Thursday, September 12, 2024

Zambia Advocates Balanced Perspective and Negotiated Solutions in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict at International Court of Justice


Zambia Delivers An Oral Statememt Before The International Court Of Justice In Proceedings Concerning The Request For An Advisory Opinion On The Legal Consequences Arising From The Policies And Practices Of Israel In The Occupied Palestinian Territory ,Including East Jerusalem

The Republic of Zambia has made an oral submission at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) before a panel of fifteen (15) Judges, following a request for an Advisory Opinion by the United Nations General Assembly, concerning the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem. Mr. Marshal Muchende, Solicitor General, SC, delivered the Statement on behalf of the Republic of Zambia. He was flanked by H.E Mr. Sylvester Mundanda, Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia to the BENELUX countries, and Senior Government officials.

Mr. Muchende submitted that Zambia recognises the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self determination as well as the legitimate security needs of the people of Israel.

Mr. Muchende further submitted that both Israel and Palestine have a duty to respect international human rights law and International humanitarian law, adding that any recourse to the conflict should not be one that puts the blame squarely on one party, but advances a negotiated solution that culminates in a two-state solution.
The Solicitor General stated that Zambia’s support for Palestinian People’s rights to self determination remains steadfast and echoes its consistent position within the United Nations. Mr. Muchende, however, said it is imperative to approach this issue with a comprehensive and balanced perspective.

He further stated that Zambia believes that any declaration, addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, must acknowledge the serious considerations of the difficult situation that both parties find themselves in, as they strive to defend the respective rights of their people.

Mr. Muchende submitted that Zambia notes that there has been an argument that negotiations between the two parties have been ineffective hence resorting to advisory opinions. Therefore, Zambia respectfully submitted that the Israelis, Palestinians, Regional States, the broader community and indeed the UN Security Council should first consider the reasons why the negotiations failed in the past and address that issue before resorting to a solution that seeks to bypass the agreed upon negotiations.

Mr. Muchende also submitted that Zambia proposes that the final determination in this matter would be for the two parties to resolve their dispute through settlement means of their choice, which is negotiations, adding that the just and sustainable two-state solution cannot be imposed from the outside through an advisory opinion.
Mr. Muchende concluded by reiterating Zambia’s call for relentless efforts aimed at achieving peace in the Middle East region, based on the principles of the two-state solution.

Issued by: Hambaya Munang’andu
First Secretary Press
Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
Brussels, Belgium


  1. How can there be an amicable solution when one party continues to displace the other? One party commits untold atrocities against the other? It doesn’t make sense. It’s better to abscond than to make a senseless statement just for the sake of saying something

    • Do you want Zambia to support Hamas’ refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist?

      When the US dropped 2 A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered – and the carnage ended. Why then don’t you advise your Hamas friends to surrender to end the carnage?

    • @Mayo Mpapa stop deceiving yourself. The carnage ended? Since the so-called end of World War 2 try to count how many wars have been fought. Wars have continued to claim even more lives. If you think that isnt carnage until the white man says so then go ask the muzungu to papa you. The Israeli-Palestine war, and even the Russia-Ukraine war is a continuation of World War 2. You look like you want to subscribe to the Israeli doctrine that the enemy needs to be crushed? Supposing we all thought like that???

    • When you listen to the verbal gyrations of the Zambian government at the ICJ, the only thing on your mind should be $32.5 billion in national debt. I do not understand why we even went there, if we were going there to stand for nothing. The only way this would make sense is if we were sent there by the westerners we owe money we cannot pay. I think that Zambia would have been better off staying out altogether. We have nothing to prove. We have already liberated Southern Africa. We (in Southern Province) paid a stiff price price for it. We should focus our efforts on find any possible relief under this oppressive debt incurred and looted by Michael Satan and his nephew Edna Lungu. We should also be creating laws to make it impossible for a president to borrow money in our name by himself

  2. It’s either lack of understanding or it’s out of fear of reprisals from Washington that our stand on the issue looks vague.
    Without the USA and allies backing Israel these conflicts wouldn’t be there and neither would there be a group called Hamas… with the current massacres going you should expect a group worse than Hamas to be born out of the children who see what is happening to their people.
    Even in the Ukraine war the USA is wrong. Gorbachev allowed the reunification of East and West Germany on condition that NATO doesn’t extend further east. But the USA and allies have not kept their part of the agreement.

