Friday, March 7, 2025

MP Munir Zulu Suspended For Wearing Chitenge to Parliament


Lumezi Member of Parliament, Munir Zulu, has been handed a seven-day suspension from Parliament for gross disorder after defying guidance on the dress code. Speaker of the National Assembly, Nelly Mutti, announced that the suspension would be effective from February 27th to March 13th, 2024.

Ms. Mutti stated that Mr. Zulu had deliberately violated the dress code by wearing a chitenge despite clear guidance given to Parliamentarians regarding appropriate attire for Parliamentary sessions. She emphasized that adherence to the dress code was essential for maintaining decorum in the House.

The ruling was made during a session of Parliament, where Ms. Mutti reiterated that Mr. Zulu would be prohibited from entering the Parliament building or participating in any Parliamentary activities during his suspension period.

In a separate development, the National Assembly addressed concerns about the Speaker’s decision not to allow certain MPs to wear Traditional Head Gears in honor of the upcoming N’cwala Traditional Ceremony. Senior Media Liaison Officer, Nshamba Muzungu, clarified that the Speaker acted in accordance with parliamentary rules and procedures regarding the dress code.

Mr. Muzungu explained that Standing Order Number 206 of 2021 specifies permissible traditional attire in the National Assembly, such as “Siziba.” He urged the public to refrain from issuing misleading statements regarding Parliamentary proceedings and emphasized that it is contemptuous to do so.

Furthermore, Mr. Muzungu emphasized that the National Assembly is open to all stakeholders interested in learning its rules and procedures, urging for accurate representation of Parliamentary affairs by all parties involved.


    • Stop lying ba LT. Ati “In a separate development,”?? Its not a separate development its the background to Zulu’s actions. Tell the true story

    • This guy is challenging a brainwashed government. This govt enjoys carbon copying the colonial oppressors head to foot. Just look at HH! Him and his cronies are exactly the results of cultural imperialism in their imprisonment to tie and jacket. The Speaker can’t even live in her skin so she opted for Ambi face. These inferiority complexes should nt be transferred to other citizens who are Black and proud.

      The colonialist knew that to exploit Africans one needed to wipe out of their minds all indigenous pride.The African mind was targeted to hate itself-hate your skin color, hate your language, hate your name, even hate your food! and the results are what we see at present-just read Steve Biko.

    • The colonisers brainwashed us into thinking nothing good can come out of Africa. The unfortunate thing is we agreed with them. That’s why you now see Africans with very negative views of themselves and having a huge applauding audience.

      “Prof Chirwa’s ideas cant be accepted” they say. Just because he is an African. Instead they will listen to IMF and World Bank because these have got whites talking to HH. For goodness sake, you cant ban your own traditions out of parliament while you wear white people’s wigs in that very house! Is this why the Tongas don’t promote their own traditional attire? If you don’t have one invent one. Who is stopping you? Just
      Dont ban those who have.

    • Why does parliament require a dress style? It’s the MPs mouths we should be more concerned with! Their dress don’t matter

  1. kkkkkkk we are seeing total confusion in parliament.Last time Munir Zulu was almost arrested in the parliament grounds,is it in order to arrest a member of parliament in parliament grounds?come on zambia be wise stop the circus iweeee alaaa,zambia belongs to zambians ulekutika iweee…………..

  2. Its clear this man require assistance, he is now going out of way, I had given him some benefit of doubts but look this so called honourable????????/

  3. Its called attention seeking…..very childish and immature …how did this clown even end up Parliament….and UPND is falling for them….just ignore these chaps they just do or say things to get people’s attention….sickening….and we think we have serious opposition in Zambia…my assss

  4. And why is the Speaker even paying attention to these attention seekers????….the best way is just to ignore them…let them come in any dressing they want….and you will see they will stop all this nonsense….you know how an attention seeker feels when being ignored…..they feel like committing suicide

  5. And we expect Zambia to develop when we have clowns in Parliament….who even voted for this lunatic….what development can he bring to Zambia apart from seeking stupid attention

  6. How did this clown get into the ‘House?” it is a revelation as to how low sacred institutions deteriorated from 1990…every institution attracts clowns everyone thinks they can be President, MP, Minister, Judge, CEO etc simply because many a clown was on the ‘right’ political ticket…look at the substance of PS compared to KKs time…your mouth allows flies when you see what wears such a tag…

  7. These are not antics. Dont just join the criticism bandwagon without finding out what caused something. Thats why we have plenty of shallow thinkers in Z. The guy is justifiably protesting the Speaker’s previous decision to ban Eastern Province MPs dressed in traditional gear from parliament. He is challenging the dress code!

    • The ban was on attair associated with the Eastern province traditional ceremony…….

      How many traditional ceremonies do we have in zambia…….what if evey time we have a traditional ceremony, we have attaire associated with that ????

      What time will there for law making, when every week we are witnessing traditional ceremonies being re-enacted in
      parliament ???

      Or , if parliamentarians are allowed traditional ceremony attire, are all civil servants also allowed ??? What time to work ???

      Nonsense…….there is a place for traditional ceremonies.

  8. Are we ever gonna emancipate ourselves from mental slavery? Kaunda suits banned from parliament. Winston Churchill suits accepted

  9. No wonder HH cannot put on soldier regalia during pass out parade because he is so obsessed to tie and suit. He is the only president who has never wore during pass out parade for military personnel. During that time a suit and a tie should be left for those in offices. He needs to start dressing as a Commander in Chief of the Armed forces. Not na ka tie pamukoshi!!

  10. Hilarious. For once I am pleasantly amused by Munir’s antics. This matter is simple to resolve just ammend the standing order on dress code to include other traditional regalia such tree bark cloth/hats umuquele animal skins and the like. This the space for antics. But when it comes to the economy, national security, food security, drought, corruption fight, health etc let’s put antics aside pull together

  11. Straight from Parliament website
    Dress Code For Members
    According to Standing Order 206 (1) and (2):
    1. The official dress for male Members of Parliament shall be:
    (a) a formal executive suit, or a pair of long trousers, a shirt, a neck tie
    and jacket;
    (b) a toga;
    (c) a decent traditional attire such as siziba; or
    (d) a safari suit, with long or short sleeves and a scarf or a
    neck tie.
    From the above except, traditional attire of any kind is acceptable. Otherwise she should ban Ivory bangles, necklaces, wooden ear-rings etc

    • The Speaker is only trying to impress on Munir and other delinquents like him to exercise restraint and maturity.Like Spaka has stated, parliament will be chaotic if everyone was allowed to wear traditional dress.Other tribes wear facemasks as traiditional wear .But Munir is not mature enough to realize that there much more important issues to debate and laws to pass than distracting the house with petty attention seeking antics.This is not about fighting imperialism or tribalism. These are serious matters of national governance…..How do these pygmies find themselves living, kanshi?

    Parliament has a dress code, which every MP that understands the Rules of Parley should know. Any member who doesn’t like the stipulated dress code should propose a debate on the matter for its review that to just turn up there looking marketeer!

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