Saturday, July 27, 2024

Former President Lungu shocked by DEC allegations and media reports


Zambia’s Sixth President, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu has expressed shock at the false allegations by the Drug Enforcement Commission that they have nabbed his driver or former driver for trafficking in cannabis.

The former President says he has never had a driver named Juvensio Mathews Phiri under State House or under officers attached to his office from the Zambia Police.

He has called on the Drug Enforcement Commission(DEC) Director General, Mr. Nason Banda to show minimum decency and professionalism.

Former President Lungu has called on public institutions to remain professional despite the political pressure they receive from desperate leaders who are engaged in attempting to tarnish his name or his legacy.

The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) issued a statement stating that its officers in Eastern Province arrested former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s Driver and Security personnel, identified as Juvensio Mathews Phiri, male aged 53, for trafficking in 55.6 Kg of loose cannabis.

President Lungu has also called on the media to be professional despite the current political pressure, the state of shrunk democratic space, and reject the temptation or allure of making them as paid voices to parrot government propaganda.
He gave an example where he called on the Implementation of quality education in Zambia and the need NOT to sacrifice quality education in the name of free education, a statement that has grossly and falsely been reported that he called for the cancellation of the free education policy.

President Lungu said Zambia was facing a serious crisis with the challenges of the economy, disease outbreaks and the worst cost of living in many decades.

He said Zambia was also facing the threat of food insecurity following the drought caused by the El Niño weather effect and the wanton maize exports that was done without due consideration the national strategic maize reserves.
He said the concerns about food security was so serious that it may worsen the current economic conditions if not dealt with adequately.

He called on the Government of President Hakainde Hichilema to concentrate on delivering service to the people of Zambia and resolving the various crises facing the nation than his efforts concentrating of attempting to destroy democracy and the Opposition in Zambia.

Issued by;
Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Chairperson of Information and Publicity
Member of the Central Committee


  1. When you create a monster, it grows and comes back to haunt you. It’s for this reason that public office should always focus on the future consequences. Our friends from UPND are busy selling the country but forget that when it comes to enjoyment, they will not have a country left to enjoy their proceeds.

  2. Emmanuel, don’t distort the truth about the arrested henchmen to ecl . Namuloba ilyauma. You thought ecl would make things better in your party and save you from from hips of criminal cases, but on contrary ecl has even shattered your little hope of re-branding your party

  3. The UPND don’t have any program for Zambia. The only they had was to fullfil the demands of their President’s personal friends and sponsors who happen to be foreign entities. Even their manifesto was a poorly compiled copy and paste document. So their agenda is always reactionary. Therefore, they think that by crippling their opponents then they’d have recorded success. What’s unfortunate is that even when they’ve realized that their formula isn’t working they’ve adamantly maintained the same trajectory. They’re their own first enemy

  4. Hh is desperate and spreading lies. Let upnd govt official not attend ncwaala. They will be beaten there. I am already in chipata.

  5. Our journalists are the worst on the continent to say the least so cheap.Embrace the Frank Mutubila and the likes they luck principles

  6. Unfortunately for you ECL, evidence is already being shared online where this person interacted with you at a very personal level. Some things you ignore and keep quiet them people would not pay attention. In the digital era, its hard to run away from evidence.

  7. We doubted the news because what these UPND guys are capable of is in the public domain. Mweetwa opened the lid already. Evil schemes are their daily bread. And not politics to development the country.

  8. This is the work of Cornelius Mweetwa and Thabo Kawana who are controlling Dead ZNBC. The chaps are dead scared of the UKA and apparently don’t know how to counter react to its formation.

  9. This is a government of liars. They came on a platform of lies and they have continued on the same trajectory. Whatever they say, should be taken with a pinch of salt. They are like empty sacks that cannot stand upright where lies are concerned.

  10. Mwamba writes, that Lungu “called on the Implementation of quality education in Zambia and the need NOT to sacrifice quality education in the name of free education”. The statement is nonsensical.
    I am asking the question, what does that statement mean?
    Mwamba writes a lot of nonsense and Lungu talks a lot it.
    I would have though by now most Zambians should have realised that Lungu’s utterances are that of someone who is uneducated and inarticulate. Poor fellow.

  11. Wena, don’t mess around we know Juvensio was your friend and he is the one who used to supply Sata with cannabis!

  12. Edgar Chagwe Lungu (Mutawari) is a Malawan. He has nothing good forZambians. Even want to abolish free education. Woke up Zambians! Open your mouths.Let him go back to Malawi under his real name and bring confusions there.

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