholders, including the Chinese Community, highlight the unity of purpose in the face of adversity.


  1. Ministers stop rescure, to await for President on vacation in Dubai.
    Illegal miners screaming for help for 4 days, but you answer them to wait for HH The Almighty President!

    • If what these boys were doing is illegal then who ever was buying the copper from them must be held accountable for buying goods from an illegal activity. This chinese firm has been the buyer and he must be arrested for encouraging illegal activity.

  2. Too little too late, for a very incentive president. He care more about his money friends than his own people. I hope the people of Chingola will show him the exit door.

  3. I have been expecting statements from the owners of Senseli Mine and the Mines Safety Department to give us the probable cause of the accident and the estimated number of casualties. There must be consequences for this unnecessary loss of lives. We were insulted as bitter PF cadres when we expressed concern about the illegal activities of the shadowy company Senseli Mine at KCM. Now there’s a tragedy and you can’t tell us how many people are affected? Don’t take God’s people for granted. One day you’ll be called to answer

  4. Truth be told there is nothing this president or indeed any other could have done that could have changed anything. You might not like him and by God you may be justified but on this one he did the right thing to send in the support required. What could have changed even if he came the same day the accident happened? Underground rescue is not child’s play. We just need equipment which is there and the very people who work there plus Technical support. Everthing is there. He even sent in Commoandos. What more did you want him to do?

    • Who said he is to blame? Why do we jump to defend even when there’s no attack? By collective responsibility he’s also culpable. Some of his ministers were very much aware about the activities going on. Senseli mine is a registered company and therefore the Mine Safety Department knows its existence and as per mining Regulations an inspector from the department is assigned to check on the operation, advise or even close the mine. The only reason they may have not done there job could be they were told to back off by someone big.
      So the president has to crack his whip. Nobody is accusing of anything… not yet.

    • Says you. If his minister is involved then he’s supposed to act. MSD are very particular about mine safety unless a powerful hand did stop them from closing this death trap.

  5. DMMU is no were in this case, i believe this is a disaster which is suppose to be handled by DMMU has a mother body under her honor the vice president,but DMMU is no were to be seen since we need concerted efforts.God help us.

    • We have to stop funding these good for nothing organisations. They create them to put people on a payroll and then forget they have a job to do. DMMU should be disbanded with immediate effect.

  6. What is he going to do there after people have died because of his carelessness in managing our economy. Fuseke!!

  7. Y can’t we pay the foreigners to save our people because it’s clear we are not making any head way on the rescue. Even if the president went there our efforts have proved futile. We need to train a disaster response team so in future this becomes their job because clearly this type of mining isn’t going away. Right efforts should be made in right direction not speeches.

  8. Deja Vu,
    You missed my point. I was specifically addressing the aftermath of the accident not what led to it. This is illegal mining and MSD should have shut it down but allowed it in the name of youth empowerment (An offshoot of the black mountain model). In that sense he bears responsibility being the head but after this has happened what more could he have done? There will be time to apportion blame and prosecute those responsible including the buyers (Chinese) I hope but for now we should be focused on retrieving the living and the dead.

  9. Yes, the president is ever on duty and will indeed travel again. The president can not be disrupted by illegalities that are resulting to loss of life. Those behind these illegal mining should explain themselves to the laws of the land.

  10. Illegal miners, uncertified, Zambians or anything; they are still humans, needing the highest form of support from anyone. Whatever the outcome, recovery or rescue, someone, politicians or businessespeople, MUST be held to account for the tragedy when all the muddy dust settles down. Since they were mining, it’s a MineAccident.

  11. @Shimogodi… the first thing he did when he arrived here at the mine was to take selfies with everyone who cared to have one with him.

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