Thursday, February 13, 2025

Of some PF MPs making alarming statements!


We’ve said it time and again; we shall still echo the same sentiments – the Patriotic Front (PF) is tribal to the core!

Why do we say so?

Instead of the PF leadership leaving the Police to conduct thorough investigations during the “abduction” of Jay Jay Banda and inform the nation accordingly, they quickly bring in the issue of tribe. Some of the utterances issued by some PF MPs at their press briefing yesterday have the potential to not only erode the spirit of our “One Zambia One Nation” motto as envisaged by our forefathers, but also easily turn our rivers red with blood, make our streets littered with decomposing corpses as vast acreage of land is opened-up for mass graves to accommodate great numbers of our people as a result of tribal wars!

“We shall also declare Eastern province a “No Go” area for your tribesmen and women,” cautioned Munir Zulu. “Let the Northerners be in the North; we the Easterners shall be in East……Let the Southerners be in the South!”

What a careless and irresponsible statement to make! Who is Munir Zulu to confine certain ethnic groupings to specific locations within this country? Zulu is simply whipping up people’s emotions and stoking the flames of tribalism which may engulf this nation and consume everything in its path!

At the same event, Maureen Mabonga, the Mfuwe constituency MP claimed that the hatred that is being targeted at the Bembas and the easterners is getting out of hand.

She further warned that, “the Bembas, the easterners are larger in numbers. They may have the state machinery (meaning UPND). How many police officers do we have? We Bembas and the easterners have the numbers.”

Madam Mabonga this is tantamount to a declaration of tribal wars! How would our citizens in the villages surely interpret this message? They’d definitely take it that certain tribes are mightier than the others. Don’t be surprised if our people shall soon resort to going after each other’s throats as a result of your prompting.

We’d like to call upon the police to demonstrate that they are firmly in charge by bringing in the two said individuals for questioning. They’ve just gone way too far!

As for the Petauke Central Member of Parliament, Jay Jay Banda this writer won’t be swayed by emotions and comment anyhow but rather leave the police to do their work. And as the police invite Banda to assist them with investigations, please consider procuring Lie Detectors as well, just in case you don’t have the same, to help you establish the truth, and nothing but the truth. You may be dealing with complicated and crafty individuals who may be upto no good. Remember what Edgar Lungu had hinted at….that 2026 might be too far. Open your eyes and ears wider!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Polical/Social Analyst


  1. Mr Kaping’a you are quick to show the PF video but you have not even referred to the video showing the Upnd youth leader threatening violence and making the SOUTHERN PROVINCE a no go area…. isn’t that tribalism? If you think you are for national unity you should tackle the two issues within this article. Why is it tribalism or hate speech when it comes from some not from your provinces but is not when one of you does that to the former

    • You are talking rubbish. Southern Province is full of Bemba and Nyanja. One of you was making claims the other day that you can go to Livingstone and speak to a taxi driver in Bemba, so shut up. Also, all these *****s who are talking about making northern and eastern provinces no go Zones, do not realise that they themselves live in Tongaland. These *****s have stolen money made by the Zambezi provinces, bought mansions and farmland in Tongaland. No Tonga lives in Eastern or Northern Province, and yet all these Munir Zulus live in Lusaka, Kabwe, Kafue, Mazabuka, Monze, Siavonga, Itezhi Tezhi, Choma, Kalomo, Zimba, Livingstone and even Kazungula…

    • Umodzi kumawa,Edgar Lungu,UKWA fronted by tribal bigots like Munir,Managani,Msoni,Changala etc, are one and the same group of disgruntled and power-hungry peasants who will attempt to ride on the current economic albeit, natural disaster, to create a semblance of a failed state and then try to force early elections.They cannot fathom another five years of an HH presidency.They simply cannot understand what it will mean to them and their families bellies.
      They do not inspire nor enjoy the goodwill of most donor and co-operating partners, so they must be isolated and caged in their boots. Zambia must remain a peaceful country

    • PF are sore losers! Do they think we have forgotten what they did to this country just a few years ago? I think Miles Sampa should reign in these dissidents. ECL should be relegated to the annals of history. I still don’t know how Zambia ever elected him as leader! We must have been as drunk as he is!

    • The difference between the 2 is that Munior and Mabonga are elected Members of parliament, an organ of government. The other is a cadre who should indeed be punished too. Clearly, the 2 MPs should not promote this kind but help loosen the tensions. This is the PF we lived under for many years. ECL should have gone into retirement like Inonge and leave young people like Sangwa, Mpundu and others to run oppositions.

  2. i realy wonder why lungu’s close supporters dont see that the man is actually a danger to their own lives. It’s very strange hw they keep giving in to be used by lungu to disseminate ethnic hatred.