    • I wish you knew that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been centuries way before the Berlin Wall issue mostly over Crimea.

    • How indeed can one demand that “any recourse to the conflict should not be one that puts the blame squarely on one party” That is too wishy washy. One party needs to admit the wrongs it has done and ask for forgiveness whether that request is accepted or not.

    • @John Kondolo. I did that history in secondary school. Ukraine was not the only country under the Soviet Union there several others who became independent after the break up the Union. Why is Russia not interested in the other countries some of which are richer than Ukraine? Simple…. they are on the other side of Russia. Forget about ancient history, the current war has nothing to do with that but with power blocks.

    • I guessed u missed a bit of History and recent Russia invasions.
      They occupied South Ossasia of Georgia brutally. Then they’re occupying Transnistria in Moldova, they invaded Chechnya, all former Soviet countries. Putins aim and he states it is to restore the Soviet Union. And he actually does recognise Ukraine as a country. For your bit of history it’s the 4th time Russia occupying Ukraine. Last time Joseph Stalin gave it back. Anyway I rest my case

    • @John M… I didn’t miss but just didn’t want to mention it…. I hope you know that the invasion of Georgia was because the Georgian president Sakashily was trying to get Georgia in the NATO ambit. There was no problem when Shevenadze was president. I hope you know that Sakashily escaped to Ukraine…. pieces dropping in the right place.

    • You have put your finger on on the pulse of the issue. We were acting to please Washington because their IMF has us by the balls on that US $32.5 billion your tribesman Michael Satan and his nephew, Edna Lungu, borrowed and looted. Unless we were expressly commanded to go, we should have stayed completely out, instead of pitching that pathetic and disgraceful performance yesterday. I went to the same university as Hakainde ded, at the same time as he did…How is it possible in that political environment that there was a student who believed this sort of reactionary nonsense? Maybe this UNZA, but definitely not the one of that time. I sincerely believe that my brother is responding to the economic realities of the moment. I am sure his heart is a different place from this.

  3. How can two parties negotiate when one party
    Doesn’t want to share the cake.It wants to
    Give one percent of it to the other.

    • We should have stayed out. We are not the Zambia that liberated Southern Africa, and paid a stiff price (in Southern Province) for it. We are weak, indebted and bereft of any assets to bargain with, as that infinitely evil Congolese dwarf, Frederick Chipuba, sold our mines to the Indians and the Boers, our factories to the Boers and his tribesmen, our (Tonga) land to the homosexual Arab Lebanese, the land outside the national parks in Southern Province to the Boers and sabotaged agriculture in Southern Province out of tribal hatred. His relative, Michael Satan, then completed the knockout by borrowing and looting US $32.5 billion, leaving our country the weak and pusillanimous joke we saw at the ICJ yesterday. At this point in time, we should focus only on taming that debt.

    • Do not quote the Bible. It is what YOU CHOOSE to believe. Do not try to impose it on everyone else. That being said, our effort and focus should be on taming that US $32.5 billion debt incurred and looted by the evil Michael Satan and his equally evil nephew, Edna Chagwa Lungu

  4. Hamas absolutely says No to 2 State solution and in there charter first is the Distraction of Israel and occupy all Palestine from the River to the Sea as there mortal.
    And truth be told there has never been in History a State or country called Palestine. It was Judea and Samaria which was called Philistine by the Philistines after conquering Jerusalem and gave it that name as an insult to the Jewish people. Todays West Bank was part of Jordan and so called as the West Bank of the river Jordan then Gaza was under Egypt.

    • @Rasta, you are confused and your opinion is baseless. Read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation ,then you can give an informed opinion

    • I do not want to get in the politics of the homosexual Arabs, but Israel is the one that refused the two state solution, a fact that Netanyahu has been boasting about since the start of this war. If you are going to get involved in the politics of people who have never cared about Africa and Africans, at least state it truthfully. That being said, we should withdraw from participation in international politics. We should focus on taming the US $32.5 billion debt, incurred and looted by Michael Satan and his equally evil nephew Edna Chagwa Lungu, that is oppressing and squeezing the life out of Zambians… We do not have the power to fight anyone, or for anyone, anymore.

