Wednesday, October 23, 2024

2024 Kuomboka Ceremony Sponsors Applauded


Kuomboka ceremony 2024

The Kuomboka – Kufuluhela Committee has thanked all stakeholders that came on board to sponsor the 2024 Kuomboka ceremony of the Lozi people in Western Province.

Kuomboka – Kufuluhela Committee National Chairperson, Nathaniel Mubukwanu expressed his appreciation to the sponsors on behalf of the committee at the royal banquet that was hosted by the Litunga, Lubosi Imwiko II of Western Province at the palace grounds in Limulunga royal Village.

The banquet was sponsored by Zambeef Products Public Limited Company (PLC), Termites Meat Supplies and Trade Kings.
Mr Mubukwanu said without support from the sponsors it would not have been possible for the committee to host the Kuomboka ceremony and the royal banquet.

He mentioned some of the sponsors as Peace Park Foundation, Export Trading Group (ETG), First National Bank (FNB), Country Millers, Home Coming USA, Bio-Carbon Partners, UPND West, Mansa Sugar, Liseli Lodge, Smart Pharmacy, University of Barotseland and African Parks among others.

Zambeef Products PLC Executive Corporate Affairs and Sustainability officer, Ezekiel Sekele disclosed that the passion for his company was to feed the nation sustainably.

Mr Sekele said that Zambeef remains committed to driving innovations at its farms and also to research in order to find alternative ways to support the national food security agenda.

He said Zambeef prides itself in food safety and production of very high-quality food products.

“We thank the Litunga for giving us a conducive environment for doing our business and in this regard, it will grow,” Mr Sekela said.

Meanwhile, Termites Meat Supplies representative, Chishala Malekano said that his Kitwe based company was established in 2014, adding that it was Zambian owned and started operating in Western Province in 2020.

Mr Malekano explained that when the company started operating in the province, it discovered that the livestock farmers were faced with the challenge of travelling long distances when taking the animals to the abattoirs.

He said that Termites Meat Suppliers then established bulking centres in seven districts in the province in view of taking the market closer to the farmers.

Mr Malekano added that the company provides transport to the centres to collect cattle and the farmers free of charge and take them to their two abattoirs in Limulunga district.

Mr Malekano explained that at the abattoir, farmers are provided with accommodation and food until they are paid.
He also said that the company is currently constructing a feed load in Limulunga that will be accommodating 1,000 animals at a time which will be increasing the number of animals to be bought from the farmers and also add value to them.

“All this could not have been possible without the support of his Majesty and the Barotse Royal Establishment,” Mr Malekano said.

After the royal banquet, assorted gifts were presented to Paramount Chief Chiti Mukulu of the Bemba speaking people.


  1. Termites Meat Supplies hahahahahaha! Whade fack… does HH have shares in those termites company too like Zambeef?
    Termites are insects, not beef, maybe am drunk like Edgar..

    • No I doubt you are drunk, more like semi-literate or ignorant,
      You would do well to go to the registrar of Companies

  2. Way to go my people… don’t forget to pay the actual farmers real, fair prices for their products, animals, food and services. Most of these companies make something as staggering as 1000% profits at the expense of the local people who suffer and work their behinds off.

  3. What did our cousins bring? Hope they did not come all the way from Mungwi to Limulunga with nothing. These new cousines……kikiki.

  4. A guest brings gifts. A guest does not receive gifts. That being said, all these chiefs should receive no money from the government. We are already paying money to the members of parliament from their areas. If the Bemba, the Lozi, the Nyanja etc, want to have chiefs, they need to pay for their own chiefs. I as a Tonga, should not be paying taxes to support the chief of the Lozi or the Bemba. He is their chief, let them pay for him.

  5. This is why Zambia should be federated. Lusaka City should be its own federal district, like Moscow, Washington DC or Mexico City. Lusaka province should be added to Southern Province: same people one province. Each province should get to keep 40% of its income. Let it remit 60% to the federal government for federal projects. Let each province have a governor, a small staff, and a small provincial assembly, which will work towards developing it. This will kill all talk of secession. It will end the practise of looting one or two provinces, to pay for tribal universities in certain provinces. It will end the proactise of saddling the whole country with loans the benefitting only certain parts of the country. Only the federal government will have the right borrow foreign money.

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