Friday, March 7, 2025

Message For Today:The Goodness of God


Today’s Scripture

What would have become of me had I not] believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living!
Psalm 27:13, AMPC

Friend, when David was a teenager, he was stuck out in the shepherds’ fields, taking care of his father’s sheep. He had a big dream for his life, but nobody paid attention to him. David could have been discouraged, but today’s Scripture says he believed he would see God’s goodness when all the circumstances were against him. He was confident that he would leave his mark despite how long it had been, despite who didn’t believe in him.

The Scripture says there’s a set time for God to favor you. There are marked moments when God has planned to suddenly promote you, suddenly turn it around, suddenly open the door. For David, that happened when the prophet Samuel showed up at his home and anointed him to be the next king. David was saying, “If I hadn’t believed in God’s favor, I wouldn’t have been anointed by Samuel, wouldn’t have defeated Goliath, outlasted King Saul, and taken the throne.” You can rest knowing that God has already lined up the breaks, the protection, and the promotion to take you into your destiny.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You have set times when You show me Your favor in special ways. Thank You for the absolute confidence I can have that if I keep moving forward in faith, I will see Your goodness. I believe that You will amaze me with what You have planned. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Joel Osteen Ministries

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