Monday, June 17, 2024

ERB calls for investment in alternative clean sources of energy


Amid the power deficit that has resulted in load shedding, the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) is calling for more investment in alternative clean sources of energy such as solar and gas.

ERB Copperbelt Region acting senior manager Ezra Siamasumo said the board wants more people and entities to invest in solar and gas.

Mr. Siamasumo has pledged ERB’s commitment to creating an enabling environment for the energy sector that is environmentally friendly and resilient to climate change.

He was speaking when selected ERB officials and the media toured the Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) Solar Power Plant in Itimpi, Kitwe.

“Regulatory flatworks are in place so we just want to see more people entering the energy sector investing in solar power plants so that we can have an energy sector that is more resilient to climate change,” Mr. Siamasumo said.

CEC Senior Manager Renewables Reuben Munungwe said Zambia should take advantage of the good sunlight to generate more solar power for domestic use and export.

According to Radio Icengelo News, CEC acting Chief Financial Officer Lizzie Muwowo saluted ERB for supporting the corporation’s solar power projects in Riverside and Itimpi.


  1. Power deficit? I don’t believe it…. first: the mighty Kariba Dam cannot run out of water…. second in January this year minister Kapala told us that there would be no loadshedding this year because of the mitigation measures his government had put in place.

  2. Ask Bheki Nxumalo of Eskom how to do it. Our top leadership in Zesco is sleeping. I now accept that us Zambians always find an easier say by following the majority. Let’s learn to do impossibilities by isolating ourselves from the majority mentality.

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