Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Accelerates Economic Growth with Focus on Enhanced Trade and Infrastructure


Unlocking Zambia's Economic Potential through Enhanced Input , Export and Border Process Efficiencies
Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister, Jack Mwiimbu, Minister of Finance and National Planning, Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Minister, Charles Milupi and Health Minister Sylvia Masebo at a town hall meeting in Lusaka

Zambia has embarked on a concerted effort to boost trade efficiency and elevate infrastructure standards, initiating a series of strategic measures aimed at unlocking the country’s economic potential. Spearheaded by various ministries and endorsed at a town hall meeting in Lusaka, this move seeks to address the challenges hindering trade, promote cross-border cooperation, and bolster economic growth.

Trade Facilitation and Infrastructure Development

Minister of Finance and National Planning, Situmbeko Musokotwane, underscored the detrimental impact of delays at entry points on trade and economic development. Recognizing the urgency of the matter, he emphasized the need to remove bottlenecks at border posts to accelerate trade processes. The government, through rigorous oversight and strategic investments, is committed to upgrading infrastructure, including roads and parking spaces at border posts, to enhance trade efficiency.

Furthermore, President Hakainde Hichilema’s upcoming meeting with Botswana’s President Mokgweetsi Masisi in Livingstone aims to finalize the establishment of the Kazungula Border Authority. This initiative is poised to foster trade between the two countries and beyond, signifying a significant step towards regional cooperation and economic integration.

Health and Safety Measures

Health Minister Sylvia Masebo reiterated the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety and health of citizens at border posts. Stricter regulations and comprehensive screenings of goods entering the country are prioritized to safeguard public health. Additionally, measures are underway to engage with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to protect Zambian truckers when entering the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Private Sector and Stakeholder Perspectives

Private sector stakeholders voiced their concerns regarding the impact of police checkpoints on major highways, citing corruption and delays in transit time for goods. Ashu Sagar, President of the Zambia Association of Manufacturers, advocated for the removal of checkpoints to eliminate corruption and facilitate smoother business operations. Similarly, Sokwani Chilembo, Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Mines, emphasized the need for efficient border management to ensure accountability in trade activities.


As Zambia strives to enhance its trade ecosystem and streamline border processes, collaborative efforts between government agencies, private sector stakeholders, and regional partners are paramount. By prioritizing trade facilitation, infrastructure development, and stringent safety measures, Zambia aims to create an enabling environment for economic growth and prosperity. The collective commitment to these initiatives reflects a proactive approach towards realizing Zambia’s vast economic potential and fostering sustainable development.


  1. The circus continues with government will do this and that. The past two and half years has seen zero Infrastructure development apart from commissioning project left by Lungu. The much cerebrated CDF is good for building pit latrines, substandard one class room blocks and desks that can not last a month.

  2. These frequent ministerial pronouncements do no good to Zambians expectations. Just do the right things for progress to be seen without talking of removal of checkpoints to reduce delays. This was brought to your notice by stakeholders. Mr Milupi talks about road infrastructure, this mantra has run its course. Let Zambians see actualised mantra on roads. Lusaka Dual carriage to Copperbelt, song (mantra) has outlived its sound to Zambians ears. Ministers to keep issuing statements repeatedly is boring. JUST DO THE RIGHT THING – WORK FOR ZAMBIANS TO SEE.

  3. ZESCO please we had load shedding the whole day in PHI and now power is gone again at 19hrs, this is becoming a daily routine of power always going at night after the days loads shedding.

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