Friday, February 14, 2025

Former President Edgar Lungu in Kabwata during confrontation with Police



  1. Kaunda tried very hard to maintain peace and one Zambia one Nation…..HH and Lungu now trying to start confusion and divisions in the country…..meanwhile our minerals are being looted and we’re busy fighting each other

  2. This is a failed govt which can not handle a simple issue because over zealous police.Is this a Police state or what? does it mean the police or Porice have taken over the affairs….mmmmmm kkkkkk

    • Rubbish. When Lungu was in power, he arrested HH 14 times. HH has never arrested Lungu for an hour, so shut up. Lungu is the one who failed you. He and his uncle Sata borrowed US $32.5 billion and looted it. Now that you are suffering, you tribalists try to blame HH, who has never borrowed money from anyone.

  3. This is a failed govt which can not handle a simple issue because of over zealous police.Is this a Police state or what? does it mean the police or Porice have taken over the affairs….mmmmmm kkkkkk

  4. lungu was just expressing his wish. offcourse he would be hapy to see hh fail. but that wont happen. lungus wishes are merely his, like handing over power to himself and making his family rich with stolen govt money, now they are facing court for what they were given by a thief of a parent. which pipo will rise against hh-frm his tiny pf faction. lungu is a dunderhead.

  5. Zambians please please we should not make the mistake of voting for this man again. He was a terrible accident that should be prevented at any cost. I shudder to think about would happen this country if this man came back to power. There would be killings, destruction and plunder of the worst kind.

  6. Zambians please please we should not make the mistake of voting for this man again. He was a terrible accident that should be prevented at any cost. I shudder to think about what would happen to this country if this man came back to power. There would be killings, destruction and plunder of the worst kind.

  7. ECL is over speeding on his path of self-destruction and very soon he will end up in a pit! One wonders whether this man was elected by the Zambian people into office, or he just woke up and found himself the president of Zambia, this behaviour actually makes him less of a former head of state. We need lawfulness in the country, and it doesn’t matter whether you are in police, or your colleagues are in police law has to be followed.
    And who said when one is in police being questioned, he or she needs solidarity??? I now see why we need the public order act in its entirety to mainatin order!!!!!

  8. ……..

    Lungu and the clique of tribal supremacists are hoping for an uprising to overthrow GRZ……

    Lungu is lucky , this a GRZ of laws……

    Otherwise , he is behaving like a thug, treat him like a thug……..

    Bundle him up up and beat the crap out of him………he will behave

  9. Very interesting have we forgotten already how the so-called PF commanders were brutalising people. Anyway, ciwamina galu kuluma mbuzi

  10. This moron has forgotten how brutally he treated HH by gassing his house & told his pf thugs in uniform to defecate on HH’s bed.

    He is a violent drunkard & he should be caged

    • The Moron in Govt, even blocked the siting head of state for lack of respect, and noe he had brought tribalism like never seen in Zambia.

  11. The order of responding to police call outs accompanied by troops of supporters didn’t start today neither did the purported visit by the ‘opposition’ by one of their own start today…what is important is it shows how a person can disrupt police proceedings by bringing troops to the station to make police work difficult…let us wait and see

  12. Lungu’s statement is treasonous and action needs to be taken against him.
    He does not have immunity for commiting treason.

  13. Where was the money for retirees going? For those under judiciary they sang songs and songs by the office of GIVEN LUBINDA , the justice minister by then , nothing happened .Today people are being paid without singing song. But revelations came out that money was just going into their pockets and many millions being given to their girl friends using ukwa bags. And these are the people pretending to cry foul

  14. Disgusted child behaviour he as forgotten how cadres become police personnel to him and he did nothing!! what is he talking about!!!

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