Friday, February 14, 2025

Former Presidential Aide Amos Chanda Sentenced to 12 Months for Theft and Evidence Destruction


Amos Chanda
Former President Lungu’s Press Aide Amos Chanda

Former special assistant to the President for press and public relations, Amos Chanda, has been sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment by the Lusaka Magistrate’s Court for stealing and burning a court record. This verdict follows an incident where Mr. Chanda, along with his wife and sister-in-law, was previously jailed for seven months for obstructing Anti-Corruption Commission officers during a search at his house. They were released after appealing their initial sentence.

In the recent case, Mr. Chanda was found guilty of theft and destroying evidence. Lusaka Magistrate Irene Wishimanga also fined him K5,000 for destroying the evidence, with a default sentence of three months in prison if the fine is not paid.

Chanda pleaded not guilty to the charges, which included stealing a case record belonging to the government of Zambia and willfully destroying it to prevent its use in evidence in a judicial proceeding. The court heard evidence that Chanda had a conversation with individuals, including Intelligent Mobility Solutions board chairman Walid El Nahas and former Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) Chief Executive Officer Zindaba Soko, where he admitted to obtaining the court record and burning it.

The theft of the court record, identified as case record number CRMP/001/2020, was alleged to have occurred between May 12, 2020, and October 1, 2022. Chanda was also accused of willfully destroying the record during the same period.


  1. Not even his witchcraft could save him? But then he’s been jailed for a misdemeanor. We wanted him punished for the substantive offense. The court could’ve used the counsel’s copy to hear the de novo. We’ll not know how our money in speeding penalties was being stolen by being deposited into a private account. Amos has been assisted and will live like a king in prison with the stolen money. It’s a mockery!

  2. Did he think he would not be found out? The stealing of court documents only work if you are a nonentity. Bon voyage and enjoy the menu of half cooked beans.

  3. WOW!!!! This must a very good news to the govt… mmmmm. politicians kwena.. why are you chaps so short-sighted? You guys have no shoddy deals you are doing, you are clean, really?. Advice to you all politicians and you their worshipers is this: Whatever you throw in the universe has a way of coming back at you.

  4. WOW!!!! This must a very good news to the govt… mmmmm. politicians kwena.. why are you chaps so short-sighted? You guys have no shoddy deals you are doing, you are clean, really?.

  5. You politicians must learn from former politicians that it always end in tears. You see this Amos guy now, hey, he was pompous & all. But you still find, see & hear the current ones doing the same.. balimilowa imwe mwefibantu? It is a celebration now, but wait for your time.

  6. Why is this even news…..Politics 24/7…..lets concentrate on developing Zambia…less Politics and more real work…..HH

    • It is news because it is something that needs to be disseminated more publicly. Everyone in a position of power needs to be in fear of the government property in his possession. The warming applies to everyone for HH/Lungu/Satan/etc/etc.. This precedent needs to be seen and understood. I am glad HH is doing this because when his own ass gets out of power, we are going in their scrutinise. The damn books better be in order, lest he become a neighbour of this Antony Chanda. The same needs to apply MPs, heads of parastatals, headmasters, university chancellors.. If you are corrupt or negligent, we are coming after you ass.

  7. Why is this even news…..Politics 24/7…..lets concentrate on developing Zambia…less Politics and more real work…..HH

  8. This just highlights who we are ! As if these are the only court Docs to go missing
    and magistrates erring when it comes to high profile figures
    Why 2 sets of rules ??

  9. ………

    The stealing of court exhibits and evidence is an old favourite of zambian criminals…….

    Made famous and Perfected by the mersur of chita Lodge……..

  10. ……..

    How can a country develop, when……..

    Every one is a theif………?

    From the president , his advisers , MPs , their wife’s , their children……….all theives

    Nothing but theives,

    Shame on you…….

    May you all die a thousand deaths.

  11. Why are you ignoring real big financial crimes with all the evidence such as the cases of Bowman Lusambo, Chitalu Chilufya, Highvie Hamududu for running away with K 6 million for interparty dialogue, Kaizer Zulu, Hibeene Mwiinga, Mvunga, Joseph Malanji over two visible big helicopters which are not needles, Michael Katambo over fertiliser scandals, Brian Mundubile who got paid on several huge construction contracts without doing the work, Ronald Chitotela, Steven Kampyongo and all those real evidence packed cases. Stop this partial treatment

    • Honestly……..

      Every one is out to steal ????

      Our country is in deep trouble, we may not get out of this mindset………

      It could have reached all levels of society, where everyone’s first thought is stealing………..

      May God help zambia

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