Saturday, July 27, 2024

Question of Roadblocks; Debunking M’membe’s Mindless Conspiracy Theories!


As our nation continues grappling with AIDS………yes, you heard me right; Acquired Inadequate Development Syndrome (AIDS), we expected those that have had the privilege of perambulating through the gates of institutions of higher learning to memorise theories and walked away cum laude, to be busy prescribing smart solutions for our endemic malaise!

But what have we witnessed from these armchair critics, instead? Constant bickering and squabbling and spewing out cheap propaganda from desperate individuals eager to hoodwink the public……nay, access the honeycomb so that they can equally have their fair share of the spoils and thrills!

For instance, the Zambia Police under the New Dawn Administration just announced scrapping of all static security checkpoints and roadblocks on all our roads…. Just when we expected the likes of perennial critics such as self imposed leader of the Socialist Party, Fred M’membe to embrace and applaud such a revolutionary feat, he drops a bomb that has left many of us with jaws dropping!

“By removing static security checkpoint and roadblocks on these haulage routes what activities is Mr Hichilema and his government trying to ease? What really is going on here? Can they come clean and tell the nation the logic behind this highly suspicious decision?” wonders M’membe on his Facebook page.

Absolutely hogwash; mindless conspiracy theories!

On several occasions, I have endured the 1,398.2km stretch between Cape Town and Johannesburg by bus in crime prone South Africa; I’ve equally been chauffeur driven on the 147km highway from Friesland to Amsterdam in the Netherlands at the height of terrorist attacks, on both occasions I have never encountered any unnecessary road blocks or police check points. The only time I’ve witnessed road blocks is when there’s been a grisly road carnage or money heist and the terrorist threat has been upgraded to red alert in the two countries, respectively. What I’ve seen instead, are highway patrol vehicles strategically stationed on either side of the road eagerly waiting to give chase to suspicious looking vehicles!

Road blocks and check points have not only been a nuisance for most road users, but actually precious mines where corrupt cops turned up each day to mint gold! Challenge the Anti Corruption Commission to conduct investigations, you’ll be shocked to see assets some of these police officers have accumulated compared to their modest salaries.

If my civic education knowledge serves me right, road blocks and check points were introduced during the colonial era to monitor the movement of freedom fighters or indeed set traps for them! After the liberation struggle, the UNIP government equally adopted the same strategy mainly to detect clandestine activities of insurgents who were active at the time sniffing for opportunities to erase our strategic installations such as bridges, airports and communication facilities etc. to the ground as punishment for sheltering freedom fighters from Southern Africa.

Come on dude; we no longer live in the Dark Ages! There are always advanced techniques available to monitor the movement of our precious minerals or indeed intercept drunks and those those who may have committed heinous crimes in one place or another. What happened to the concept of smart cities anyway?

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


    • The problem is that Fred M’membe always comes out combatively. There’s no time when he comes out to ask for an explanation from the government. He never sees those in government as possessors of more information than he can possibly gather.

  1. Nothing good coming from the fake prince. Those cameras will not detect criminals and illegal immigrants. I’m sure when these road blocks are brought back you find reasons to defend the U-turn. Simply put, the anus only takes out what the stomach rejects.

  2. You can say what you like about the “The Fred” but he is hitting the nail on the head. We are our own enem1es. The only criticism I have for this man is that he is partly to blame for our current state of affairs. Fred and his Post newspaper are the architects of today’s politics in Zambia. Not everyone has amnesia but we still remember when the Post newspaper was trying to out muscle the government of the day instead of offering checks and balances. You had your chance but decided to abuse it but it’s never too late to put things right.

    • You are right. Fred stepped on too many toes. Looking back I realize that Rupiah Bwezani Banda wasn’t the devil that the Post made him out to be. In my opinion RB could be the best president both past and present. But Mmembe made sure we all found cause to hate this affable man. May His Joyous Soul Continue Resting in Peace.

  3. You are right. Fred stepped on too many toes. Looking back I realize that Rupiah Bwezani Banda wasn’t the devil that the Post made him out to be. In my opinion RB could be the best president both past and present. But Mmembe made sure we all found cause to hate this affable man. May His Joyous Soul Continue Resting in Peace.

  4. Late last month, trucks laden with tens of thousands of maize meal bags were impounded in Ndola as they were about to go across the border into the DRC.
    A day later Mr Peacewell Mweemba Copperbelt Police Chief ordered the trucks to be released together with the mealie meal bags. Meanwhile a child is shot dead in Mufulira over twenty bags of the same.
    How come nobody has censured the Copperbelt Police Chief? Who instructed him to release the items?
    Mr Kapinga these are the questions you should be asking.

  5. please pipo you shouldnt be paying attention to the warped reasoning of membe, the man is demented. he is more talking thana mobilising his party. what kind of leader is that. he voted for himself as president of his party.

  6. ………

    Cde Membe sees shadows after him even in pitch darkness………..

    Especially if he saw white people in the vicinity………..

    He won’t sleep that day……..imagining all sorts of conspiracies.

    You must see security measures and equipment at Membes residence to realise , he is a deeply troubled man……..

    • How much heavy security has New Kasama presidential house had when the owner was in opposition? How many pairs of surgical GL0VES did he wear while holding the Bible when sworn in after his victory? How many state events did we ever see him unprotected, ungloved? The very first time he appeared at statehouse handsfree was when he received the US vp. Wow! Security and safety is a matter of choice, nothing to do with anxieties or insecurity.

  7. The quality of opposition parties and quality of opposition Politicians ….how do you have illiterates like Jay Banda in Parliament and you expect things to improve…Fred Mmembe and Emanuel Mwamba have now become the biggest rabble rousers….HH is having a field day because he knows that all the opposition Politicians are just a bunch of Jokers….Zambia needs a new leadership….HH is not our messiah and he is enabling theft and corruption…Lungu’s time is up…he just needs to chill and wait for the government to build him a $5million dollar grave when the Almighty Jehovah Jaireh calls his name

  8. The only thing you need to know about Fred Mm’embe is a that the mathafaka is a Bemba tribalist. He hates Tonga men, but wants what they have. If you know this about him, you do not need to know anything else about him. If you do not know this about him, everything else about him will confuse you. ….. What I have said explains why he is not only married to a Tonga woman; he married the daughter of one of the greatest sons of the Tonga, the assassinated Mr Anderson Kambela Mazoka.

  9. Chingola/Solwezi turnoff; Sabina; Bwana Mkubwa; Kapiri/Mkushi T-turn; Landless Corner;
    Chisamba; Chikankata/Mazabuka turnoff;
    Those are some road areas that don’t need those faulty and unreliable cameras, but cops for proactive highway security even if you don’t like Member’s reasons for his worries. Some politicians have a watchful eagle’s eye about their country when police are inadvertently removed.

  10. Does Bill Kapinga know that he’s stupid? If he cant judge such a simple self status the he has Acquired Inadequate Development Syndrome (AIDS) just as he acuses Mmembe with exactly his status

  11. To begin with ba Kapinga, to have you made it your job to explain away the reasons for government to remove those check points? Did you even realize that the police command only gave directives and did not bother to offer any reasonable explanations for their action? And you Kapinga, nabaleku sapota pano? Fred has asked 3 fair questions. What is government trying to ease? What is really going on here? What is the logic behind this highly suspicious decision? Before they answer, you rush to apply umungulu!!!

    • As if he’s privy to the decision behind this suspicious action. Like I said, should the road blocks return, what is he going to tell us next?

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