  3. The stage was set by “Hate Speech” that was initiated by the UPND Youths who threatened JJ Banda and insulted ECL. The MPs were reacting to that provocation. What would you do if people are issuing threats and acting on them. Only a fool would do nothing. I do not blame the MPs for their statements. Last week Umozi Kumawa also reacted to the toxic environment in the country. It is still too early to know who is on the right path with those criminals on the loose. Thank God our prayers were heard for the MP’s life.

  4. The name Maureen Mabonga as a political brand is new to me. What a way to make your name known! I think we should be more concerned about what the Ministry of Education has put in the school syllabus, including languages of instruction in early education, to advance nation-building. We clearly have a problem that requires an appropriate policy response. The arrogance shown by Maureen Mabonga has a cause.

  5. PF is a hard core tribal Party. The longer it stays in the realms of our Political system the higher the risks of a tribal war. They always talk of many numbers trying to justly why they should rule over other tribes. They referred to Mwanawasa as hailing from a small tribe and therefore unfit to rule Zambia. Currently they have coined a discriminatory phrase of Zambezi to refer to the trobes they hate – Their hangover of dominance will make them kill innocent people. What type of a people are these ? If there was a way – this Party should be banned from Politics for life.

  6. A toxic environment had been set by the UPND youths that were issuing threats and insulting the former Head of State. The MPs and Umozi Kumawa last week were reacting to those threats that someone had acted upon. The country needs healing and the UPND and well as PF have failed the Zambian people in providing prosperity and peace.

  7. Let cool minds prevail. The sponsored kids (young politicians) and their sponsors fanning ethnic hate to score political mileage think civil conflict is a game. These young thug politicians should be prosecuted in courts of law. Their videos should also be sent to the ICC in Den Hague in advance so that their sponsors will be held accountable for any crimes that will be committed on Zambian people. There are many lessons to be learnt from the sad history of Rwanda including the role of the church in that episode.

  8. And yet you call this boy honourable honestly they were adults the likes of Gon Mudubile to guide the young man to choose his words carefully what a shame

    • It’s because you don’t feel it…. how do you take it after passing a job interview and ready to start but all of a sudden from nowhere you are told that someone with more experience has been employed instead of you…..then you see the name of the more experienced fellow…. be careful how you handle these matters.

  9. Mr. Kapinga, it’s crucial to step back from the edge. Please moderate your language and maintain impartiality in your comments. The abduction of Hon. JJ Banda is a serious matter that could destabilize Zambia or any country for that matter.

  10. While we are busy being destructed by none issues loadsheding is at 12 to 15hrs a day, none GMO mealie meal is k350, fuel k27, fertilizer is at k1500, the dollar is at k27,people are busy pocketing CDF. No one including the president and even LT are addressing pressing issues. All that is happening in the country is police arresting UPND opponents day in day out. By the time we work up from Munir Zulu, JJ Banda, Edith Nawakwi, Nakachinda, stories all what costs I mentioned will be very high and Hichilema will be showing graphs again. PF Ministers where reacting to what UPND said and none of the UPND have been arrested.

  11. they are fooling themselves. eg mabonga doesnt know that the majority in northern and muchinga are not actually bemba but just speak bemba for unity and peace purposes. if you analyze the 2021 and the recent by elections, you will realise that most of the people dont like the nosense being triggered by the few corrupt crooks in the name of tribe

  12. There was a lot of pressure for the abductors to give up Mr Banda. These statements from the MPs contributed to the pressure. There were also the chiefs from Eastern Province and the witches too threatened retaliation.

  13. Perpetrators of tribal conflict in Zambia need to be brought to book. PF/UKA leadership is very selfish as there sole plan is to try steer Zambians into a tribal conflict in the hope of gaining power again. But Zambians are not foolish. Zambians are way wiser than any political gimmicks parties play.

  14. Speaking a language doesn’t has nothing to do with numbers.look at muchinga and northern provinces. Who are the majority? The majority are those who don’t like nor support the few corrupt crooks

  15. Can’t believe even supposedly enlightened people on here are falling for this bullsh*t tribal garbage, and taking sides. You would think in 2024 they would have been a bit civilised.
    Why would an elected MP respond to a cadre beer hall utterances with unhinged and inflammatory tribal war remarks without any validated evidence. What a country this is! Unfreaking believable!

  16. Just from the comments, one could tell that most of us Zambians are playing with the black mamba by its tail. These MPs talk is very serious that no one should take side & support. Land, Religion & Enthinicity are the major causes wars world over. It reminds me of some colleagues from Rwanda I met in Showgrounds in Lusaka in 2012. The ZNS were doing their thing then & a good number of people were running towards the main arena. My colleagues were taken aback & made it clear that people in Rwanda would always run in the opposite direction from the gun shots. Running in the direction of the gun shots was so shocking to them.

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