  5. So a bit of history will make u appreciate how complex the conflict is and that Ignorance will not solve the problem.
    So my question is Which part of Palestine does Israel occupy considering there’s never been a country or State call Palestine in history but a name given to a region conquered by the Philistines from the Jews? Judea and Samaria

  6. Guys, this is no child’s play. This is what none aligned movement means. Its tough. We spoke and appeased both parties. Chapwa.

  7. I sympathise with the Palestinians. But what are we doing at the ICJ? Come bank home and focus on our own problems.

    • What are we doing on a World stage except to show off about how mentally enslaved we are! Throw those wigs into the bin!!

  8. This is not a matter of adding a name to world voices. This issue is quite complex and needs a voice of reasoning not to be heard as another voice from Zambia. If there is nothing to voice out the best is silence which is golden. SA was categorical in calling a spade a spade as regards to this issue. Now, Zambia’s voice on this issue is frivolous and lacks substance.

  9. I urge Nellie and her brainwashed followers to google “Zambia just embarassed Africa at ICJ” Just read the comments on Youtube about our lawyers’ colonisers’ dress!

  10. One of the comments:
    Did anyone notice that the Zambian attorneys siding with Israel, U.S. and the U.K. are all wearing colonial jurorist wigs while all other attorneys in the courtroom, even the ICJ judges themselves, were not wearing those symbols of Bristish Imperial rule? The symbolism, as well as the words out of the Zambian attorneys’ own mouths, said a hell of a lot. They need to free their minds so that the rest will follow!

  11. It does not make much sense in my view that Zambia should even be considering that there be a negotiated settlement between the two. The Fact that this has come to the international body for arbitration means that the two have failed to negotiate a settlement for obvious reasons among which is that, one of the parties negotiates with Guns and bomber planes the other one negotiates with catapults. In this situation it is obvious why Hamas went under ground. Even us in Zambia, there was a point that we could not negotiate as equals with the British colonisers hence we resorted to destruction of soft targets such as the filling stations etc. So time is now for international community to help Palestine and Isreal settle this problem once and for all.

  12. The problem with this space is that you have people with half-baked knowledge peddling that half-baked knowledge as fact. Without labouring on the history of the middle east further, the two-state solution will never be accepted by Palestinians as long as Hamas remain rulers of Gaza. Israel will never AGAIN agree to a two-state solution as long Gaza is ruled by Hamas. The more fighting and chaos in this conflict, the happier Hamas are and won’t be in a hurry to end it.

    • Very true Steve: The problem with this space is that you have people like Steve. Peddling half-baked knowledge as if it were fact. Hamas PLO, Hizbollah are nt gonna accept the two states solution

  13. Bantustan, your ignorance proves my point. If you believe Iran allied Houthis, Hizbolla, Hamas and their sympathizers want a two state solution, then your naivety is at another level and have no clue about middle eastern politics and conflicts. These groups re proxies for Iran. Not only does Iran not want a two state solution, but dont want peace in the middle east. Thats why other Egypt (and Jordan) will not open its borders to allow Gazans in for fear of letting Hamas fighters hiding among civilians.

    • There you go proving your shallowness again. Yes the ignorant are quick to call others dumb. Firstly even if they get their arms from Iran, the Houthis tribe isnt involved in Palestine. They have their own war to fight in Yemen. You say Iran doesnt want a two state solution. Who doesnt know that? Israel doesnt want that either so that puts them in your category of “enemies of peace” in the M/East. Egypt doesnt want to receive Palestinian exiles because it doesnt want to play into Israel’s plot. Israel would like Palestinians to run to Egypt: If Palestinians fled to Egypt they would become permanent exiles and Israel would take over their vacated native land. Read up before you open your mouth

  14. Golda Meir had the word in 1968; It is difficult to negotiate with someone who has sworn to eliminate you;
    In Zambia their is no Tribe that has sword to eliminate the other. We all are human beings to understand that each person has inalienable right to exist despite some terrible things that had happened in our Zambian history, we have come together even create what we call tribal kazenishipi. this tribal kazenishipi has helped Zambia foster peace without any heard feelings hence creating ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION. Through kazenishipi (NOT the word cousinship), has helped Zambia to continually maintain peace. David Livingstone, the missionary discovered this aspect and went down his kneels and prayed for Zambia.

  15. Today the Israelis massacred more than 100 innocent civillians who gathered around food trucks. They were killed just because they are Palestinians. And America smiles while condemning Russians as sons of ****
    someone wants to say this isnt genocide??

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