Sunday, February 16, 2025

South Africa Files Case Against Israel, Alleging “Genocidal Acts” in Gaza


In a significant development, South Africa has taken the initiative to file a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing the nation of engaging in “genocidal acts” in the Gaza Strip. The UN court has confirmed the application, focusing on alleged violations of Israel’s obligations under the Genocide Convention.

Israel vehemently rejects the allegations, dismissing them as “baseless” and condemning South Africa for spreading a “blood libel.” The ICJ, based in The Hague, Netherlands, serves as the principal judicial organ of the UN, resolving disputes between states and providing advisory opinions on international legal matters.

Following the ICJ application, South Africa’s presidency released a statement expressing the country’s obligation to prevent genocide. The statement highlighted grave concerns about civilian suffering in Gaza due to what it termed the “indiscriminate use of force” and “forcible removal of inhabitants” by Israel.

The 84-page document submitted to the ICJ contends that the “acts and omissions by Israel” are “genocidal in character” with the intention of destroying a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial, and ethnical group. South Africa seeks a hearing next week and requests “provisional measures,” including the cessation of all Israeli military activities in Gaza.

In response, Israel’s foreign affairs ministry spokesperson, Lior Haiat, denounced South Africa’s claim, labeling it as a “despicable and contemptuous exploitation of the Court.” He accused South Africa of cooperating with a terrorist organization, referring to Hamas, and emphasized Israel’s commitment to international law.

“Israel is committed to international law and acts in accordance with it, and directs its military efforts only against the Hamas terrorist organization and the other terrorist organizations cooperating with Hamas,” Mr Haiat said.

“Israel has made it clear that the residents of the Gaza Strip are not the enemy, and is making every effort to limit harm to the non-involved and to allow humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip.”


    • Yes very brave leadership-while cowardly Zambia sucks up to blood tainted hands in the hope its 30 billion dollar date will dissappear. The murderers think they are more entitled to that land than anyone else but just look at its History and you will find that jews havent been the only indigenous people living there. Palestinians are equally entitled to their land but like the Red Indians in America, they have been systematically decimated since 1947. America supports the extermination of Palestinians from their own land because thats how the US was formed.

    • It is the isrealis that are acting worse than terrorists……..slaughtering 20,000 civilians the majority women and children……..

    • Definition of Terrorist: ANC, SWAPO or HAMAS; By Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan
      Definition of Freedom Fighter: ANC, SWAPO or HAMAS; By Kenneth Kaunda, Julius Nyerere and Yassa Arafat

    • South African President is a captive of Islamist bigotry. Jews are the original inhabitants of whole of Palestine. Palestinians are encroacher, came from Jordan, like Zambia is flooded with Islamists. Down with communist South African Government. Down with Uslanist terrorists.

  1. I had no idea Israelis were so heartless. They have behaved much worse than Hamas. Do you you remember the outcry when a Russian missile allegedly hit a maternity wing in Ukraine.
    The US and the EU were trumpeting it from the mountain top. Now their silence is deafening. Talk of triple standards.

    • The world is unfair especially that it’s in the hands of the USA. Killing 20,000 innocent children and women is nothing short of a extermination of a race. The USA is quick to accuse Russia of murder but keeps quiet when Palestinians are butchered like broiler chickens.

  2. Imagine! They kill them without batting an eyelid. These Zionists are so bloodthirsty they cant even wait for judgement day.

  3. Firstly, its disingenuous for Ramaphosa to file at the ICI he was condemning and wants to leave. We are sucking up to misinformation churned out by the media. All Hamas had to do was release the abducted Israeli hostages and stop firing missiles at Jewish cities. Hamas hide behind their citizens, including children knowing the western media would suck it up and shift the blame from Hamas to israel. Sadly, it has worked. The world including S. Africa has drank the Hamas cool aid. I wish Israel success in routing out all Hamds combatants from Gaza. Gaza citizens need to move away from harm and be fooled by Hamas not to leave but be willing to die as martyrs.

  4. I do not understand why Africans are meddling in affairs of people that do not even like them. We have enough problems in the region that our leaders are failing to solve. How many people are dying everyday due to disease, poverty, failure of govt to provide services, blackouts, hunger etc in the region. The whole of Zimbabwe has evacuated to SA! Yet we are busy being peacemakers! Doesn’t that role belong to govt that are managing their economies and domestic affairs and not failed states? That particular blood feud in the middle east started in Abraham’s house when he tried to assist God by sleeping with his slave girl Hagar. Its a family affair and we are outsiders. The best we can do is to pray for wisdom and peace instead of taking sides.

  5. Russia is busy killing Ukrainian citizens and to South Africa this is acceptable. Ukraine is just trying to defend herself
    For South Africa in particular Mr.Ramaphosa, remember this, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”Genesis 12:3

  6. Has Piranha put it, sure about Russia on Ukraine can South Africa also do the same on Russian or this divide and rule game.Too much James Hardly chase from these politicians.


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